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Old 24-08-2023, 02:49 AM
bartholomew bartholomew is offline
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Interlude to Part 8

The vast mountain ranges which encircle our planet remain but seemingly without life now. In the high places the glaciers are greatly diminished. They are fed no more. The ices which fell from above are now rains. In elder times, these were the life of our world. They would be no more. Our city, as seen from above, …… The skies, once azure, now red at the zenith changing to light green at the horizons. To he who sees not, all is quiet, almost serene.

There was a time when a tradition of descension existed for the purpose of strengthening through endurance of ages that which was begun with such diligence, through such effort… by so many for so long. That this might not be lost through forgetfulness was the reason. And as the children gathered in the evenings to hear, the master would begin, once again, to tell the tale, our story, lest it be lost to them.

Our part of the world was almost entirely mountains with, in the lowlands, great blue green lakes of fresh water within which were the forms that we so relied on especially in those last centuries. The skies, both at night and in the day, were much the same. The night sky was nearly filled with stars, so closely arranged that scarcely any darkness was to be seen between them. Our star, close to the center of our common galaxy, was dim now and casting a reddish light over the lands. Yet we found comfort in those hues which remained. This was when he was high, at the zenith and when the winds were at their maximum.

Our world was close, much closer to the center as was yours, your Earth, our new home which we hoped to share with you. The light of the night was almost equal to that of the day. The sight of it was wonderful but, at the same time, overwhelming. The night skies of the Earth, our new home, would be different, darker. Seemingly more distant.

We chose to go into the ground, into the rocks of the mountains to escape being reminded of our fate which was so closely tied to our position in the universe. Now… in this time of day, the waters in the fast moving river near to us had the appearance of green where long ago they were blue. Upon the crests of the turbulence though the shades of white seemed to not have changed. This was our river. We called her the Ta’anay which, translated into the common tongue would refer to it’s hurried pace. The bringer of life rushes to the future. The river, our river of life was also the messenger of that which follows. told us of the fleeting quality of any effort be it by man or some other. But it was, like the rest of our planet, in a state of diminished activity. Now it had slowed somewhat, the waters above now fewer throughout the year. What life remained to her was being pulled below to find what ever ending to their story might be waiting in the single great lake that remained in our part of the world, was slowly giving way to the bitterness of acids. And the rocks, the vast foundations of our world yet gave direction to the waters. Dark, almost black they were or are without any sign of the plant or animal life which had once been in plenty. After they left the soils too departed. The flying lives of our world were no more. All was now in the bosom of the great lake where they would find endings which were suited to them. Towards the end this was the way of things in our land.

Our city, small as it was compared to some, was made of this same dark stone. If seen from above it looked no more than a grouping of black stone cut into cubes fitted together in intricate patterns set among the otherwise grayish tones of the mountainside. One would look twice before noticing that this was not a natural structure. This, set close to our river, was all that appeared to the observer who might pass by high above. There were no external pathways, no roads, no windows, no terraces or plant life to be seen. The city had all these but they were within, cut into the mountain within and beneath the structure. This was our way. Quiet it seemed but within having much activity. We, the people were preparing for departure.

Our gods had left us but one, our angel of deliverance, remained. She, the Lady who we would come to know so well, would be our guide.

The people, we Aryan-a folk, had carved great blocks. Into cubic shapes, using concentrated, directed, narrowly focused, beams of gravity with which we were once so adept, so much so that our cities rose to great heights, defying even the highest of the mountains. We gave them names too, the theme of touching the sky was a favorite one. But our city, as it is now, although perched high on the side of a mountain made of dark stone seemed empty, deserted. But it was not. Not yet. This craft we brought with us to the new world.

It was our custom to build our homes in the shadows of the mountains which gave us the materials for them. We thus favored the clean angular designs. Is that really a habitation? But for who? This is the way we designed our homes. But below inside the rocks often in very deep places were the doors, the windows, the roads which served us well. Here, not on the outside open to the sky, was the life that one might expect to otherwise find. Imagine this now. A rocky mountainside of dark stones and a single fast moving river at the side of which was more stone but these in the unnatural shapes which indicated the hand of men and women who made them. That was all that remained when we left. The memories we would bring with us to rise again in a new, as yet undiscovered, new place.

