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26-01-2022, 06:22 PM
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA and I have a second home in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.
Posts: 684
Part 8 Earth Genesis
The travelers arrive at a world, a planet which orbits a star, a minor one, very old, within the greater Pleiades. This world, in the distant past, had mountains and valleys. It had oceans and biological life abundant. But it’s time had passed and now a new role emerged.
The atmosphere has thinned. It is mostly carbon dioxide and nitrogen now. As a result of the changing chemical make up of the whole and the weakening magnetic planetary field adjustments in the crustal rock has resulted in the terrain being reduced now to no more than low hills with the occasional deep rifts. A visitor to this world who remembered it as it was would recognize it only by the familiar star patterns in the night skies.
It is quiet, now, and stable… But it is useful still, viable in another way, a new purpose. Now, upon this planet, human souls come to gather in the higher correspondence of the dense physical to study and learn. We arrive now on the ethereal copy of this world in decline. And as we, carried by our magical carpet approach we see bands of reds and oranges high above the surface. These, and the areas of stability within them, are our destination. We gaze in wonder as the carpet slows. Our angel guide is watchful.
The surface of this world is no longer habitable but high up in the subtle, layered heavens which surround there are yet zones wherein we will find the comforts of familiar surroundings. Just to give it a name supposing we call this “atmospheria”. Indeed this is the name other travelers have given this “upper physical” world in the past. We approach now and begin to slow.
On the carpet, the magical carpet which has been our trusty steed for several adventures now, we stare in wonder at the sights which draw into view. Rudolph and his crew, faithful as always, guide us as we alight in or on what appears to be a semi solid structure. Maybe "layer" is a better word. Although none of what we find is physical matter consider the rings of our sacred planet Saturn and you will realize the correspondence. All is in motion when observed from above but as soon as we alight we are surprised by the feeling of stability. We are here now. The carpet has stopped.
We travelers are many in number. Some are James, Gem, pixiedust, Anala, Miss Hepburn, Elfin. Others include Just Tim, Lomax and Legrand. And towards the rear of the carpet but never forgotten are all those who frequent the Healing Room. Many have invited friends who are unknown to us. All are welcome now.
The lady, the First Angel, speaks: “We have come to this place because of it’s historical significance.” She continues: “Upon this cluster of stars, long ago, a group of angels came from their home center which we have so recently left. They came with a specific assignment which was concerning the preparation of these seven stars in the constellation (Pleiades) so that they would be suitable centers of activity for the great ones which would follow. You will recall that certain stars are “informed” by great Manasic beings we know as gods. These then begin the intelligent work of the constructions of worlds to come. This is their immediate goal. The more remote goal is the preparation of specific worlds for lower lives, souls expressing in the physical as human beings (and other forms). As human beings are know to have guides… so do the lesser gods. We, the angels are given the responsibility in this area.” The lady pauses and we recall that these Manasic “gods” are beings which arrived on the scene (were created) at the moment of the great creative effort. Further we remember that before this great event the higher heavens, including the Atmic plane and her forms did already exist. To each in creation… a season and purpose. She continues: “Perhaps if you draw a diagram these relationships will be easier seen?” Shall we continue?
This constellation then is one in this quadrant of the galaxy which will be key to the distribution of higher consciousness within it’s area of influence. This then settles into divisions, forms through which expressiveness (godly expressiveness) may begin. This is the way it was… and is yet in far distant galaxies.
The Lady again continues: “Do we remember that on the physical plane there are points of gravitational balance in association with various planets? Our scientists have identified these and called them Lagrange points. It is the same with stars when arranged as constellations. A point in the higher ethereal correspondence of these serves as an intersectional, focal point from which the collective influences may then be transmitted outward to other stars and thus to the worlds in association with them. This is, or was, the beginning of what we on Earth now call the science of Astrology.” And in this angels play a vital role.
We ask the Lady: “May we know when these events took place? It might help us to understand the sequence of events.” The Lady replies: “Yes. In Earth reckoning what we have described was in the days when your sun was yet young, the planets had emerged from the sun and congealed forming balls of gasses or liquid rock. In Earth years this was approximately 3.8 billion years ago. Remember though that the passage of time differs depending on the plane of the observer. Yet this information may help you to visualize better, what would become your world.”
