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Old 23-02-2024, 12:40 AM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
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This thread today entitled WISH is about the process of waking up into our
full SELF knowing divine nature. When this process begins and the gradual
awakening sequence begins to unwind, is a slow spiral arc of raising awareness
we then begin to uncover what lies deep within our inner core of being.

We gradually become aware that we are not here to learn anything whatsoever
rather we are here to wake up, and while doing so engage in gathering up as
much tangible experiences as we can. Instead of learning anything we begin
the act of UNCOVERING what lies within us.

This then begins to open the doorway that leads to inner WISDOM. We do not
LEARN WISDOM, rather we reveal the fact that indeed we "ARE WISDOM" it is
part of our divine eternal heritage. Once we begin to open the inner door that
releases our divine heritage of wisdom we then begin to encounter very
meaningful synchronicities which are directly aligned with our awakening
wisdom faculty.

Wisdom and synchronicities are closely aligned and mirror each principle.
The wisdom is who you are and the synchronicity reflects this truth back
into your waking consciousness

TBC blessings m ichael
https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.comMichael Kirkpatrick https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.com
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Old 24-02-2024, 12:40 AM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
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WISH is about how we can begin the waking up process by asking ourselves
the question of "WHO AM I "? This will set in progress a sequence that if
followed will lead to eventual full SELF Knowing.

The HALLMARK "MADE BY GOD/SELF" is stamped on our inner core matrix.
Wisdom is our Divine birth right, and synchronicities are the universes way
of acknowledging your Divine AUTHENTICITY by flashing messages into your
waking consciousness.

Wisdom remember is your birth right it lies within us all covered over by a
dense blanket of ignorance, we cannot learn wisdom, because WE ARE WISDOM
Man know thyself, and when we do that, we look within ourselves and uncover
that wisdom which is who we are WISE UNBORN ETERNAL SPIRIT.

blessings michael
https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.comMichael Kirkpatrick https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.com
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Old 07-06-2024, 08:50 PM
guthrio guthrio is offline
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Originally Posted by Michael K.
WISH is about how we can begin the waking up process by asking ourselves
the question of "WHO AM I "? This will set in progress a sequence that if
followed will lead to eventual full SELF Knowing.

The HALLMARK "MADE BY GOD/SELF" is stamped on our inner core matrix.
Wisdom is our Divine birth right, and synchronicities are the universes way
of acknowledging your Divine AUTHENTICITY by flashing messages into your
waking consciousness.

Wisdom remember is your birth right it lies within us all covered over by a
dense blanket of ignorance, we cannot learn wisdom, because WE ARE WISDOM
Man know thyself, and when we do that, we look within ourselves and uncover
that wisdom which is who we are WISE UNBORN ETERNAL SPIRIT.

blessings michael

Blessings to you Michael,
Thank you for the synchronicity of seeing, and needing, this message today.
“Why, that’s true! I am a perfect, unlimited gull!” Jonathan opened his eyes asking, "Where are we?” The Elder Chiang said, “We’re on some planet with a green sky and a double star for a sun.” Jonathan made a scree of delight. “IT WORKS!" “Well, of course it works, Jon,” said Chiang. “It always works, when you know what you’re doing." (and even when you don't)
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Old 08-06-2024, 10:53 PM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
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Blessings guthrio for your input here in this thread I am grateful for your words.

regards michael.
https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.comMichael Kirkpatrick https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.com
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Old 18-06-2024, 12:32 AM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
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Wisdom is Synchronicities Hallmark WISH,

I have had several direct inner voice synchronicities that at first I was tempted
to not act upon them, here is one that occurred four decades ago.

I was coming home fairly late from a meeting, and as I turned the key in my
front door, a direct inner voice said to me, go to the Chinese take away now.

I resisted this voice and countered that I was tired and sleepy and not not
hungry, as I went to open the door, I found it difficult to breath, and the
voice said again go to the Chinese takeaway, I pulled my key out of the door
at once my breath was ok, and walked to the takeaway, I got there and the
place was empty. What was going on I thought, I ordered a meal and sat down/.I started wondering what the hell is this all about! The place is empty!
Just as I said that there was a screech of brakes and a big lorry halted outside
the takeaway. The door flew open and a man ran in and sat down beside me.
He looked at me and said I cannot stop drinking, my marriage is in ruins and
I am going to get the sack from my job, can yu help me! I recognised this
man as a boy who was in a childrens home with me years before. He knew
I too had a drinking problem and had stopped with AA< I said that I will do
my best to help you.

We would have never met had not that direct inner voice told me where to go
The spirit works indeed in mysterious ways

blessings michael
https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.comMichael Kirkpatrick https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.com
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Old 16-07-2024, 05:49 AM
OldChap OldChap is offline
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Originally Posted by Michael K.
I have had several direct inner voice synchronicities that at first I was tempted
to not act upon them, here is one that occurred four decades ago.

Hi Michael K., enjoyed reading your posts in this thread!

Agree we are not here to learn, but to remember.

All our personal cosmic and Earthly wisdom, truths, and experiences are contained in the big "junk" part of each of the hundreds of trillions of DNA in our body stored as multi-dimensional quantum energy not detectable using our 3d technology.

The more love we hold, the more access we have to that vast collection of greater knowledge and wisdom within.

That's because the more love we hold the more we are in tune with our soul that is our Higher Self, the higher vibrating part of us.

I am a big fan of the beautiful divine system call synchronicity. Though I don't hear inner voices, and instead will have innate intuitions or natural urges to do whatever which I know did not originate from the human me.

I've long ago been made to realize to follow my heightened intuitions and natural urges, and so nowadays I think much less using my human mind and instead be guided by my Higher Self that sees the much bigger picture.

I wrote this post not to boast about myself, but to let others who might not know yet that we are much more than just tiny human bodies.

That we are not born here to suffer, or born here as lowly, unworthy, and powerless victims of this world.

We are magnificent beings with far more extra-ordinary abilities than what we were told or conditioned out of believing. Benevolent abilities we all could have that are unlock by having sincere love in heart and mind, giving us far more control over our bodies health, our life, and our reality.

It then should be no surprise that all spiritually advance and connected human messengers here throughout the ages uniformly taught people a better way of living life that aligns with love.

Love which encompasses compassion, benevolence, and joy that is our true nature. As oppose to our false nature that is our ego which shuns love for survival.

And what some call God is pure love.

Meaning a piece of God is within us all that is love, waiting patiently to be uncovered or not courtesy of free will.

We are all extensions of God, here on this beautiful planet pretending to be humans for a divine purpose.

What we do as humans living life and making free will choices while "disconnected" from God on purpose to start for fair free will is a small part of a much bigger and grander divine plan impacting new creations to come and more.

At the soul level, what we do here we has done similar on other young planet before this one. We just don't remember by our own design when not in the human form.

Truly an amazing but extremely challenging human adventure of finding ourselves that we bravely and passionately "jumped in line" for when not in the human form in our true whole multi-dimensional home on the other side of the self imposed Veil of Forgetfulness.
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Old 17-07-2024, 02:43 PM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 1,149
Blessings OLD CHAP for your wonderful post here on this thread, I can truly
Identify with all you shared/ I could also be called an OLD CHAP as i am 79 years young!

blessings michael.
https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.comMichael Kirkpatrick https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.com
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