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Old 13-12-2005, 05:12 PM
Posts: n/a
NEW! Poetry Forum

I'm a great lover of poetry, and so I've created a new poetry forum - please feel free to post poems in here:!


Last edited by devolution : 14-09-2006 at 11:18 PM.
Old 14-09-2006, 10:57 PM
Posts: n/a
Two people lost in life’s foul grind,
Soul mates each, how did they find
Each other in this busy life,
He a husband, she a wife.
Both a parent to a child,
Both feeling lost and often wild,
Unhappy in their ordered lives,
He to find solace into a bottle dives.
True love is blind, it cannot see,
Its secret lies in purity,
Can these two a future make,
Their lives asunder will have to break!
How could it be that these two met,
Only through the wonder of the net.
Filled with spirit of both kinds,
He surfed the waves and his soul mate finds.
Their story continues at a pace,
Each other they will eventually face.
Till that moment, with a courage bold,
Only spirit, the future, can unfold.
So, the Soul mates threw off life’s dull grind,
To live forever at each other’s side,
The dream was sweet, but reality better,
He blessed the day that he had met her.
Lazy days were spent in bliss,
He was here and she was his,
She was happy just to be beside,
The one who made her feel alive.
They lay together in the woods,
In a special place that they both loved,
And walked together by the sea,
Happy at last and finally free.
But guilt crept into their carefree minds,
For those whom they had left behind,
Those in despair at being spurned,
So to their duty they returned.
Returned once more to life’s dull grind,
Duller than before and colder this time,
They had tasted true love’s kiss,
And nothing now came close to this.
They never saw each other again,
Time wore off most of the pain,
They lived in perfect complacency,
As examples of honor and decency.
But Soul mates – they can never part,
Each one joined to the other’s heart,
By a silver cord, so strong and true,
Not life, not death, can break in two.
Spirit brought them together to be as one,
The cord can never be undone,
With their souls, to each other, they still speak,
And say “Until death – until death we meet!”.
Old 14-09-2006, 11:00 PM
Posts: n/a
I hope you like it!

Old 14-09-2006, 11:06 PM
daisy daisy is offline
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Old 14-09-2006, 11:16 PM
Posts: n/a
Brought tears to my eyes, Gandalf. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful Poem.


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