A world is established for use by human souls depending on it’s position with respect with those heavenly influences which will be so essential to the spiritual evolution of those souls who will inhabit it. Thinking of this statement look to the heavens. Do we see an arrangement of constellations as though they circled the universe around our planet? We do. These will be spoken of more later in the story.
At a certain point in it’s life our sun grew smaller, hotter and stabilized into a source of the radiations which would sustain the physical worlds in it’s sphere of influence. This completed our solar system was nearing the point of readiness at which human souls could inhabit the planet Earth. First however the higher correspondence of the Earth system would have to be constructed and initiated (given life). At this point the angels or rather the angel of our system, took action.
Angels are known to be messengers. “Yes” the Lady affirmed, “but they are much more than that”. They convey to the Manasic plane Lords the instructions from above (the timeless Will of the Creator. In this case a great one was sent to our system. This one would become (and is yet today) the “god” of our solar system. Upon arrival our sun became what we would later call a “sacred globe”. Now, in our time, if we could but know it. Our sun is the body of manifestation of the great soul which the ancients called “god”. More specifically the sun god. That expression is really quite accurate. It is noteworthy, too, to say that the entire solar system exists and is held vital within that great aura. The minds of men, being a part of it, knew of these things instinctively and sought to bring it all closer to themselves. They began to refer to this great entity as the “sun god”. And later even this changed. In our time our sun remains the body of manifestation of this great one. That has never changed. But now may we look closer to our planet? If our sun is the body of a god might not there be lesser entities closer to the Earth?
The Lady again speaks: "Do we see in this the origins of older traditions which worshiped the sun and those later which moved away from this and worshiped the greater god of all creation? These evolutionary ideas are parts of what gives humanity the dynamic to progress, advance spiritually."
In those days the Earth was a bit closer to the sun. It rotated quicker. Days and years were somewhat shorter than today. The early oceans were mildly acidic. The internal fires within caused convection currents of energy resulted in fractures of the surface beneath the waters. The waters then subsided into the upper mantel material bringing lighter elements with them. This combination resulted in the lighter rocks and associated structures that we have come to call continental rock. Being much lighter than that which lay below these great masses rose up eventually becoming dry land. As these lighter formations rose above the waters the atmosphere was enriched and the rains began. Now the salts that had separated out from the continental materials washed into the seas neutralizing the acids. At this point the Earth was ready for biological life to be implanted. All these things were the result of two influences. The first was the Will of the great one who was now the causative force in our system (our sun god). The second was another. A lesser force perhaps but one that was vital as we will see. All this was in strict accordance with the will of the great one who ever presided.
The Lady spoke again: “It is good to impart to you a more complete view of the events which preceded our world as we find it today. In the understanding there will be wisdom”. The planet, our Earth, at that time, had only a rudimentary spiritual heaven. This was the ethereal double that is common to all physical matter. But biological life required more than this. Before even simple life forms could exist the matching heavens must first be created. Imagine life coming and going to and from the planet. The souls of even microbial life must have a heaven to retreat to after death. And so the Earth’s heavens began to be developed. In the next part we will explore this a bit more and discover a most important link to the Orion system.
To be continued.
Last edited by bartholomew : 27-01-2022 at 01:52 PM.
26-01-2022, 07:35 PM
Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Brooklyn, New York
Posts: 4,595
It's nice to see you posting your wisdom again, Bartholomew.
26-01-2022, 07:40 PM
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA and I have a second home in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.
Posts: 684
Originally Posted by Still_Waters
It's nice to see you posting your wisdom again, Bartholomew.
It's channeled from Bartholomew. All I do is sit here and type. I am reading along just like you are.
27-01-2022, 01:39 PM
Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Brooklyn, New York
Posts: 4,595
Originally Posted by bartholomew
It's channeled from Bartholomew. All I do is sit here and type. I am reading along just like you are.
