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Old 29-01-2025, 06:20 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Lemon Calcite Freeform

Last night I bought a wonderful lemon calcite freeform!
I haven't bought a crystal in quite some time now, nor have had much interest in them since my beautiful vivianite spontaneously broke in half in my hand when I held it.

Somehow that gave me a scare of "What if it happens again?!?!"
I haven't held a crystal since the day that happened which was Dec 9 last year.
For me quite something as it has been my normal for years to hold crystals at night when I watch a series/movie.
But I daren't anymore.

With that I lost interest in them.
But then some 4 days ago I noticed I was getting restless. And I felt draw to have a look at the crystal shop's website.
I did, didn't see anything of interest, but I kept being drawn back.
Not the first time, whenever there's something there I need -without me even knowing what it is- I get that feeling: restless because something is calling me.

So last night I went to the webshop again, nothing new that interested me. Then I browsed through the pages with crystals that have been up for sale for some time, and bingo!!
Lemon calcite!
I knew before I read the description what it did, kind of. Then I read it and it really resonated with me!
Still, I was in two minds about buying. They add E10 to online crystals, which narks me. Okay, they have to put in time and work to make all the photos, but to then add E10 to the price... Kinda steep!
Bummer is if I go over there to choose one in the shop it costs me E19 in petrol.
In the end I decided to buy it.
And I'm happy with it

The restless feeling has gone.
This time I wasn't certain if it was the crystal calling or the new moon. I did read in an energy report that a certain planetary placement could make you feel restless.

Whatever it was, it's gone and tomorrow I can hold my new crystal!!
And yes, I do intend to hold it.
I have to get over that fear of breaking a crystal again.
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Old 30-01-2025, 10:17 AM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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That is not a crystal that I know of. but yellow or lemon are not colours that I am drawn to,

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Old 30-01-2025, 01:15 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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If not mistaken it is a recent find from Pakistan.
I love yellow crystals, although it depends which ones.
But deep yellow calcites are totally yummy to me!
And my all time fave quartz is citrine.

But now this lemon yellow variety... it works different, has a different energy from regular yellow calcite and it's exactly what I need right now!

In general I'm very much drawn to calcites :)
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Old 30-01-2025, 05:04 PM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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It has arrived and I'm happy with it :) Feels a bit like a personal sun.
It looks wonderful in natural light, artificial light alters its colour a bit. In natural light it is exactly what you expect from lemon calcite: a lemon-like colour :)

I allowed it to 'land' in my home and connect with the other crystals' energy.
Currently have it in my lap.
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Old 03-02-2025, 10:22 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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I'm really happy with my lemon calcite :)
I regularly hold it and I didn't even worry about it breaking like my vivianite did.
The translucency when bright daylight or sun hits it is so beautiful!
At night you can no longer see that. Then it appears totally opaque.
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