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Old 07-06-2022, 06:41 PM
AstralTraveller AstralTraveller is offline
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That is why some say when AP, to stay neutral as possible.
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Old 10-06-2022, 05:37 PM
one-light one-light is offline
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I think we can all agree on here, it's a beautiful but difficult planet...

There's so much hurt on this planet for so many - and only one world/planet and heaven and hell... Can't be that many that have done wrong in a former lifetime, numbers don't add up there must be multi worlds under God's control - and that means boys and girls you/I have either been slightly naughty in the previous lifetime/s 'or' we've been sent here to help - job to do so to speak... So do it, gifted people on here be kind and helpful.

So besides all that's written above, there's some coming back as a mouse or a fly, or even a cell in the body as some say, and also the Lower Astral Realms where a soul is 'aware' and just drifting in darkness for eternity - so that's a lot 'unless' there were multiple planets maybe 6/10 or more under God's control.

It could be 'you' made the grade 'but' told just one more job to do a little time on Earth, oh no not Earth you might have said, or some other comment...

I know this - God exists, and people who have wronged badly this lifetime, and the greed merchants will face God on judgment day - and I know its written many years ago seek forgiveness and everything will be ok forgiven - that can't be written right - otherwise we could all play the bad guy and ask for forgiveness, it does help slightly if one is sorry in God's eyes - and karma does exist while we're here.

Science does so much good in so many ways - 'but' there's greed there and over controlling/dictating with bosses and so called advisors.

And as we see some light after the virus/science war worldwide with us 'people' stuck in the middle... And just as some type of normality arrives we have the greed merchants and rapidly rising fuel prices - selling overpriced fuel supplied by God for people on this planet - and so many food banks in this modern day world.

So we play the game of life here, try and work things out - and 'complete' our life plan, before we return home to heaven and judgment.

I know this - if we take our time more, and time to stop and appreciate 'clear the mind' we get better guidance in the gut feeling from our spiritual support instead of rushing around in circles.

Ive been busy on my website the last few days, I put some on this 2nd page, regarding people Staying Strong, and also some info for those doing wrong now on our planet - returning visitors refresh the page - have a good day...


Faithful follower of Jesus Christ - doing God's work, and via the Holy Spirit... I won't hold your hand and walk with you, or be around on your journey if you fall, but I will shine a light - go this way...

Last edited by one-light : 10-06-2022 at 09:09 PM.
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Old 11-06-2022, 02:57 PM
one-light one-light is offline
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When writing a big message like this on here yesterday, it doesn't just write itself - it has to be written and checked, altered many times to get it right.

And I remind myself when online writing 'and breathe' - so not stressed with it at all, and my tinnitus was up a notch all day yesterday, its down again today - so lot's of guidance going on there with that message IMO 'to get it right' - much truth in that message I would say.

Yes God is watching / guiding many of us in our battle for 'free will' on this planet - and he will have eyes on the dictators / greed merchants... But as Ive been saying to freedom fighters 'we' have to do this, as written on the Metatron page, and get this planet better with free choice, and us here on our personal journey, learn to listen for spiritual guidance - so learn how to by calming the mind, and then comes the 'gut feeling' just knowing something.

I'm a strong believer in the fact that you've got to earn that better guidance by being kind and helpful to others daily - then listen...

Faithful follower of Jesus Christ - doing God's work, and via the Holy Spirit... I won't hold your hand and walk with you, or be around on your journey if you fall, but I will shine a light - go this way...

Last edited by one-light : 11-06-2022 at 05:23 PM.
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Old 23-07-2022, 08:38 PM
Aldous Aldous is offline
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I found this today.

Buddhism Has a Lot of Hells

The Camel and Needle: Did Scholars Mistranslate Jesus's Famous Saying?

The Gospel of Judas was in the news a couple years ago.
Gospel of Judas: What Does It Really Say?

Last edited by Aldous : 23-07-2022 at 09:23 PM.
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Old 25-07-2022, 12:17 PM
Aldous Aldous is offline
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I died and went to heaven and hell
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Old 12-10-2022, 09:51 PM
Aldous Aldous is offline
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seeing demons, Jesus, etc. after a suicide attempt
discusses reincarnation - note that Justinian and Constantine banned the doctrine of reincarnation and Origin's teachings and Christian churches still tend to be against the belief in reincarnation

Jeffrey C NDE
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Old 13-10-2022, 01:17 AM
ray=out ray=out is offline
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Originally Posted by AstralTraveller
Very interesting questions! And in my experience of AP, yes, Hell very much exist, and so do Paradise. I been to both. Dark beings dwell in Hell (not necessary bad beings though) when they don't have a physical body anymore. People can choose to stay there as long as they like, I was told. However there is a way out.

When you say there is a way out, are you talking about the poor souls or victims that are in hell? If I was to end up in hell, how would I escape?
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Old 13-10-2022, 04:39 AM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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Originally Posted by ray=out
When you say there is a way out, are you talking about the poor souls or victims that are in hell?
If I was to end up in hell, how would I escape?
From Post 7, iamthat said it perfectly:

But it is not permanent. People remain in the lower astral realms
until they have finally had enough and they begin to seek something higher.
There is no external judgemental power keeping people imprisoned in these places.
Everyone is their own jailer and can leave at any time, if they only knew it.

*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

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Old 13-10-2022, 04:58 AM
ray=out ray=out is offline
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Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
From Post 7, iamthat said it perfectly:
I read his post and it resonated pretty well with me...but I had this small doubt in my head saying 'what if hes wrong?'. What if hell is like a prison where you die over and over again in the most gruesome way possible?

I remember this one post from the past lives and reincarnation thread, where one member said he spent some time in hell before he left. Or did he say escaped? Cant remember lol. If he left voluntarily that would be great, itll lessen the fear a bit for me.
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Old 13-10-2022, 02:32 PM
AstralTraveller AstralTraveller is offline
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@ray=out excellent question about how to "escape". That is a very deep question to be asking. And even more excellent question "What if he's wrong?". As stated by iamthat, going to hell is never permanent. You (Ego) will only be there till you are ready for reincarnation, or resurrection or whatever or something "greater". And the higher self (Soul), will dictate that. The higher self is the Jailer. You will remain there till the Higher Self feels you are ready......

Egos do abandon their Higher Self (more often), or the Higher Self can abandon their Egos (not as likely). So, if your higher self-decided to leave you in hell because it has given up on you, you'll be stuck there. Till another higher being swoop you up. Hope or pray for another to provide you with a chance. There is another way out of hell, I seen this way through my experience, and it's the way I don't recommend. You'll eternally get stuck as a ghost of the upper physical.
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
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