How do I get my spiritual guide to let me reincarnate into the life I want?
Okay this might sound farfetched but I feel like I was duped out of a twin sister. It might explain my gender dysphoria, I dunno. What I want is for my spiritual guide to send me back to this life a her. I know it's kinda pointless to redo the same life, but I'm not doing this again as myself. That would kinda be selfish. I feel like being someone else but existing alongside the same vessel who lived the first time around could be interesting.
The reason for this is not without a purpose. I feel like this life was messed up badly. I've made a lot of bad decisions for the past 10 years and more than I did from when I was younger. This life started off fine until around 2013 when I was 25. It feels like the world is against me when it's not. People constantly belittle me and scold me even if some of the wrong decisions are my fault and I hate it so much. As my twin sister, I could fix all these mistakes. Yes, I would still make others. I mean nobody is perfect but this life is getting worse and I'm getting more and more depressed, instead of better.
I don't want my spiritual guide sending me to a life I don't want. That means no life on future Earth, a different family regardless of the time peroid, or even some alien planet. I just want to be reborn into the same family again and not a past or future generation of the same family. That means being born again in 1988, but as my twin of the opposite gender. I know this is asking for a lot and being picky about my next life is not the right mindset to have but I couldn't bear having a different life, other than this one again. Some people would hate the idea of reliving the same life but not me. Please don't look at this whole twin sister thing as some kind of fantasy, because it's not. Again, I don't feel comfortable with another life, especially another family where one of my parents could potentially do something very bad like molest me. I don't know how to convince my spiritual guide to let me do this, that's why I'm asking someone on here for advice. I can't take this horrible life anymore but I don't want to commit suicide, either. Please understand where I'm coming from.
Thank you!