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17-09-2021, 01:03 AM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Southwest, USA
Posts: 25,774
(Does not express this excerpt of the continuing lesson or story!)
Thank you. 
.*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)
Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru.

17-09-2021, 12:54 PM
A very nice way to describe a form of ''travelling'' in the higher planes.
Could not of wrote it better.
Originally Posted by bartholomew
Once again we have the sensation of movement but not, this time, through space. No. We are moving through consciousness. Much different it seems.
We move away from what is shown us now and seeming to turn race away at speeds far exceeding even those incredible rates found on the mental. What we will view is being created before us, for our benefit.

18-09-2021, 12:13 PM
Thank you James/bartholemew,you are filling in all the gaps for me.Some things that you write seem somehow familiar.

18-09-2021, 04:48 PM
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA and I have a second home in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.
Posts: 684
Thanks. It's the same for me. In the next part more details will be provided about "things" and "places" that were only briefly mentioned previously. Most notably will be a more thorough explanation about the processes of creation and "decreation". There will also be a major (and hopefully fun) twist in the story. After that.... a conclusion with a short final statement.
Originally Posted by hazada guess
Thank you James/bartholemew,you are filling in all the gaps for me.Some things that you write seem somehow familiar.

26-09-2021, 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by bartholomew
Part 6 The portal
The landscape of the atmic plane is wholly different from any that we are used to. We do not “see” things but instead “realize” them. And in place of “moving about” we “create”. In the simplest terms possible we might say we create as we progress. (...)
This is the true definition of free will, in place of moving about we create.
I find it easy to predict the future of someone that acts and follow its ego. That person has no free will.
But it is impossible to predict the future of someone that creates it as it goes. That person has free will.

26-09-2021, 07:28 PM
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA and I have a second home in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.
Posts: 684
Interesting summation.
Originally Posted by Legrand
This is the true definition of free will, in place of moving about we create.
I find it easy to predict the future of someone that acts and follow its ego. That person has no free will.
But it is impossible to predict the future of someone that creates it as it goes. That person has free will.

26-09-2021, 09:01 PM
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA and I have a second home in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.
Posts: 684
Part 7 Dreams within dreams
A sleep unlike no other that we have known is upon us but even in this state we sense the comforting aura which surrounds. Strange… If we could but remember the womb. Yes. It is the same. If we had to describe it in a single word it would be "nourishing".
The sleep now changes, reverting to some more familiar experience. We begin to visualize and a sequence of things, memories, fantasies, disjointed events? Yes. We are dreaming. A horizon appears in the distance. Below is a lighted pathway. Above and to the sides we see a darkness, a field of energy within which several points of Light seem t move. Closer and now we recognize our animal friends. They return to us but why in this dream state? We cannot reason it out. As they near we see more clearly, Lady Pumpkin, Goodness, High Bette….. yes even Rudolph and his companions are here. It seems they have had dreams of their own. They arrive now and we note that we are all, once again, seated or reclining on a green lawn which seems to glow of it’s own vitality. Everyone is here. The seven companions of the journeys just completed, home again in the Garden. Our familiar Healing Garden. What has happened?
To so suddenly have arrived back at out starting point is somewhat of a shock. Indeed it takes a moment or two for us to sort out which reality we may be in now. Finally Big John rises and goes to the animals. Do they sense the same as we? Apparently so however they recover more quickly. With stamping front feet Lady P reminds John that they have not eaten in quite a while. Yes. We are home. Or are we?
We have all dreamed the same things. Very curious. And in the awakening a most unusual rush of some unknown quantity. A transportation perhaps? Anala speaks: “It is a dream within a dream”. Gem nods: “Yes. How else can this be explained”. Just Tim, sensible as always, says “I’m hungry. Let’s eat”. Miss Hepburn, now on her feet, stands off to the side… she finds understanding in silence. Where is Elfin? Yes. She remains reclined on the carpet. And Legrand? Perched now on the roof he speaks with High Bette. Yes. She and her kin also dreamed in ways which were quite amazing.
Sleep is upon us all again but this time it is within the familiar Earth’s astral plane, in the Garden which we have created for any and all who suffer. Here healing and solace are to be found. Never a harsh word or deed. Complete safety, for a time, from the trials below on the planet we, temporarily, call home.
Sleep….. But not for long. The point of Light that we know as the Lady (the First Angel) has reappeared in the distance. Swiftly she approaches, descends and alights on the lawn among us. “This, at least is not a dream” one of us has just thought. She smiles in return. “No, it’s real”. She continues: “And the dreams? They were not as you imagine them. Remember the concept of correspondences. We, all of us, did travel to distant points, upward through spiritual levels, discovering as we went. It only seems a dream now because we are, necessarily, using our Earth minds to recall. Translation is necessary. We suddenly realize that during our recent adventure which, to us, was so substantial, we had never left our Garden. We were, in all that time, seated on our carpet, on the lawn where we find ourselves now.” This explains the strange “heaviness” that we all seem to feel. Compared to where we have been, our astral bodies seem solid and somewhat unwieldy. Here we seem less conscious. That is why we seem to have dreamed.
She continues by bidding us all be seated on the lawn again. “Do you wonder at what you saw, what was discovered, in our journey? Perhaps if we add to those memories the experiences will have more meaning”. She continues “our party could not have made the transitions, passing boundaries, as we did while in our Earth’s astral forms. Even with assistance this would not have been allowed.” But within the aura of the Lady we were, for a time, “one with her” and thus were able to visit other places, surpass boundaries. Of these a little was revealed. We are given to know with certainty that such realms exists and that they are not imaginary at all… but very real. And we know too that there are many realities. Perhaps these are more of the “many mansions” of the “Father” (creator)? Perhaps….
After a rest the adventure will continue in a different way. The Lady continues. “after we all have rested sufficiently we will revisit some of the ideas alluded to in our journey. We will expand upon various ideas and offer more in depth explanations. For this was the purpose after all.
After a rest we see the garden table set with food. Imagine all the freshness of the planet below in fruits and grains in just the correct combinations. And honey is brought to us in small lighted jars by the visiting bees whose pleasure it is to serve. The animals too are served. Rudolph and his kin have found a snowy patch beneath which are thick layers of delectable mosses. High Bette has discovered new growth, tasty green new shoots at the tops of her favorite acacia trees. Goodness and Lady Pumpkin follow BigJohn to the barn wherein fresh bales of sweet alfalfa and watermelons wait. On the table are cherry and apricot tarts imagined by Anala. And to drink? Jars with tall necks. Corked. Earthenware to stay cool. Mixtures of light berry wine and honey. A mead like drink which is perfect for a homecoming.
To be continued
Last edited by bartholomew : 27-09-2021 at 05:00 AM.

