Originally Posted by Podshell
I think if we lived more natural lives and had to kill to eat,we may feel better only killinp what we need to,it may inpact on our mental,spiritual and physical life to over kill just due to it tasting good.
I've always said though that I couldn't do it and I say that because I've had one or two instances of being "presented " with freshly killed food.
I actually threatened divorce If it wasn't taken out of the oven and out of my house.
I know it sounds as though I am contradicting myself because I am 100 % an omnivore , but I couldn't do the deed myself.
I know things would be very different if we were still in the caves and we were taught to hunt , catch and prepare our own food , but we're not.
I can swear that I don't even think I could cook and eat a freshly laid egg even though they are meant to be so much nicer than shop bought.
In short , I can't eat anything that is "still warm".
Also I only ever eat anything from the food chain.