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Old 10-06-2020, 02:42 AM
Anala Anala is offline
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Animal Spirit Oracle Cards,
1) Crow Spirit - co-create with spirit (lovely message as thing open up and the flow becomes more effortless)
2) Dragonfly Spirit - truth transcends illusion (I love the idea that spirit has my back with love and support)
3) Lizard Spirit - dream the world into being (dream anew)

These 3 cards weave together nicely into a message that fits so well with healing and stepping into a spiritual world with a bit more confidence. Breathing deeply, calmly walking forward, taking it in.

I might just have to buy my first deck. :-)
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Old 21-06-2020, 03:18 PM
Anala Anala is offline
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First summer read

1) Dog Spirit - Be Loyal to What You Love
2) Peacock Spirit (upside down) - Let it Shine
3) Hawk Spirit - (upside down) - Let Spirit Be your Guide

This is a lovely spread for the week!
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Old 22-06-2020, 10:10 AM
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Week beginning 22/06/20

Think - Hermit.
What makes me shine inside.

Do - 9 of Coins.
Enjoy some of my rewards.

Challenge - Sun.
Over confidence.

Ally - Strength.
Knowing my 'weakness' and taking control of it.
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Old 05-07-2020, 07:13 PM
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Week beginning 06/07/20

Think about - Hermit.
This card keeps showing up week after week.
Throughout lockdown I've given considerable thought to streamlining my life. I've enjoyed every moment of the quiet streets, the distanced interactions, focusing on the necessities and the (almost) solitude. Now, I have the desire to continue living this way.

Do - 9 of Wands.
Keep going......just keep going.

Challenge - Chariot.
Putting things in to motion too quickly.

Ally - 9 of Swords.
Listening to my anxieties and fears, give them a voice, know they are not real.
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Old 12-07-2020, 10:17 AM
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Week beginning 13/07/20

Think about - King of Wands.
Unleashing the big guns, in terms of creativity.

Do - 10 of Coins.
After months of forced separation it's time to re-visit family and spend quality time with them,

Challenge - Queen of Swords reversed.
Being objective.

Ally - 6 of Cups reversed.
Not allowing past experiences to cloud my judgement.
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Old 29-07-2020, 01:59 AM
Anala Anala is offline
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I simply asked, what do I need to do.

Well, boy did someone want to give me some advise!

1) armadillo spirit - “set healthy boundaries”

2) brown bear spirit (upside down) - “take time out” be patient and let intuition arise.

3) frog spirit (upside down) - “clear out the clutter” what is weighing you down? Is it time for spiritual and psychic cleansing? Let go and jump! You are free from all the old stuff!

Amazing! Sounds like something my grandmother and great grandma would have told me! Ever so thankful for the advise and guidance.

And so very thankful for a place to learn! Thank you!
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Old 03-08-2020, 08:19 AM
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Week beginning 03/08/20

Think about - 9 of Coins.
Gaining financial freedom.

Do - 5 of Wands reversed.
Keep out of petty squabbles.

Challenge - 6 of Coins reversed.
Spending what I don't have (energetically as well as financially).

Ally - Queen of Cups.
Compassion for myself and empathy for others.
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Old 09-08-2020, 04:58 PM
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Week staring 10/08/20

Think about - Fool reversed.
Where am I fearful?

Do - 6 of Coins reversed.
Save it, don't spend it.

Challenge - Lovers reversed.
Parting of the ways.

Ally - Judgement.
What I'm doing is for the best (mine obviously) and will reap rewards later.
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Old 10-08-2020, 06:54 PM
Anne Anne is offline
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Greetings and good wishes to all :-)

Surfacing here, after a deep long dive...

Since last posting, my relationship to the Tarot has strengthened and taken me to new depths. In recent weeks I had quite an impressive run of repetitive cards - from four different decks... 7 of Cups, Strength and High Priestess. Absolutely correct as well as encouraging!

This week the game has changed.

Think: 7 of wands
Do: 5 of swords
Challenge: 8 of pentacles

...So I gather now my choices have become clear and I will stand up to do what must be done my way. It means brushing up self-confidence and methodical effort to complete my old projects and start the new ones.., or renew the old ones lol.. Thanks for letting me play!
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Old 12-08-2020, 03:04 AM
Anala Anala is offline
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This was an awesome week ahead spread!

The Spirit Animal Oracle Cards (All right side up! )

1) Squirrel Spirit - Believe in Yourself
2) Starfish Spirit - Open to infinite Possibility
3) Bee Spirit - Sweet Results Await

**okay, so I set the cards in the last full moon and asked them to keep what is for my highest and best good,... and I feel like they are cheering me on.
Simply lovely.
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