09-10-2021, 09:27 PM
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA and I have a second home in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.
Posts: 684
Story Post Log...
The story, those who participated, the adventures… are all true. In the dream state we travel at will. We have been in the habit of visiting the Healing Room which is real, substantial on it’s own plane (somewhere near or just below the mid point of the Earth’s astral). While we were there another man on Earth might see what appeared to be a form, sleeping or in meditative state. This is our physical, waiting for us to return. And so it was, too, when, after leaving the Earth’s heavens and shifting up we might again have been thought to be asleep. A visiting soul in the astral might have seen one of us in the appearance of sleep. But we were, in reality, far away safely carried in the Lady’s aura. There is more to understand about being “carried” inside of an aura. It has to do with temporarily being shifted up so that we are compatible, for a time, with vibrations that are normally too high for us.
In both stories we traveled extensively through the astral, whether it was the Earth’s, our solar system’s or somewhere else, far away. When, however, we “shifted up” to higher planes there was a correspondence in play. Imagine “C” on a piano keyboard. Look to the right and find it’s harmonics (other “C”s, the same tonal quality but higher on the scale. These are the correspondences.
It is likewise in the spiritual realms. In these instances an observer might have seen both ours and the various animal forms seeming to be asleep on the distant lawn or closer to home in the Room. When we ascend to the higher realms we leave our relatively coarse astral bodies behind. This is what was meant when it was noted that we we enclosed within the aura of the Lady. We had been “moved to the right on our piano keyboard”. In addition it should be known that had we not been capable of such a shift upwards (due to our points in growth) it would not have been possible. Before a human soul can journey to high places it must first have earned the “right” to do so. This was the case. If we had not been capable the Lady, or First Angel in the story, would not have appeared as our guide. She would have, as an alternative, appeared to us while we were still in the physical. History is replete with such events. This, too, is true. In the second part of the story then as we traveled to and saw the very high land of the Angels we did so in a dream (state). Our physical forms were dreaming. Our astral were too. But this dream within a dream was made possible because of the agency of the Lady. She visited the atmic in such a way that we “remembered” in real time, the events of the time.
Kindly remember that although I occasionaly quote from religious scriptures it is only because little tidbits found in various writings often agree with a point being made. And the Lady in the story? She is nothing to do with any woman in religious traditions. Or is she??? She represents the feminine arch-typical angelic entity without which we would be lost. And to be fair and balanced we must remember that the masculine is not forgotten. Those (angels) have different roles.
With reference to the above we might, from time to time, read references to a man being “held in the palm of God’s hand”. An extension of this is seen also in the esoteric statement regarding the whole of the Earth. If it were possible for us to ascend beyond limits we would find that all that is manifest (below us) is but a dream. Wherever we happen to be at any time seems, to us, to be our reality. Understand this helps quite a lot. If the great one in our physical and ethereal star were to stop meditating… the solar system and all within it would be reduced to the lowest vibrational form of the physical. Our planet is different from the others in our system only because certain great souls hold it so through continuous deep meditation. These “great ones” are sometimes referred to as gods. Our souls may be free to travel to other worlds but while here on Earth we live within the influence of our “God”. Again… If we can manage to avoid seeing this statement through religious eyes we will have learned.
7 travelers, 7 angels, 7 heavens all in a story of 7 parts… In esoteric lore the number seven represents the broad area of spiritual, organization(al) aspects of being.
In the story references to angels are made. Much is given anet them. Who they are. A little about their home worlds high above us. These are not so much parts of the story as they are adventurers in themselves. Since this is a story thread it is better that this other information be posted separately. These will include expanded, better explained, depictions of the lives of our angel friends. More in depth accounts of what they do including more about their functions as messengers. Look for these in another thread which will be entitled: A Little About Angels… in the next few weeks.
Now here we all are in the Healing Room. Well deserved naps...
In the story is it OK if we remember Matt Warne who perhaps was watching…?
The End...
Last edited by bartholomew : 09-10-2021 at 11:38 PM.

09-10-2021, 09:53 PM
I really enjoy reading and living your stories.

09-10-2021, 10:16 PM
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA and I have a second home in the city of Kherson, Ukraine.
Posts: 684
Originally Posted by Legrand
I really enjoy reading and living your stories.
Me too....
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