That's a very similar process to ACIM (A Course In Miracles).
27-01-2022, 02:01 PM
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA and I have a second home in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.
Posts: 684
I've heard of that Course but never read about it. My path was a little different. I believe you.
Originally Posted by Still_Waters
That's a very similar process to ACIM (A Course In Miracles).
04-02-2022, 02:16 AM
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA and I have a second home in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.
Posts: 684
Part 9 Our Return
We travelers are upon an ethereal worldscape high above a dying planet, orbiting a lesser star in the Pleiades system. Here, under the tutelage of the Lady, the First Angel, we have leaned, or begun to learn, about the spiritual lives of the universe without which the physical could never have been sustained. Shall we continue?
We ask: “May we know more about the evolution of our solar system? The Lady replies: “Yes, and much more? But shall we first leave this place and go to where those specific memories are brighter?” At this we again board our conveyance, the magical carpet and, when all are ready, depart in a circular path in the direction of our own star, the sun.
A sleep seems to descend on us now. We are enveloped in what seems a haze on an otherwise bright day on Earth. Again the sensation of acceleration. Speeds, velocities beyond our ability to describe. Sensations of ever curving trajectories. We sleep as the journey continues. Then we awake as the Lady says: “We have returned. Once again we are in your familiar Earth heavens. We are about to arrive in the part of your astral plane which is set aside as a repository of the history of your world. Here we will explore and learn. Questions will arise and be answered too.”
The scene before us reminds us of our familiar Healing Room area. There is a lawn and flowering trees. In the center, both near and far, are buildings which are also familiar. To some they appear in the Romanesque style. To others as classic Greek. Yet to others who have memories of Atlantis the early Egyptian designs please the eye. In the distance, too, are buildings which closely resemble Indian and Indo-Chinese temple complexes. This is the way of it in our heavens. To each in accordance with her or his experiences, memories. Again the Lady speaks: “We will enter the first of these.” And as we approach a doorway opens before us.
Silence seems to dominate as our senses react and adjust to these slightly different conditions. Imagine in a dream state some point at which one dream stops, a change is made, then a new dream of a different sort begins. This would closely describe what we feel now.
The Lady watches as we adjust ourselves to this place. We are still reclining on the carpet and now we are told: “Stay seated and you will move on a tour through the history of your world and it’s heavens”. We wait.
The above setting is one in which we will continue in the final part of this series.
At this point our story will change from one form to another. As a story it will end but as a historical narrative it will continue. What is a story anyway? Is it pure fiction or something else? Our stories thus far have been in the form of novels. They contain much truth, some literal and some parable-like embellished or filled out with bits of fiction where appropriate making a more enjoyable experience for the reader. For instance a good historical novel can include fictional characters without losing it’s authenticity. This technique is what has been used so far. Small amounts of literary freedoms have been taken but always with the purpose of furthering the underlying truths, the revelation and understanding of which are the sole goals. But this changes now. It will be a story no longer. From now on we will be exploring the history of the Earth system as it factually is. Therefore it is no longer appropriate to call it a story.
In the continuation we will visit the role of the Orion system regarding our solar system as well as returning to the Pleiades. There will be much to discover. It might even be that certain questions regarding Earth pyramids will be explained.
Perhaps the most important of all will be the explanation of the further role of the gods both distant and near and their interactions with the angels. In this area many religious beliefs will be cited and some light will be shed.
For those who have a keen interest in astrology, both exoteric and the less common esoteric varieties much will be revealed. Here again, both gods and angels play vital roles.
Those of us who were incorporated into the story are real enough. The Lady, the First Angel is very real. The world of men has long known of her by different names. The various spiritual planes in particular the very high Atmic are quite real and really are of pre-creation origins. The descriptions of portals, high to lower (trans-creation boundaries) spiritual realms are very real. Some stars and some black holes do indeed function as described. If we could see a black hole, a mature, functioning one, from it’s other side we would see a torrent of energy emitting from a point in great rush. It is really the reverse of the expansion of creation. It is more of a contraction into purer form. This release of mass, it’s conversion to higher spiritual energy, is the reason why a black hole, although immensely dense, does not ignite and become a star. This is just one example of the truths which have been used in our story. The magical carpet? Well that is a colorful convenience. Why not have a little fun if we can? The various animals which care take our Healing Room? They are very real and can be interacted with by anyone who visits the Astral in a dream.