Note: The travelers knew of the new world only that which had been given them by the angels who had seen it. It was thus on faith alone that they proceeded, trustfully, in great anticipation, to their new world, our Earth.

This was our world and our city. The above description allows the reader to be there with us in those times and to perhaps feel what we felt. And then we left. And now we are here on the Earth. The beginnings that we made here are remembered by many cultures and through the writings in historical and religious texts. We were, to those who lived in the times to come… gods. We found the high places, the mountains but near to our chosen location there were no fast moving rivers. There was a lake though, a great and very deep one, nearby. She, to our satisfaction, provided us the link that we so sorely needed.

The process of changing up out of the physical and into the lower heavens produces perceptual changes which tend to remain. But as even with the hardest of stones, they eventually fade… Now they are no longer memories, but legends which, so often, confuse those, our descendants, who continue to speak of them.

The reader will find in the above a brief comparison of the two worlds. Endings are times of record keeping efforts which later, in new places, will become memory recollections. Later still, memories become legends.

The above is a true account of those times. I, Tholomo, was there.

Last edited by bartholomew : 24-08-2023 at 05:16 AM.
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Old 08-10-2023, 07:57 AM
bartholomew bartholomew is offline
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The next part will be posted in one week from Sunday Oct 15th.

Thanks for being patient,

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Old 08-10-2023, 10:28 AM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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cant wait to read it

The Spoken Word Always Comes Back As Whispers In
The Wind
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Old 15-10-2023, 02:06 AM
bartholomew bartholomew is offline
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Part 8 Lands of Wonder

Below us lay the planet, our new world. As we watched we saw that she was divided into lands of all dimensions… and seas too. These were bitter to the taste but there were also great bodies of the “neutral waters” that we found so much like those we had known. And the sun, the star which gave life to this new world? She was bright to our eyes and alive. Issuing forth were the streams of energetic matter which brought even to the most remote regions of this, our new system, a promise. All would be well.

Thus encouraged we turned our gaze skyward, to the stars, searching. Familiar yet not so. Our eyes failed us but still… we knew it to be there. And it was then that we decided to inscribe our land of origins for future generations that they might not forget.

We watched the light of the day give way to the darkness of the night. This darkness was more complete in it’s depth than we had known. Even over the great saline waters we watched it’s progression over and within “the deep” We saw and came to think that, “yes, it was good”.

These observations, and many more, gave hope to the promise that we would, very soon, resume our denser material physical selves to begin anew on the (Earth we would later call her) the world below. But for the present we remained in the lower of the planets spiritual sheaths, preparing, waiting. With us was our guide, the great one, the angel of deliverance, the Lady… our “First Lady” within whose bosom we placed our trust in the future of our peoples. A new story was beginning.

The reader will remember that when we, the travelers, left our old world we did so by shifting up our of the physical and into the lower of the spiritual, subtle, realms which support and give life to the lower. The higher worlds are shaped by the minds of those great ones who watch. The lower are subject to processes which are but reflections of those mighty impulses. In plainer language we here describe what the later Earth human beings would call “acts or moments of creation” followed by the slower but sure processes of “physical evolution”. The one following the other. The cause and then the lingering effects. And into these the new men were cast. This was about to happen.

Ours was a wondrous land. In the distance we saw the mountains that we so loved but nearer, on both sides of a great river, were the lowlands, the gardens of plenty. We were within these and there we stayed, learning, growing ready to make the next descension. We were yet in the lower subtle world. For another “season” here we would remain. But this is not to say it was without reason or to imply that we were idle. We were not.

We gathered, as usual, in our garden world upon a lawn of sweet, aromatic grasses and waited as our angel, The Lady approached. As a light in the sky she looked. We knew. Angels of all ranks traveled thus only taking more familiar shapes through deceleration. This phenomena, previously unknown to us, was key to our ability to travel such great distances in so short a time. But the Lady has arrived now. She is about to speak.

