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Old 28-07-2021, 06:21 PM
sky sky is offline
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Originally Posted by AbodhiSky

In the astral world, places are divided by vibrational level, so we will only be with souls like ourselves. On earth this is not the case. On earth families are made up of souls of many different levels on purpose as it leads to faster growth in spiritual things.
What's a soul ? Is it something you've read about or have you personally seen souls.
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Old 28-07-2021, 06:51 PM
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Originally Posted by The Cobbler's Apprentice
Sujata the milkmaid gave the Buddha to be a bowl of milk rice (kheer) which revived him and gave him the strength to finally achieve enlightenment

I get the same effect from brownies as Siddhartha got from milk-rice pudding.
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Old 29-07-2021, 12:38 AM
ayar415 ayar415 is offline
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Originally Posted by sky123
What's a soul ? Is it something you've read about or have you personally seen souls.

You are going to get smacked, sky. This is a spiritual forum. Spirit. Get it?
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Old 29-07-2021, 01:21 AM
ayar415 ayar415 is offline
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Originally Posted by The Cobbler's Apprentice
Let us get back to this.

What do you mean?

I'm you? If I don't see that I am in fact "you" I will suffer? If I don't, I'm suffering, as a "fragment"? We must be "together." ?

I appreciate your earnestness but the treacherous sea of language maintains the division between fragments. Without togetherness, we will both suffer.
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Old 29-07-2021, 01:59 AM
ayar415 ayar415 is offline
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Originally Posted by AbodhiSky
I'd say if we have toxic negative "evil" people in our lives, we should end all relationships with them in my view.

Ending relationships with "evil" people is easy. My parents love me. And that love, like a coagulant, is the evil glue that binds us - three individual colloidal particles - and throw us, as a family unit, out of the uniform suspension of humanity.

Love is not love when it is protective of the particular and destructive of the whole.
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Old 29-07-2021, 05:35 AM
sky sky is offline
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Originally Posted by ayar415
You are going to get smacked, sky. This is a spiritual forum. Spirit. Get it?
No .....
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Old 29-07-2021, 06:33 AM
The Cobbler's Apprentice The Cobbler's Apprentice is offline
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Originally Posted by ayar415
I appreciate your earnestness but the treacherous sea of language maintains the division between fragments. Without togetherness, we will both suffer.

There are contradictions and there are paradoxes. We need to understand the difference. Again, there is context. Try to see the context of my words you quoted regarding the unfolding of this thread.

And once more, please desist from asking me to explain. You are uninterested or lack comprehension.

This has very little to do with the treacherous sea of language.
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Old 29-07-2021, 07:17 AM
The Cobbler's Apprentice The Cobbler's Apprentice is offline
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Originally Posted by ayar415

Love is not love when it is protective of the particular and destructive of the whole.

Oneness/unity will always express itself in the particular. The greater our own surrender to the gift of unity, the better able we are to express love in each moment, come whatever the circumstances.

Love is always particular. It is not a feeling. Love is expressed by word or act, in empathy with others. Compassion, an exchange between equals.

The particular is oneness. The paradox. Like DNA, a single cell is a blueprint for the whole body. The movement, the becoming, adds an aspect difficult to integrate into any explanation via words, which are frozen in time.

"Love has no why" (Meister Eckhart)
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Old 29-07-2021, 07:34 AM
sky sky is offline
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Love according to Buddhism is very different than love according to the Western world....
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Old 30-07-2021, 01:09 AM
ayar415 ayar415 is offline
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Originally Posted by The Cobbler's Apprentice
"Love has no why" (Meister Eckhart)

You love quoting others. Try quoting yourself till others quote you.
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