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Old 30-07-2021, 06:18 AM
The Cobbler's Apprentice The Cobbler's Apprentice is offline
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Originally Posted by ayar415
You love quoting others.

Yes, I do. " A quotation is a handy thing to have about, saving one the trouble of thinking for oneself, always a laborious business." (A.A.Milne)

Originally Posted by ayar415

Try quoting yourself till others quote you.

They have done.
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Old 30-07-2021, 06:37 AM
sky sky is offline
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Originally Posted by The Cobbler's Apprentice
Yes, I do. " A quotation is a handy thing to have about, saving one the trouble of thinking for oneself,
But if you don't use it you lose it
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Old 30-07-2021, 07:47 AM
The Cobbler's Apprentice The Cobbler's Apprentice is offline
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Autobiographical details:- when first getting onto Forums about 25 years ago I was afraid to say boo to a goose. To labour that point would be useless. Therefore I often sought to back up and support a point of view by using a quote from others. Almost hiding behind them.

Funnily, I received a few comments - even personal PM's - from others thanking me for some of the quotes. Some said they had led to reading full books of the person quoted. I am more confident now. But quotes remain. No apologies.
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Old 30-07-2021, 10:37 AM
sky sky is offline
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Originally Posted by The Cobbler's Apprentice
Therefore I often sought to back up and support a point of view by using a quote from others. Almost hiding behind them.
Do you need to ' Hide behind them ' almost ?
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Old 30-07-2021, 11:17 AM
The Cobbler's Apprentice The Cobbler's Apprentice is offline
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Originally Posted by sky123
Do you need to ' Hide behind them ' almost ?

I'm not hiding now. I love words. I enjoy the quotes of others. They also aid self-cultivation, which is encouraged on the Pure Land path, something totally other than waffle about "not-self" and all the rest of it.

Pure Land is not called the "easy way" for nothing......."though few there be who walk it".
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Old 30-07-2021, 11:40 AM
sky sky is offline
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Originally Posted by The Cobbler's Apprentice
on the Pure Land path, something totally other than waffle about "not-self" and all the rest of it.
We are all different, I enjoy talking and examining The Buddha's Teaching's, 'Not Self' included
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Old 30-07-2021, 01:41 PM
The Cobbler's Apprentice The Cobbler's Apprentice is offline
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Originally Posted by sky123
We are all different, I enjoy talking and examining The Buddha's Teaching's, 'Not Self' included

"The dharma is for passing over, not for grasping"

Sometimes the grip becomes too tight and my mind tires.
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Old 31-07-2021, 06:08 AM
sky sky is offline
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Originally Posted by The Cobbler's Apprentice
"The dharma is for passing over, not for grasping"
As is Dharma
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Old 02-09-2023, 06:09 PM
Skull Skull is offline
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Daily Vows

Mahayana has many places where the bodhisattva intention is put into words as vows. Here are some suggested by Nagarjuna in his 500 verse teaching of Ratnavali. Link gives full text:


465 Therefore in the presence of an image
Or reliquary or something else
Say these twenty stanzas
Three times every day:

466 Going for refuge with all forms of respect
To the Buddhas, excellent Doctrine,
Supreme Community and Bodhisattvas,
I bow down to all that is worthy of honour.

467 From all sins I will turn away
And thoroughly maintain all virtues,
I will admire all the merits
Of all embodied beings.

468 With bowed head and clasped hands
I petition the perfect Buddhas
To turn the wheel of doctrine and remain
As long as beings transmigrate.

469 Through the merit of having done all this and through
The merit that I have done and that I will do
May all sentient beings aspire
To the highest enlightenment.

470 May all sentient beings have all the stainless
Powers, freedom from all conditions of non-leisure,
Freedom of action
And good livelihood.

471 May all embodied beings
Have jewels in their hands and may
All the limitless necessities of life remain
Unconsumed as long as there is cyclic existence.

472 May all beings always be
[Born] as superior humans,
May all embodied beings have
Wisdom and the support [of ethics].

473 May embodied beings have a good complexion,
Good physique, great beauty, a pleasant appearance,
Freedom from disease,
Power and long life.

474 May all be skilled in the means [to extinguish
Suffering], and have liberation from it,
Absorption in the Three Jewels,
And the great wealth of Buddha's doctrine.

475 May they be adorned with love, compassion, joy,
Even-mindedness {devoid of] the afflictions,
Giving, ethics, patience, effort,
Concentration and wisdom.
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Old 27-10-2023, 01:40 AM
BigJohn BigJohn is offline
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Originally Posted by Skull
The oral & visionary traditions were the primary sources of all Buddha's teachings (and other Indian paths, for that matter). When they were put into script means little or nothing.

Excellent point. Thanks for pointing that out.

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