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Old 17-01-2018, 09:14 PM
dhorne17 dhorne17 is offline
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Can reflexology CAUSE a sinus infection?


First off, I would like to state that I am not a certified reflexologist, but I have studied it for about four years, read many books/articles on the subject, and have had about 30 hours of "hands-on" practice (free of charge for friends). With that said, I gave an hour long reflexology treatment to a friend of mine yesterday, and during our session, her nose started running, just a bit, which I felt was a good thing because from what I've read/heard, that can be the body "detoxing." Earlier this morning, she texted me and said that she was up most of last night with a headache and congestion. I questioned her further, and she said that her nose was running yesterday evening, but then became congested during the night. She said that today her nose was running, but she had a bad headache and was congested. From what I've read/experienced, reflexology is supposed to relieve congestion, not cause it. I've scoured the internet and can't find anything which says reflexology can cause sinus congestion like this. Can anyone comment on this? I'm very afraid, and she admitted as much, that she will think that reflexology caused this. I think that this is just a coincidence and that she has a sinus infection, etc. that just happened to reveal itself during/after our session. She has had about 10 sessions with me before, and nothing like this has ever happened, but I'm still afraid she's going to think that reflexology caused this and will no longer believe in its proven benefits. Can anyone comment on this? Has anyone ever experienced anything like this that I can share with her? Thanks, Everyone!
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Old 29-07-2018, 06:26 AM
Empowers Empowers is offline
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I can't comment on reflexology specifically but I can give you an analogy. Once I reikied myself when just getting a cold. Sometimes a healing method will accelerate healing when something has already hooked on. But this was the very, very beginning and when I was done the session, the cold had moved right out. However, for a few years of my life, I would get a sinus infection after a cold. Distinctly different and very annoying. Happened everytime, like clockwork. So this time, when the cold left almost instantly, I became plagued with the sinus infection right away.

Perhaps something similar had happened here? I was not always prone to sinus infection and no longer get them, but at the time it was step 1 heal from cold, step 2 deal with sinus infection. Maybe you moved something out and this is a secondary phase?
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Old 17-09-2018, 03:01 AM
BigJohn BigJohn is offline
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If a person has a runny noise during a session, what can you expect might happen later? The noise probably would congest mimicking a sinus infection.
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Old 07-11-2018, 12:24 AM
Sapphirez Sapphirez is offline
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I would say it is most likely a herxheimer reaction which you probably heard of as being a "symptom" of relieving symptoms. when detoxifying the body can have all kinds of reactions which seem like more symptoms but may just be the body trying to clear itself out. I mean especially when it comes to things running lol. I must say most people have very congested and improperly working nasal & other passages. because the lymphatic system is the main elimination channel, our sewage system.. and most are bogged down and can't do what they're supposed to do. so with a powerful healing modality like reflexology things are bound to come up and try to get out. and unfortunately if a person doesn't help facilitate further healing with their diet and lifestyle well that could make the symptoms more ongoing since they can't be successfully eliminated
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Old 01-04-2020, 06:22 PM
PsychicPower PsychicPower is offline
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I'm not sure but I don't think so
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Old 21-10-2020, 03:07 PM
lauraye lauraye is offline
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I find that clients may suffer a running nose or even feel their ear to pop when working on the reflex of ear, i feel its away to help clear toxins of the body as reflex encourages our lymphathic system to rid our body of toxins, also if a cold or flu like systems that way be working on a client that they may not have disclosed during consultation this may be the results of this, i feel it is pretty common thing that i have seen threw clients and after 6 to 8 sessions people see a difference in their full body appearence and energy levels are raised. I encourage all clients to drink plenty of water , encourage a healthy diet and sleep pattern .
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Old 26-10-2020, 04:04 PM
BigJohn BigJohn is offline
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Originally Posted by lauraye
I find that clients may suffer a running nose or even feel their ear to pop when working on the reflex of ear, i feel its away to help clear toxins of the body as reflex encourages our lymphathic system to rid our body of toxins, also if a cold or flu like systems that way be working on a client that they may not have disclosed during consultation this may be the results of this, i feel it is pretty common thing that i have seen threw clients and after 6 to 8 sessions people see a difference in their full body appearence and energy levels are raised. I encourage all clients to drink plenty of water , encourage a healthy diet and sleep pattern .

Really good advice, "drink plenty of water , encourage a healthy diet and sleep pattern".

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