vision of a little man with a big head
Hey all,
I see a reoccuring vision of what appears to be a buddha figure made of reddish looking wood, but instead its not human. It has a very big head, bigger than any human. The rest seems normal to me, except that he seems to have shorter legs than Id expect for a human. He sits legs crossed in meditation pose, his hands on the legs where the knees bend (so at the upper side of the knees).
At first he laid in a trashcan with varying colors of trash. Then he laid on varying colors of clothes, possibly dirty. The colors of both pictures were the reddish wooden figure, and the orange, brown, red and white clothes. It feels warm and wise.
Now its just the figure, just colors in the background without a material other than light. And still wise and warm. And there is a dragon around him in a circle, eating her own tail. She is also reddish wooden like.
The little figure has a certain soft smile, and his eyes although slightly closed yet open, radiate wisdom and knowledge of things.
What can this possibly mean?
What I feel in my belly when I see it: someone being proud of me, someone seeing power within me, someone nudging me a direction, someone having distance to me (not getting involved).
Kind regards,