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Old 08-06-2021, 12:59 PM
Guillaume Guillaume is offline
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Indigo / crystal and the astral plane

I have finally understood something today. I didn't understand why people seemed to be spending so much time in the astral plane. It's a higher plane than the physical, but only the surface of what's after (the mental plane).
Teachers say one should not spend too much time in this plane, as many lower beings are there.

So, for indigo / crystal people that meditate and expect to raise their consciousness to the astral plane, that's nonsense! They are probably already beyond it.
Or if indigo / crystal have people trying to attract them to the astral plane (thinking they will raise their consciousness), they are actually lowering their consciousness.

Functioning in the mental plane is actually working with images in the mind, not with language or emotions. This is something which is usually observed with people in the autism spectrum, or people having a strong visual mind (creators, architects, engineers ...) : they directly work with this intuitive mind.

I hope it helps! (and happy to refine anything with you, I'm not an expert in that topic)
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Old 08-06-2021, 09:41 PM
Just Tim
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Thank you for sharing Guillaume, it'll help people !
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Old 09-06-2021, 12:42 PM
lostsoul13 lostsoul13 is offline
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My children :are got taken to the astral plane after ‘going back in’ after they came out of the account, I suspect they are under a spell and asleep or somehow disappeared from the horizon?? They come and out of the account, where they come from I have no idea,but they tell their stories and then the next one comes: they can come together as well but I suppose there’s an extra spell on the account at the moment: being plugging in to the self—- seeems we can’t manifest there and have to give of light??? I don’t suppose since another avatar has filled the void up that they are spending time on different levels —- waiting at the ‘core’ self to manifest at the self; not away from the self??? Seems disappointing, but I can clearly see it’s happening a lot especially we are from different horizons.... things will get happy—- I don’t want to disappoint the children: there’s not much of a ghost theory either, so it doesn’t help that it’s so domestic: that one has to spend a lot of time in the flesh(whilst, at the ‘self’ everything is working, healing, transport ect
Vampire speed..

Arabic first language (English)—- bear with me and please be patient)
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Old 26-06-2021, 02:13 AM
Matty Matty is offline
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This mental plane is at times a way to stay tethered to the world of the conscious. I can see somewhat of an concept that it is "better" since we live in the world as does our daily life.

Wiki...rarely helps
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Old 29-05-2022, 04:01 AM
AstralTraveller AstralTraveller is offline
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Very interesting Guillaume!

I believe that it's okay for them to raise their conscious to the Astral, even if they are much higher. It just all depends on what they are doing or whatever their purpose. They are here now in the Physical, their actions here will affect the Astral. In the Astral, the experience there will affect the next plane up... ect. Many they are trying to change something. Sorry for my poor grammar, English is not my first.
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Old 01-06-2022, 06:21 PM
WildHairedWoman WildHairedWoman is offline
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Originally Posted by Guillaume
I have finally understood something today. I didn't understand why people seemed to be spending so much time in the astral plane. It's a higher plane than the physical, but only the surface of what's after (the mental plane).
Teachers say one should not spend too much time in this plane, as many lower beings are there.

So, for indigo / crystal people that meditate and expect to raise their consciousness to the astral plane, that's nonsense! They are probably already beyond it.
Or if indigo / crystal have people trying to attract them to the astral plane (thinking they will raise their consciousness), they are actually lowering their consciousness.

Functioning in the mental plane is actually working with images in the mind, not with language or emotions. This is something which is usually observed with people in the autism spectrum, or people having a strong visual mind (creators, architects, engineers ...) : they directly work with this intuitive mind.

I hope it helps! (and happy to refine anything with you, I'm not an expert in that topic)

I agree with what you are saying (not the labels, quit labeling yourself). The astral is not higher consciousness, it is a place where all manner of entities can operate non-physically and there are entities and people (like remote viewers) who hang out there looking for "naive" people or talented people (in the instance of the remote veiwers) to interact with, get information from, harrass, extort, recruit or any number of things. It is not a place to play and it is not a higher "dimension".
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