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Old 03-09-2023, 06:19 PM
cattowitch cattowitch is offline
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Askfirmations (positive questions)

Hello everyone,

Yesterday I saw a short video on YouTube (I can't find it again) where someone talked about askfirmations and that they are more effective than classic positive affirmations. They should be positive affirmations only in the form of a question, for example, instead of "I am a money magnet," it is "how am I already a money magnet?"

I'm not sure I fully understand the concept and how to use askfirmations. Are there any rules? Should every askfirmation start with "how" or "why?" What are your favorite askfirmations?
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Old 11-09-2023, 06:38 PM
CarbonGoddess CarbonGoddess is offline
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Thank you for your thread. Never heard of askfirmations, however, that's something I am willing to try. I have always used affirmations like 'I attract wealth' or 'I attract health', ' I love wealth', 'I attract abundance' etc...
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Old 12-09-2023, 05:38 PM
venusiangal venusiangal is offline
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Originally Posted by CarbonGoddess
Thank you for your thread. Never heard of askfirmations, however, that's something I am willing to try. I have always used affirmations like 'I attract wealth' or 'I attract health', ' I love wealth', 'I attract abundance' etc...

I'm glad someone brought this topic up here

I personally only use askfirmations as they prove to be more effective than "normal" affirmations. For example, when I say to myself "I am rich", my mind struggles to fully embrace this idea, and doubts quickly arise.

But when I ask myself, "why is it so easy for me to attract money?" my mind readily accepts and contemplates the ease with which money comes into my life - if that makes sense.

I recently read a great article with some examples of askfirmations. I will share it here if I find it.
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Old 13-09-2023, 02:39 PM
Tal M. Tal M. is offline
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For an affirmation to work it has to be able to shift your frequency higher to match with it,
But frequencies can't match if they are too wide apart.
Meaning your affirmation needs to be solely for you that can work at this specific point in time.
It needs to be close enough to your state that it can truly affirm itself in your psyche.
How to know that? With the way it feels.
Meaning, if you say "I am rich and living an abundant life" and it feels bad and unreal, the frequency is too far from your current position and it won't work in shifting. There needs to be a sense of upheaval and acceptance.
So in that position you should change the affirmation to something more believable like "I deserve to feel able to have what I need" and see it clicks better. (just an example)
Once it is registered it'll be easier to affirm an even higher frequency affirmation, and slowly climb up the stairs to believe what you are wanting to believe.

So the affirmation itself doesn't matter what context it has or what form, question or not, what matters is how it makes you personally feel.
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Old 14-09-2023, 07:35 PM
txsha txsha is offline
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I have not used askfirmations before but have heard of them. I believe the idea is when the brain hears a question, it must find a way to answer it and resolve it. So when you say your affirmation in the form of a question, your brain must find a way to make that affirmation a reality to get that question resolved.
Go deeper on law of attraction, ascension, and spirituality here: www.youtube.com/user/psychicts?sub_confirmation=1
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Old 15-09-2023, 10:50 AM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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Originally Posted by cattowitch
I'm not sure I fully understand the concept and how to use askfirmations. Are there any rules? Should every askfirmation start with "how" or "why?"
Hi! You seem new to this. Welcome.
I'm just gonna say...being successful for 48 years now, beyond what many even believe!...
I'm just going to say...I never 'ask'...
tho Jesus said to, I respect that.

I say what you used as an example above is perfect - I am a money magnet.
Money comes easily to me and often.

Never wonder or ask or place any limit in the hows. Leave no room for doubt in you mind, ever.
Say it, believe it. Period. Smile, cuz it's on it way. Done deal!

And yes - you must say something you trust can happen...nothing your mind would have issue with.
I believe everything I SAY ...and you would NOT believe, trust me, the things that have 'come about'.
We are SO powerful as co-creators...it is how we we made!

*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

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Old 08-10-2023, 09:31 AM
SamiManifests SamiManifests is offline
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Askfirmations are a powerful way to reframe positive affirmations into questions, allowing your subconscious mind to actively seek answers and solutions. While they often start with "how" or "why," it's not a strict rule. The key is to keep them positively phrased.

For example,

Instead of saying "I am confident," you could ask "How am I already confident?"

Instead of saying "I am capable of success," ask "Why am I already so successful in achieving my goals?"

Rather than stating "I am surrounded by abundance," inquire "How is abundance flowing effortlessly into my life?"

Instead of affirming "I am healthy and vibrant," question "Why is my body constantly radiating health and vitality?"

Rather than saying "I am worthy of love and respect," ask "How am I already deserving of deep love and profound respect?"

Instead of affirming "I am at peace with myself," inquire "Why am I experiencing such profound inner peace and contentment?"
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Old 11-10-2023, 09:09 AM
Sir Neil Sir Neil is offline
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The benefit of these is that they assume that the thing you desire has already manifested. So by asking in this way, you are chivvying your mind to ‘come up’ with answers, or chivvying reality to catch up with what you are affirming.
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Old 11-10-2023, 10:33 AM
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Originally Posted by cattowitch
Hello everyone,

Yesterday I saw a short video on YouTube (I can't find it again) where someone talked about askfirmations and that they are more effective than classic positive affirmations. They should be positive affirmations only in the form of a question, for example, instead of "I am a money magnet," it is "how am I already a money magnet?"

I'm not sure I fully understand the concept and how to use askfirmations. Are there any rules? Should every askfirmation start with "how" or "why?" What are your favorite askfirmations?

it’s not a strict rule to start every askfirmation with “how” or “why,” these words are often used because they prompt your mind to seek answers. Some examples of askfirmations could be “Why am I so successful?” or “How do I always find opportunities for growth?”.
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Old 06-01-2024, 07:20 AM
Alokina Alokina is offline
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Askfirmations, as you described them, are a creative twist on traditional positive affirmations. The idea is to frame positive statements as questions, stimulating your mind to focus on solutions and possibilities. While starting with "how" or "why" can be common, it's not a strict rule. The key is to structure the statement in a way that triggers positive thoughts and encourages a positive mindset.

For example, instead of saying "I am confident," you'd phrase it as a question like "Why am I so confident in my abilities?" or "How do I radiate confidence effortlessly?"

Here are a few examples of askfirmations:

"Why do I attract abundance into my life so effortlessly?"
"How am I becoming more resilient every day?"
"Why is joy a natural part of my daily experience?"

The idea is to engage your mind in a constructive inquiry that directs your focus towards positive outcomes.
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