“This garden is given you for the purpose of acclimation. Our journey is ended but your reintroduction to the physical (universe) will necessarily remain in abeyance for a time. We shall later refer to this period as being “a season” (of men).” As we waited she continued: “We are not here concerned with the single great force within which the entirety of our galaxy exists but rather with those others, those whose bodies of manifestation are the lower spiritual and physical systems within and centered by a more localized creative power. Your new world is the spiritual child of the star to which it is bound. And this, by design.” As we sit in silence we realize that we are about to learn things that we never before had known. In such times no words are necessary. It seemed to us as though our minds had, for a time, merged and together the pace had quickened. This was our feeling as she continued. “Yes. Your perceptions are correct. We will learn of this new landscape which is so far away from that which you had for so long lived before. It is the same and yet different. Like the other, this one is guided by, lives subject to the Will of that great entity (god) in whose mind it’s existence is sustained. You will later learn that such stars, those which will be home to those like yourselves are always thus linked to the Father of worlds.” This was an introduction to the great story which we were hearing for the first time.

“It is I, Tholomo, who speaks now. “It is sufficient for the souls of men, wherever they may be in the universe, to recognize the existence of the primal cause and to refer to this as the God of life. And, inasmuch as we were ignorant of any other we said that it simply was and that we were it’s children. We were about to learn more.

The Lady resumes: “Yes. It is true. Those great ones that we all live within are commonly referred to as gods. But these are many, as many as there are stars in the night skies it seems. Know though that as our entire universe, it’s physical and spiritual self, is the body of manifestation of the Father God which, according to even Angelic lore, borders on unknowability.” She continues with this last statement: “Our minds are insufficient but for good reason. Ours is to live and grow in the lower spiritual and physical worlds. We have no need nor are our minds given the ability to comprehend the cause except to know that it exists. We may consider the lesser gods in the same way but we find ourselves yearning for greater expressiveness through them. Do you understand? We come to know the greater through our lives within the lesser. This is that idea which would later come to be known as faith or faithfulness or trust through faith.”

As we remained at rest on the lawn in our garden world we knew that we were being introduced to the lives of higher beings about whom we had never before heard of and that the reason for this instruction was to enable us to better make the adjustments which would soon be necessary. In this time of beginnings we would find ourselves making a change from one star to another. Previously unknown to us was the higher truth. We, our souls, were also changing but the higher correspondence would be the leaving behind one god for the adoptiveness of another. And we began to understand more now. Migrating, one world to another, was about so much more than simply a transit through the night. We had arrived. Now we had to become. This, was the reason for the garden setting in the Earth’s lower heavens. It was to serve as an interim world for us. Here we would remain while we learned… and waited for the others, our kin.

We who had arrived first were to serve as cadre to those others who were following at a much slower pace. This we knew already but as the Lady speaks to us again we are told more of our forthcoming responsibilities, the works, our responsibilities to them, our kin who, even at this moment, were hurtling through space. They, too, trusted.

Note: The reader will come to know that this great migration, one world to another, was completed in two phases. The first by a small group of off world human beings who with the help of the Angel, the Lady, shifted up from the physical and into the lower of the spiritual realms. This we know today as the ethereal plane, or density, or dimension of one of the lower heavens… as cultures described them. These in the advance group, because they were now no longer limited by physical limitations could travel much faster. In the ethereal we are still within time but because of the tremendous differential in density time is measured to a different standard. We thus, being no longer bound by the physical, were able to travel within the ethereal universe, one place to another, quickly. We in this group, headed by myself, Tholomo, arrived at Earth and took up temporary residence in a garden setting which existed (and still does) in the Earth’s heavens.

Meanwhile the larger group of travelers did not shift up but remained in the physical. These traveled in conveyances, ships we might call them, subject to the lower limitations of velocity inherent in the physical universe. Their time of transit was several thousands of Earth years. At this time in our story they were still far from Earth, enroute. With them to see to their welfare was another angel, the messenger, Michael. Yes. He is the same one that is remembered yet on Earth. The reader will find it to be of interest that both the Lady and her counterpart, Michael, were in division only because of their association with the lower created worlds. In their own realm, the angelic plane of the “un-created” they are as one. But now shall we continue?

