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Old 15-08-2020, 11:19 PM
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Well I gotta say that all pain can be healed with "Christ" energy, but some pain is going to require more energy than others, or is going to require more of your attention. Also I still think that executing judgements on people is appropriate, but sound and fair judgement still comes from the "Christ".

Also building up Christ energy and letting it pass through will prevent and make attacks less painful. In fact, as you build the energy, other things become less important, imminent and wont bother you as much. They who are beheaded for the sake of the gospel follow the Lamb wherever He goes. Amen.
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Old 16-08-2020, 12:09 AM
Aethera Aethera is offline
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Originally Posted by WildHairedWoman
You are misunderstanding what I said. I said balance is what you need. Negativity is not the subject I was addressing, avoiding, reflecting, suppressing, ignoring, any emotion you don't like is not healthy. We are emotional beings and ignoring or refusing to acknowledge your anger or fear or what ever other emotions you claim are "negative" diminshes your feelings of joy, happiness, calm, and any emotions you label and "positive".

Just try to pretend like you are not angry because "anger is wrong" when someone has done something that hurts you somehow. You will never get over it, but when you allow that you are angry you can deal with it and move on to your joy. We are not designed to ignore half of who we are or what we experience. You get cancer or other health issues from pretending like you don't get angry and avoiding anything you consider "negative". It stays in your body because you don't allow it expression. Projecting it onto someone else, that is called "Passive Aggressive" behavior. Who wants to be around that?
WildHairedWoman, just wanted to say you have brought up many good things about why ignoring emotions even if they're negative aren't healthy or good to do. Cause it stays in the body as long as those emotions are suppressed, they hurt the body cause they are emotions that need anoutlet. When emotions like that are ignored, they're essientally ignoring what those emotions are trying to say in the experiences they feel them in. Why letting the emotions have a safe space to outlet them helps them understand those emotions and why they affect them that way.
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Old 29-10-2020, 12:36 PM
Ewwerrin Ewwerrin is offline
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Originally Posted by 1337_d00d
I'm putting it here because I think it pertains to the loa somehow.

What I mean with negative energies is for instance someone does something that makes you mad. You're gonna have to deal with that energy in your body now.
Someone does something, and then you choose to become mad (because there is no law of assertion) even tho you don't want to be mad, you do it anyway. In most cases, because one believes that they have to suffer in order to be of help to someone. Which is actually a false premise. As when you become mad, you are now no longer of any use to that individual, you infact need as much help as they need. So rather, just be yourself, and don't care if other people choose to become mad. It's their choice and they got their own inner guidance and source to teach them the consequences of their own vibration. And the more you care about how you feel, the more you will be able to be of service to anyone else aswell. By showing them that you can simply enjoy your life regardless of what anyone else chooses. Because that is always the case anyway.

You can try to fight people all your life, it wont accomplish anything. It wont improve your life, or their life, or anyones life. Also, they are surrounded by the entire universe. You don't need to be someone elses universe. You don't need to be the result of their vibration. The entire universe already does that for them. And they also feel bad, you know! They are already receiving guidance. It is only when you try to become their guidance, that the universe beats up on you, and you feel bad, because you're trying to be something you're not, and you're also not ment to be that. You actually want to feel bad when you try to become something you don't even want to be. That way you can always simply stay true to who you are. And enjoy your life the most fully. And thus benefit yourself and also everyone around you, by your own leading example. Because everyone's always free to be themselves. When you live your own true self, then you also allow everyone else the more to do so the more themselves aswell. As you are also here to enjoy your life.

The better you feel, the better it gets. The worse you feel, the worse it gets. This is not something special. It has always been this way, for all eternity. And that is also good, because no one has to feel bad. That is also the value of your emotional guidance system. To remind you of who you truely are, and what you truely want, because you already are that, and whenever you try to become something different, than who you truely want to be and thus already are being and becoming evermore here and now, then you feel bad, to remind you, hey, can't do that. You're an eternal being, you can never create the reality you don't want to experience. Not only impossible it is 100% unnecessary and irrelevant to do so. So here's some negative emotion to remind you, so you can simply be yourself again. And enjoy your never ending joyful eternal journey that is called life.
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Old 29-10-2020, 07:06 PM
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Gosh, amazing, wow...wow...wow Thanks E
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Old 03-02-2025, 03:02 PM
Sir Neil Sir Neil is offline
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Any energies like these, I always think the best thing to do is to bless them with love, and let them go. Release them from your body and mind so that they can’t attack you at cellular level. It may take a bit of practice at first, but it is worth doing.
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