The carpet and it’s passengers, we the travelers, now depart for the Earth’s more familiar Astral plane and the gardens surrounding the Healing Room. We alight. The carpet seems to be smaller now, it’s tour ended. Rudolph greets his friends who have all come to hear of distant places. Goodness the pig is ever hungry of course but manages to sit quietly, listening. High Bette and Lady Pumpkin standing just to the side. They were not really omitted this time as a link to them carried by a helper spirit was always present within the aura of the Lady. They thus were a part of the story in an indirect way. Rudolph and his team have departed for their home planet in the Polaris system. In the distance they are seen, the dust of stars in their wake.
The companions look about now and find that the garden table is set for a feast. And afterwards? Healing sleep for all.
One of the greatest of gifts from God is our ability to discern fact from fancy, or sometimes combine the two in interesting ways. If this were not accepted as being factual then we would not find parables in the Bible. In this area let each reader define his or her own points of demarcation. As we differ as do our abilities to perceive. In our worlds there are no absolutes at all. Truths are fluid and changing auras within which another story, one yet untold, lays, waiting for us to find it.
Because of the change from story to historical narrative formats the continuation of this series will move from the Story thread to another part of the forum, perhaps to: Science & Spirituality.
When it is finished I will post one last comment in the Story thread asking the interested reader to look for it. Where to find it.
Thanks to Spiritual Forums for providing forums in which each of us can express what we find to be true.
James / Bartholomew
14-02-2022, 08:32 PM
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA and I have a second home in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.
Posts: 684
Thanks to everyone who is following the story. Your interest means a lot to me. At this point it changes format though. It is no longer a story and cannot remain in the Article/Story forum. Please look for it's continuation through the link below.
Later, when it is finished, please look to the Healing Room for a reunion of ideas.
14-04-2022, 06:22 PM
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA and I have a second home in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.
Posts: 684
Part 10 Angles of the galaxy
Preface: It was said previously that in preparation for our planet to later host biological and then human life certain spiritual matters had to be initiated. The first of these was the establishment of a series of heavens in the Earth scheme which would, quite literally, vitalize and “inform” the forms that would soon walk the Earth. Remember that the ethereal plane was already in existence because of the presence of physical material. The new planes would be the astral and the mental with provisional connections to several higher which, in the future (of our solar system), would only be present in our sun and Saturn.
Note: In this story when we speak of “universe” we refer to our own galaxy. This is because each of those vast collections of worlds has it’s own story to tell. The Milky Way is ours.
The travelers in our story have been in the Healing Room, resting and waiting for the return of the Lady, the First Angel, who had promised a continuation. We are all gathered in the garden adjacent to the main building now. She begins to speak: “If everyone is ready we will once again journey to the place of memories and directions, our galactic center, to continue our investigation of the events which led to the first human souls arriving on Earth. No. It is not the Hall of Memories of the Earth’s Astral plane. That had not yet been established. We will return to (a reflection of) that older Atmic center which is represented by the constellation, the gathering of the Sisters.”
At this point she rises up from the grassy area then, looking back to see our trusty carpet now aloft and we all upon it, she begins to move away. The journey resumes. It seems to have been quite a while since we were all together but the experience of traveling at near to the speed of thought is one that never fails to impress. What appreciation for the vastness of created space is available to he or she who moves at the speed of light? And now, here, in the lower of the spiritual planes we are able to increase our speed again. Stupendous!
It is not only velocity that stimulates our senses but now, as we become more used to being in the company of angels, we realize that our consciousness also changes, adapts to some new requirement.
The Lady explains: “Do we remember before when we first penetrated the barrier between the created worlds and those nearer to the source? In those almost unknowable realms one travels in “being” or better expressed as “consciousness”. Remember? Watch now as we are joined, met by others and guided to that landscape which was begun to record what was to come.”