“We, the travelers, yet in the ethereal, await in the garden as the Lady approaches”. A point of light she seems. Distant, moving yet in some strange way which is yet incomprehensible to us, un-moveable. Timeless the lady is to our eyes.

Alighting on the grassy area adjacent to our party she turns to watch as we collect ourselves. “And now it begins, in earnest” she says to us. “Your work in the ensuing age of the world will require you remain in the ethereal as you travel, explore and map for use this new planet. It is for you to know”. She continues. “Know too that here, adjacent to the garden world of respite we have established the beginnings of an Earthly Hall of Records in which you will use as a repository for all that you learn. Yours and those activities of the indigenous forms native to this planet with whom you have inter-dealings will be recorded here. Future generations will not thus wonder at their origins.” The Lady finishes by saying “from time to time you may take on the heavier airs of the Earth and walk the surface or swim the waters as you like but you must always return to the ethereal for it is in this form that your mandate for work will be accomplished. Remember…. The work that you do now is for those who follow. Do not be in haste for then you will find difficulties unforeseen.”

With this the Lady arises and departs…. Looking back at us once last time as if to say “Yes. It is good”.

Here our story stops for a time. The travelers, the advance party, are with the Earth but not yet descended permanently. They retain the ability to travel and see as they will while yet in the ethereal but also have the ability, for short periods only, to descend further into the heavier physical so that they may discover what adjustments in their work might be necessary for those who have yet to arrive.

In this part which we called the Lands of Wonder we find the travelers comparing their new mountain homes and high river valleys to those left behind, memories which will soon become fleeting thoughts and finally legends (of the gods). The prime locations used in this part are the present day Indus Valley of India/Pakistan and the more remote area known today as Amazonia. In those days though the mountains were yet growing, the rivers faster, keeping pace as if to avoid being turned away by the hand of some giant. “I remember all of these events. I Tholomo, was there.”

In part nine we will watch and discover as the travelers continue with their mapping of the new world, as they record their findings in the Hall of Records which has been established for that purpose. We will also hear of the other lives which watch quietly from their lofty perches in the higher of the Earth’s heavens. Those great ones who are already beginning their work for the humanity which will follow.

Part Nine will be called: Lives Joined
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Old 15-10-2023, 10:31 AM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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Excellent read

The Spoken Word Always Comes Back As Whispers In
The Wind
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Old 19-10-2023, 02:18 PM
hazada guess
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As Native spirit said,an enjoyable read,Thankyou bartholemew/James.
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Old 23-10-2023, 05:03 PM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
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Brilliant. Look forward to the next episode.
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Old 09-11-2023, 06:42 PM
bartholomew bartholomew is offline
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Part nine is called Lives Joined. It tells a little about the way in which the higher spiritual lives work in conjunction with the lesser and with those of the physical. The cooperative "oneness" within created purpose and mechanisms are explored just a bit. How is a solar system prepared to host human life? Is this simply a matter of physical preparation or is there more? In part nine we will touch on such things to see what may be discovered. In the process we will see that all lives, the highest to the lowest, are truly joined.

In part nine we will join the travelers as they are taken on an excursion into the highest of our (solar) systemic realms.

It will be posted next Sunday.
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Old 09-11-2023, 08:37 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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Something to look forward to

The Spoken Word Always Comes Back As Whispers In
The Wind
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Old 12-11-2023, 09:29 PM
bartholomew bartholomew is offline
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Part Nine Lives Joined

The greatest scientists are those who have long since left the physical worlds behind and are involved with responsibilities in the higher realms. But these, too, continue to evolve. In this respect they are no different from we humans. In relation to our story what, exactly do these great ones do? One might ask: “what is their purpose and goals?” The answer is that they more consciously cooperate with divine will which is to continue the expressiveness of the deity, the creator.

