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Old 11-12-2018, 11:48 PM
MissCreativeSpirit MissCreativeSpirit is offline
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Question Are plantar spasms curable?

I am having spasms across the high arch of one foot. Does anyone know if that means something in particular? Can I solve it with pressure on my arched it another connected part if the body?
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Old 12-12-2018, 01:43 AM
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Originally Posted by MissCreativeSpirit
I am having spasms across the high arch of one foot. Does anyone know if that means something in particular? Can I solve it with pressure on my arched it another connected part if the body?

Did you really mean that?
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Old 23-01-2019, 04:26 AM
Empowers Empowers is offline
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I had constant pain and got a pair of insoles. The pain started when I was on my feet all day in my hard shoes. Using the insoles had completely taken away the pain. I only use it in one for because the arch in it hurt my other for which apparently had a normal arch. So the other foot I just woke a flat pad for a height balance.

Then, I went to a reflexologist. Amazingly and insanely, one session fixed my foot and my shoulder for a couple weeks!

Anyway, that's my experience.
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Old 23-01-2019, 07:16 AM
Gem Gem is offline
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Originally Posted by MissCreativeSpirit
I am having spasms across the high arch of one foot. Does anyone know if that means something in particular? Can I solve it with pressure on my arched it another connected part if the body?

No it doesn't mean anything.

Yes, the kinetic chain goes from the big toe all the way up to the glutes, and from the glutes back down to the toe.
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