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Old 01-09-2022, 08:33 AM
Bimbotimbo Bimbotimbo is offline
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I got a standing ovation

I want to share my nde with you all I,ve not sure this with anybody it happened exactly a year ago September 5th I went to the store to get munchies on that day my next memory I was waking up in a hospital they told me I was very sick and it was Halloween that was more than my little brain could handle I couldn't move anything just my eyes as there were tubes everywhere

I was restrained I look down to my front side it was wide open held there with clamps over the next couple days I was told by my doctor who who was in utter disbelief that I had survived giving me less than a 10% survival chance the one common thing that was true with each person I saw was the look of surprise I was even there the doctor told me I had undiagnosed condition diver-tic-ulites where sacks develop in my digestive tract that night they burst and it killed me actually

I was told I had three times while being operated on each time they went in to fix me I would die they brought me back got operating me again I died again after a few times they didn't even bother sewing me back up that was why my front side was left open when I woke I was completely unaware of any of this as I was in a coma from September 5th till roughly middle of October in my mind I didn't dream when I first woke up it felt like I had just slept the night like any night we sleep there was no reference of time now I say I didn't dream but I did have an experience and it has stuck with me during the coma time I felt like I was way out in the universe alone it was quiet except for the presence there and this presence was telling me not with words this was all subliminal or subconscious communication

anyways this presence was telling me all I had to do was let go the pain would go away and everything would be okay just let go and it just kept saying that it didn't go into detail it just kept saying just got to let go the pain will go away everything will be fine now myself I remember the thoughts of the old saying if it seems too good to be true it probably is that came to mind because I
really wanted to let go I was in a lot of pain in my coma brain wanted it to stop please but it did seem too good to be true my spirit stood up and said no hell no I don't think so it's kind of fuzzy what happened after that but it went away and it was at that same time I awoke out of my coma and like 4 weeks had passed and that experience has really stuck with me

I had to learn to walk and talk again spent about another week in the ICU then was transferred to my local hospital and as I left I looked up to the 4th floor and I could see all my nurses and the doctor clapping giving me standing ovation because when I first was wheeled in there not a single person thought I would survive and I did bravo I spent another four weeks and a different h
ospital and sent home it's been a year almost to the day and this is the first time I've told anybody about that as I write this the tears have started flowing again this is hard to talk about one very big thing I learned is be good to those who are with you and love the ones close to you and tell them now because there's no guarantee about tomorrow it may not come it's not here yet and you may never make it

I almost didn't and that's proof right there these days I don't miss an opportunity to tell someone I love them or how I feel about them that's super valuable oh and I quit smoking and that's super great I'm still torn about my beliefs or disbelief in a god but one thing is for sure there is a much greater power than ourselves that's out there we humans are too narrow-minded to grasp that whole thing
but it is there the presence that I was with was as big as the whole universe that's just how it felt please feel free to comment or any other input I really could use that this is probably the only place that I can share this and be taken seriously thank you
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Old 01-09-2022, 11:00 AM
ThatMan ThatMan is offline
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You had a glimpse of that higher power, I suspect the one you were with ( the presence ) was no one else than Yourself, no, not this apparent self, this mental activity we think we are ( emotions, feelings, perceptions, sensations, and so on), the mind, I mean the Self, the Mind, the source, the very core of your being, pure consciousness. What religion calls God. It's always there, the background, you know, between each thought there is silence, this silence is the background on which and from which all things appear, nothing can taint it, ever the same, nothing can harm it, nothing can ever touch it, the mind sees it as nothingness, emptiness, silence ( hence the "quietness" you experienced ) and yet it is the source of all things.

It is everywhere but if you say it is one place you miss it, if you try to mentally understand it, you miss it, if you try to catch it in your hands, you miss it. It simply is. Try to do this simple exercise, be aware of being aware, incredible right? That is pure consciousness, pure presence, unfolding itself, opening itself, revealing itself, the more you rest in awareness ( the more you are aware of being aware ) the more you "embody" it. The more it grows in you, the less you are, the "you", you think you are, decreases.

If you do not meditate or meditate, when you meditate, rest in awareness, be aware of being aware, focus your attention on the fact that you are aware. Things may come, thoughts, memories, images, perceptions, sensations and so on, you just let them be and continue resting in awareness. This may help you discover more about your experience and the presence. I understand you, to some degree,, I was also very sick last year and had a few NDEs and witnessed many things and of course the people around us can not understand so we come to these places to share our experiences with those who understand.
The truth.
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Old 01-09-2022, 01:45 PM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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I'm so sorry you have no one in real life to talk to about this.
(My group of friends would be lining up to listen to me!!
I'd be getting a lot of free lunches! Lol!)

I'm glad you stopped smoking, that really irritates diverticulitis.
(I always tell people, ''Anything that ends in '-itis ' means inflammation.)
The fact that these inflamed pockets burst, filling you with poison, is an amazing story in itself!
And what a long recovery you went thru!! I would love to know what country or state you live in that had such good doctors!
Seems you are very appreciative...continued good health to you, my friend! :)

*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

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Old 01-09-2022, 02:43 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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I would just Echo what Miss Hepburn has said

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Old 01-09-2022, 07:29 PM
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I swear it, I read your story without breathing, thank you very much for sharing it with us and how strong you've been throughout!
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