The movements of human souls throughout the universe is more than a matter of the transfer of physical forms, here to there. Before this can happen in the physical a great deal of preparation must be made in the higher realms. In this part of or story we will explore the essentials of that idea.

The lives of the higher realms are closely aligned with those of the lower. In other words the physical and the spiritual planes are interdependent, one in purpose. It is not possible for a physical life to exist without it’s correspondence in the spiritual but this is not true in just the lower spiritual planes but in the higher too. Likewise the lower spiritual planes have meaning and purpose only as they “support” the lowest, the physical. But regarding purpose there is no point of demarcation between the lowest and the highest. This, once understood, allows the searcher to transcend boundaries that might otherwise seem impossible.

In our story we find a group of human beings, human souls incarnate regardless of the appearance of their physical selves, purposefully migrating, one star system to another. How was this decided though? Did God’s angels simply fly about the galaxy looking for a suitable planet? The answer is both yes and no. Please remember that our world is so much more than what appears on the physical plane. As we sit, gathered together on the lawn in our ethereal garden the Lady appears. Having impressed upon our minds the preceding statement she continues: “Look to me now.” As she speaks a glowing warmth extends from her aura once again enveloping us all. Yes. We are about to join the lady in a new excursion. We wait.

As we wait we find that our conveyance, the magical carpet has appeared beneath us. We have used this before. And as we assemble we see that it again changes it’s size to accommodate everyone. And now, looking about us as if for a last glimpse of the garden, bidding goodbye to our animal friends, we are raised up. It is the unusual feeling of heat combined with cooling comforts too that accompany any traveling in the higher realms. This effect is simply because our heavier forms have been drawn in, so to speak, and are now a part of the aura of the great one who guides us. And as we consider this familiar feeling we notice too that velocity suddenly seems to be beyond measure. Ahead of us is Sol, our star of the new system to which we have traveled. It grows larger until, at last, we have passed it’s boundaries and are now within. The flowing of energies is tremendous here in the ethereal. These, literally, are the forces of creation, the source which sustains our solar system and the Earth too. We know that it is hot beyond measure but our senses tell us differently. A coolness with pressure upon or against our forms is felt. Imagine descending deep into the sea and feeling the ever increasing embrace of that medium. The Lady, sensing our concerns, says to us: “We are passing through a boundary from the ethereal of your system and into the higher. Rest now and observe as we transit plane to plane until, finally, we find ourselves in what is called by many of you the Divine.” As as she finishes we find that it is true. In this place, if that is the right word, all is quiet but at the same time, revealed to us. No words are necessary here. We have not just stepped from one world to another we have become that new existence. One cannot simply be in that high plane. One must become it. Again the Lady speaks to us: “Here is the land of those who have long since left the physical behind. No more do these souls incarnate in the usual way. In groups they live and for bodies of expression they use the group lives found on planets.” Failing to completely understand this we are helped through visualizations. In our minds we see a planet filled with life in all it’s variations. One planet. One world. One life. We suddenly understand that as before when we souls used a single physical body these greater souls use a whole planet. Yes. This is the reason. We see it now. But why was such a thing so distant to our reasoning ability before when it is so simple now? Again the Lady speaks: “Watch now as the work of these great ones is shown to you.”

Note: Our travelers are now in the highest of the spiritual planes associated with our (solar) system. Here we find the great souls who are responsible for the maintenance of our world both physical and subtle (spiritual). We transitioned to this plane through our center, the sun simply because here, in our star’s spiritual center is to be found the deity. This greatest of all personages is literally the God of our system. This may seem contrary to many beliefs but it is not. There is a supreme being as well but that higher one is the God of the entirety of the universe(s) both created and un-created. Ours is a lesser god. Our planet also has a great one who guides. This one sits at the head of the souls who have achieved, those who guide our world. This one is subservient to the god of our sun who, in turn, is lesser than the one God of creation. In the history of the world this one has had many names. It is to this vista of revelation that our travelers have gone. They have gained a moment of clear vision, understanding.

Lives Joined. That phrase refers to the oneness, the singular purpose of life. Lives Joined. The greater joined with the lesser in singular, shared purpose. Above all is the one source, God if we will, within whose great mind it all exists.

