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24-02-2022, 10:34 AM
Divine Justice or how live in happiness or misery
I`m writing some things about Divine Justice in order for everyone to know why some of us live in happiness and some in misery and grief. May it help you to know what to do with your lives.

24-02-2022, 10:36 AM
When a person is cleansed up to an extend from his/her passions, he/she will be able to get familiar with dimensions higher than this that we live in. At fifth dimension one will meet courtrooms of Hierarchies (Angels, Thrones, Archangels etc.) where he/she is been judged for his/her way of living. In there when one is presented into a trial they examine his/her personal book which contains every deed or thought that been made. Depending on what one has done, he/she is punished or everything goes well in life. One gets punished in order to realize that he/she is going bad and so to return to rightness and not lose his/her soul. The latter happens when a soul is blackened from passions and doesn`t emit any light at all. In most cases God`s Hierarchies doesn`t intervene at all, except for removing their protection from a person, in order for evil which always waits to be able to harm one up to an extend that is permitted by God`s Law. Punishment happens by these ways:
Many times whatever you do returns to you automatically
In some cases harm is done by a demon or a black hierarchy that is attached to a person
Most of the cases harm is done usually unconsciously by the people that surround you, since nearly all are full of negative emotions and passions such as pride, anger and hate, which is destructive energy. Think about how negative thoughts damaged a plant that you had at your house.
As a last resort when a city or a country needs to be punished, God`s Hierarchies intervene and usually bring natural disasters or fire from the sky and destroy evil completely

24-02-2022, 10:39 AM
One is punished for things that he/she does here on Earth such as theft, murder, doing damage to other people even if human justice fails to convict him/her. There is a chance to be pardoned by Divine Justice, if one has made good deeds in his/her life. What most people do not know is that Divine Justice punishes for acts that Earth laws don`t such as witchcraft and divination which are used very frequently in our times, even if people don`t realize it. Whoever does these things serves dark side consciously or unconsciously. Some witchcraft and divination forms are:
to call demons or black hierarchies in order to damage someone or violate his/her free will. This is the worst kind of black magic and punished more seriously by God`s Law.
to read 'prayers' and simultaneously use a liquid made according to a sorcerer`s directions. This is supposed to break magic that has be done to someone, but what is really does is to leave people unprotected from God`s Law even more.
to call God`s Angels such Archangel Michael by using unusual invocations along with candles etc. which are made in a demanding and prideful way. This is what white magic is and by using these invocations all that will come to the person that is doing them is nothing, demons or black hierarchies, who may do or not what this person is asking them to. Angels are not Genies to call them and come. It is not what Lord says: Ask and it will be given to you, which is the only way to ask from above. Ask in a simple and natural way. What you ask is processed by Divine Law and if they judge that will help your soul it will be approved. White magic is not of course as dangerous as black magic is, but whoever does these things, is moving away from God`s protection.
channeling and communicating with demons, ghosts, people from esoteric temples who mislead foolish people, make them pawns and use them to do their plans. Surely not with God, or real Angels.
divination that is done by using normal cards, tarot cards, 'angelic' or other type of cards.
automatic writing, communicating with spirits-demons by using a glass that is moved on a table, Ouija boards.
pendants and pendulums when they are not utilizing only a person`s ability, but along with asking some entity.

24-02-2022, 10:39 AM
However, one is punished more seriously for actions made because of his/her lust. Sins made because of lust can kill a soul and lead one to the abyss. According to our Lord: If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. Although in this planet adultery, prostitution, forcing or violating someone`s soul or body, many kinds of perversions, acting violently during sexual intercourse (mostly on women) is considered as something normal, it is not and is punished very seriously by Divine Law. THESE ACTS ARE THE EASIEST WAY FOR A DEMON TO ATTACH TO A PERSON.
On Earth for someone to throw away his/her miraculous 'aloe' during sexual intercourse or by masturbating is considered normal. For God`s Hierarchies this is considered as a black magic contract, especially when it made consciously and with pleasure. For most people this is punished by premature degeneration and wearing of physical body. At 5th dimension one can see many humans and demons waiting the verdict by Divine Justice for these acts.
Most of these sins made because of lust, are punished by serious diseases and psychological problems. This is permitted to happen by God`s Law in order for one to pay for his/her sins by this way in order his soul won`t go to hell. where is the weeping and gnashing of teeth. If you don`t see this happening for certain sinful people who have everything in their lives, is because their souls have already been judged to go to the abyss. So in order for someone not to lose his/her soul, should stop doing these acts, confess and do God`s will.
Besides a person`s book, there is a book for each country of this planet. If a country laws comply to Divine Law ones, it`s inhabitants live in happiness and prosperity. In Greece people could live happily, but because governments cancel laws that were in compliance with God`s law instead voting for more, unhappiness and misery will be increasing. For example: Greek law permits 300.000 unborn children to be killed every year. These murders are been justified by justice on Earth as a right for women to do whatever they want with their body. This is insane because besides murder is happening to another person that lives temporary in a mother, there is intervention to God`s works as there are Angels of Life that join a soul to a body that is just conceived. Saddest thing is that this is happening on 'children' that go to school, even though human laws don`t permit to have sexual relationships until adulthood. Lust is left to spread out of control, even perversion are considered natural by most countries laws.
Let`s see what is God`s Law, God`s Hierarchies that work for it and punishment from Old Testament. First of all Lord is mentioned very often in Old Testament to speak with certain people and prophets. Most of the times, it is not our Lord Jesus Christ, but Angels or Archangels etc. Our Lord intervenes at only a few cases, which is pretty logical.
At Genesis book (18,16-19,29) Abraham is talking to Lord. From this conversation comes that:
in case that there are at least 10 rightful people in a city, it is not destroyed because of them.
Law`s Hierarchies go to Sodom to check how sinful it`s people are. Their power from god forces people to act according to what they are really are. People want to violate sexually these Angels.
Divine Justice punishes these people by first making them blind. Next they drive a few rightful people out of city and they destroy it along with their people completely along with other cities next to it by fire and sulfur.
Rest assured that stability and protection from evil at a country comes from God`s leniency, who despite people degeneration protects them. This happens because a few people are really devoted to Him and truly love Him. There are limits though, and beyond those comes punishment.
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