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Old 17-10-2010, 09:15 PM
Spiritlite Spiritlite is offline
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Smile I keep smelling flowers

Since yesterday evening I have been smelling flowers on and off, it smells like roses to me.
I don't know if it's from this forum because I smell them when I'm online here, or maybe I smell them in other parts of the house and don't realize it.
Weird, I wonder what it could be.
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Old 19-10-2010, 10:38 PM
nephesh nephesh is offline
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I have read that when one smells things such as flowers and there is no explanation of that smell being there. That this can mean that one of your guides, Angels or a loved one that past over is visiting you. Do you have any relatives who passed over who really loved roses and their smell?

This is from How to feel your Angels by Doreen Vitrue under Common ways in which you feel a spiritual presence,
Catching a whiff of flowers of smoke when theres no blossom or fire nearby.
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Old 23-10-2010, 12:40 AM
Spiritlite Spiritlite is offline
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Huh yeah my grandmother loved roses, however she is in Zimbabwe and we cannot contact her in her old age home and we have no clue if she is alive or not.
Thanks for the response.
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Old 23-10-2010, 01:00 AM
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nepesh is right me lovely.
It's usually a sign of spirit being around. soooo you say it happens when you come on here. Makes sense. Because your talking and thinking about spiritual matters you've opened up your chakra's and have connected, allowing spirit to come through. Now what you have to realise is it's only a thought away. So you could be reading a book, having a convo on the phone, watching a tv programme. Whatever it is your doing can open your awareness up so hence the flowers :) .. now your first thought was your grandmother .. why can't you contact the home she's in? or anohter famly member? xox
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Old 23-10-2010, 01:04 AM
Spiritlite Spiritlite is offline
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Yeah true Jules on this forum I'm spiritual so I am more open.
It's a long story about my grandmother, my mother has basically disowned her and will not give me the address or phone number of the place my grandmother is in SIGH.........bloood relatives can be so mean.
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Old 27-11-2023, 04:25 AM
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I smell a nice sweet smell when I go in certain parts of the neighbourhood.... Usually im out walking at night and I come in front of this group of houses and I smell this beautiful smell...... I doint know where its coming from.....

Then for about 3 or 4 years now off and on I smell this horrible smell like someones cookout but it isnt,sometimes it makes my throat burn,etc.....
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