Now the Lady moves and we find ourselves upon the carpet still, within her aura… moving at tremendous speed through the higher reaches of this almost unknowable world. Here we do not see in the usual sense. We find that there are no ideas of here or there or of distance ‘tween two points. Curves, curling, folding, spaces which, when finally noted continue moving but always in what to us seems circular patterns.

The reader might stop and remember that without the assistance of the First Angel, the great Lady, our planetary home and we with it, might have been lost. Considering this through an objective lens one might realize that this would have not, after all, been the end because through the processes of death and rebirth the same goals could have been achieved. But there was another reason.

It is upon the great “pathways” that the essence is transferred.

A grand vision opens before us now. We see all lives at once. From the lowest of the sub-atomic particles to the gods themselves are here for us to observe and contemplate. “This vision which is show you is meant to affirm the oneness of all”. She waits for us now to comprehend the truths imparted. “Here are all lives. None are separated. All are joined. As a man on the Earth moves about so, too, the gods make the necessary adjustments above. The totality of life is only a glimpse of the power that infuses.” We ponder this last statement as it seems to lead us to differing conclusions. The Lady speaks again: “Watch now as more is revealed.”

Our guides are concerned with those conditions which will allow us to experience all that is necessary for us to learn and gain wisdom. The galactic guides work in much the same way. As we watch we are given to see groups of stars formed in cooperative constellations. The great one within each contributes to the effort of the whole which is then focused and transmitted, so to speak, to our solar system where, after further conditioning, is made available for us to receive. These are many.

Each of these “rays” of energy correspond with the attributes which we will find necessary during our long journey with this planet. At the time of our birth it is decided. When a baby takes it’s first breath, air into the lungs, it’s ethereal body also begins to “breathe”. At the first physical breathe the babe’s ethereal body, through it’s chakras, also inhales taking into itself those rays of energy which are dominant at that moment. These condition the new one, set the stage so to speak, for it’s entire life.

Note: This topic is far too complex to be covered fully in this story. We call the discipline Astrology. Can we see now why the time and location of a baby’s birth are so important? It is nothing to do with some empty superstition. Rather it reveals those beams of energy which come to the babe from far, far away for the purpose of preparation (for the life to follow).

The Lady now allows us to see something else. As we watch we find ourselves on our planet of origin in that distant star system. As we watch we see that from the galactic center great ones are busy redirecting these rays of energy so that now they are focused on the new solar system, the one which will be our new home. And at the same time we watch as the Earth’s heavens are expanded again, in response to this activity. Now we realize more of the oneness of purpose which is so often spoken of but so seldom expanded upon. As we watch we see the Earth being prepared for our arrival.

We have seen, just for a few moments, the higher meaning of the phrase “lives joined”. Can we now understand that a continuity has been established between the spiritual macro and the spiritual micro? It is because of and through this grand alliance that each of us has access to the ultimate God of creation.

The Lady allows us to rest now and assimilate all that has been learned. In our dream we understand that the work of preparation of this new world was begun long ago. Now we have arrived if only an advance, a cadre of those greater number of settlers who follow.

It is quiet now. A sleep is upon us. A coolness felt. Changes. Now we are moving again. We awaken to find the Lady watching. And in a moment we arrive back on the lawn in our garden. Our animal companions waiting displaying happiness at the reunion.

So far in this part we have seen or watched as our new preparation was prepared for our arrival. It is to be noted here that we must not construct a timeline of events such as might be desired by our rational minds. It is too complex for such attempts. Remember that as we ascend through the heavens time slows greatly. How, then, are we to adequately reconcile what has been learned when, on our return, the changes in the flow of time create (small) distortions in our ability to recall?

Again we find ourselves in the garden which is the Earth’s ethereal but is also joined to the astral, the mental and to the higher Earth planes as well. We move away now and return to the surface of the planet. Yet in the ethereal we find great interest in traveling about in journeys of discovery. As was noted before we have selected the highlands of the (South American) mountains as our first base of operations. We look forward to the arrival of the others who, traveling in the physical, are yet many hundreds of years distant. The thinner airs of this region are better suited to our yet unconditioned physical selves. As we descend to the surface we descend again to the physical. Our bodies are much as they were on our home planet but with some modifications which allow us to move about more comfortably here on our new world.