Now we see in the distance, points of light moving towards us. Rather we are aware of them using the eye of our collective mind. The light that we are being met by is a group of three angels sent or rather called for, by the Lady a moment before. In silence unimaginable they circle then surround our carpet. We watch. They do not speak to us. Indeed they seem to be oblivious to our presence. And yet we are the reason for this occasion. The Lady, of course, senses this. She speaks again: “We have arrived at the place, our destination now. These three that you see are emissaries of the sisterhood of angels assigned to our galactic center. Remember the association between angels and the created gods of the highest of your heavens? Messengers. Custodians. Celestial advocates and guides too. Now watch as they change the form of the heavens through which we travel.”
Before us opens a landscape of pastels. Bars of light that seem to curve away in the distance yet no real motion is discerned. It’s more like we have stepped aboard an already moving conveyance. But now since a kind of resonance is apparent we seem to have arrived in a world, tangible enough to be recognized by us as being something familiar. More like artwork we think. Impressionistic renditions of a world within yet apart. These reactions result from our still changing consciousness. A little different for each. How, we wonder, can we possibly remember this later?
Again the lady speaks: “Yes. You will, later in a dream of the kind that we try to recall but continually fall short of unless you reform this group as you are now. This, you will learn to do. Then the door will open for you.” As we watch we seem to see the three angels, one in each corner of a triangular shape. Very far away they seem to have moved but not out of sight. We wait. A moment later we suddenly realize that we have been watching the formation of the land in which our visit will progress. Again the Lady speaks: Yes do you realize that the essential geometrical form in the created universe is the triangle? And here we, by agency of our three helper angels, have done likewise. We now see the result.” At this the Lady smiles as she knows of our understanding. Again we wait. What seems to be clouds of energy are swirling around us. We move into the nearest of these. Then, as before when we visited the homeland of the angels, a building appears before us. A single doorway. We enter. Darkness. We find ourselves paused, no longer moving forward. Are we sitting or just suspended above some floor? No matter. Around us now images begin and a larger story but one that is truly a part of our own, begins.
Again we are told the story of the beginning, the creation. This time however we are aware of the activities of the angels. As the boundaries of the higher spiritual planes are rent but before the beginnings of the rush of high spiritual matters which will, so quickly, be slowed and expanded resulting in the first of physical and Ethereal matter in our universe, we see angels quickly moving as though they are shepherds. Indeed this is exactly what they are. Certainly the source, the God, creates but it is through the agency of the angels who manage that which results. And yes, now we remember that angels have always been with us on Earth. In pivotal times of stress they would seem to always be there to help. Now, though, we see them as no one has ever before. As we watch they take up their positions “in the firmament” as it is sometimes referred to by those visionaries who always seem to know. They continue to move outward from the point of manifestation.
As we watch we understand that now we are traveling through both consciousness and the galactic lower heavens too. And, in addition, we can see the physical universe taking shape. How can anyone even dream of being able to write about such things? Without help it would be impossible. What follows are those events which preceded the formation of our galaxy only. It is known by us that countless others are thus active. We will stay closer to home though. Shall we continue?
We have come, with the help of the Lady who guides us in a journey of consciousness, that the story of our universe, our galaxy, is also one of the activities of our angels. “Yes”, she affirms. “They are here with you always.”
We sit, in circular fashion in a room within. Surrounding us are curved walls with dark doorways evenly spaced. There are twelve of these. Before each one stands, as if guarding, an angel.
In the next part we will read along as the travelers discover more about the role of angels in our galaxy.
To be continued.
15-04-2022, 03:19 AM
Join Date: Sep 2018
Location: Delhi, India
Posts: 12,348
Twelve doorways, twelve signs of the zodiac, the plot thickens! Do go on, Bartholomew
The heartbeat of God is agape love & living light
15-04-2022, 03:58 AM
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA and I have a second home in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.
Posts: 684
I agree. More about the role of angels in astrology coming right up.
Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
Twelve doorways, twelve signs of the zodiac, the plot thickens! Do go on, Bartholomew
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