In our long journey to this world we brought knowledge but little else. But let us say now that we, the advance party who traveled in the ethereal, were those of our civilization who were grown. We had attained in the spiritual sense and had the ability, among other things, to move from the physical to the ethereal at will. There are people on the Earth who in all ages also use this ability as need arises. Religious history includes such accounts of “masters” who appear or disappear. The word “ascension” is perhaps germane. Indeed physical death is no impediment to this ability.

We had traveled in an ethereal conveyance suited to our purposes. In addition to ourselves it was necessary to bring with us sufficient tools with which to establish and make the beginnings on the physical plane of our new world. These now, having been changed to the physical, stand ready. And now our work begins.

Being once again physical forms it was necessary to see to the necessary requirements. Shelter and sustenance foremost. We built of stone simply because of it’s local abundance and suitability. We favored the more dense and durable rock types from the Earth’s mantel. Basalts and other such denser materials of deep origins.

Our transporter was reconfigured to carry stone from sources, to lift and position creating structures within which we could find comforts. We also began our survey of the local lands. The searches for food were not difficult. In the lowlands to the east of our retreat they existed in plenty awaiting harvesting. We also began our own agricultural work. We had brought with us from our home world a store of seeds which, we hoped, would grow and thrive here on Earth. Among these was the present day food crop known as corn. Having been established by us long ago it has since been called a new world plant. It was the same with several others.

Our multi purpose vehicle, when in the physical as it was now, was powered by small devices which created gravitational forces which were independent of the Earth’s. These were both variable and steerable. At any moment then our vessel could work with or against the forces of the planet. This gave us the ability to simply rise up of descent as we desired. This technology is present on the Earth even today. This story is from a new time though and can wait.

Note: A little more can be said about or ships here. As was said they used locally produced gravity, sourced from very heavy elements set in (vibrational) motion, focused as though they were thrusters to move us about. As one might expect the use of these resulted in an opposite energy effect. When close to the ground we noted our movement to cause a mark on the surface. Surface stones and soil were moved, lifted then dispersed, leaving relatively bare lines which if considered correctly revealed the direction of travel as the ship left the ground. Since we departed and returned to the same area and because the forces of nature (weathering) are so weak in those high places we can even today see these traces on the ground from long ago. The area is now known as Nazca.

Note: In later times the new humanity of these areas knew, through legends, of those who traveled from afar. These they called “gods” because of their unusual abilities. They had gone now. The new people yearned for their return. They thought to bid them welcome through the creation of large depictions of the abundant life forms which awaited them here. They knew somewhat of the lines and used the same technique. Since the weathering at these higher elevations is nearly nil most of these remain visible today. The people greatly desired the return of the gods to their lands. They would be most welcome.

In the next part we will explore in greater detail the adventures and exploits of these pioneering men and women who came to Earth tasked with new beginnings. The system and the Earth within it had been prepared by the great ones working in the spiritual worlds. They were busy as we speak further refining the Earth’s heavens so that when the new people were “made” all requirements would be satisfied, all would be well.

The larger groups of travelers, those aboard physical vessels, are yet far from our system. The next part, part ten, tells the story of the beginnings of the work on the planet below, the work in preparation for the welcome to their new home those others, our kin. “In later times these folk were know of though there were so many errors in interpretation of legends. The groups of off worlders (as they are called by some) did come to be known also as Star Children. Indeed this is quite an appropriate name. The above is a true depiction of the events of those times. "I, Tholomo was present when the Lady showed us the wonders of our existence. The story is truth."

In part ten we will watch as the new ones travel throughout the world. We will learn of their interactions with Earth evolved species of interest. We will share their thoughts.

Part ten will be called: Gods and Men.

Last edited by bartholomew : 13-11-2023 at 05:38 AM.
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