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View Poll Results: Has your attitude changed since covid-19 in life
Yes 9 40.91%
No 12 54.55%
Maybe 0 0%
Not sure 0 0%
I need to think about it 1 4.55%
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Old 12-12-2023, 07:03 PM
Sir Neil Sir Neil is offline
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Not really, no. I fared pretty well during the whole pandemic. I was working all the time (with the exception of 5 weeks on Furloughs) and I lived in a part of the UK which didn’t experience local lockdowns until very late. To me as well, the UK rules weren’t all that strict in comparison to other countries, so we did preserve a modicum of freedom and activity. We also exited our lockdowns quite quickly, because we were also to get the vaccinations rolled out fast and very efficiently. Thanks to all of these, I didn’t experience any real mental health anguish or feelings of loneliness, though I am glad it’s all past us now.

My outlook on life, I like to think, is quite positive anyway, and I like to believe that the Higher Power helps us through situations like the pandemic, which was pretty much my experience when it was happening.
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Old 12-12-2023, 07:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Anala
I lost many friends and family in the last two years, but, ironically, not to Covid..
I lost some very good friends because they tried to force me to get that shot and became very mean when I wouldnt take it.....

This whole thing has desensitised people and ruined the mental health of many and they wont ever recover
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Old 13-12-2023, 01:30 AM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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nothing much changed for me. OTher than not being able to go much of anywhere is was just more days along the same lines as the rest of my life...
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Old 13-12-2023, 03:05 PM
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Im glad you didnt really have anything bad Fallingleaves
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Old 13-12-2023, 04:14 PM
BigJohn BigJohn is offline
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When I look back over the COVID years: I don't think I would have done anything differently.

I did note previously when there was SARS, it wasn't really recognized in my country but was recognized in some countries, especially the ones I was visiting. I looked at my Passport for the SARS years and noted the medical passport added to my Passport and then checked how many times I entered this one country for one year. It was 12 times. As I got off the plane, I was seen by a medical doctor, given a mask and put into quarantine for 2 weeks..... for each and every trip that year. Interestingly, nobody complained about those requirements.

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        Happiness is the result of an enlightened mind whereas suffering is caused by a distorted mind.
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Old 13-12-2023, 08:14 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is online now
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Nothing much changed for myself, but it did for my best friend she caught covid and she was in hospital for over a month she was on deaths door
and now she wont visit my or anybodys house.
so it has had a bad effect on her.

The Spoken Word Always Comes Back As Whispers In
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Old 13-12-2023, 08:30 PM
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Im so sorry Native.......I hope she feels better anyway.. Have you tried to visit her???
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Old 14-12-2023, 06:50 AM
vortex vortex is offline
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i am still waiting to get it
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Old 14-12-2023, 07:23 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by Native spirit
Nothing much changed for myself, but it did for my best friend she caught covid and she was in hospital for over a month she was on deaths door
and now she wont visit my or anybodys house.
so it has had a bad effect on her.

I can fully Empathize with your friend Native.
Many of you know that I was at deaths door myself during COVID. In hospital, on oxygen, drips all over the place, and the pain was just so bad. Multiple blood clots and severe infection.
The worst part was that I wasn't getting better in the first few days, and that's when everyone, including myself thought I was going to die.
They couldn't keep my oxygen levels up and my blood pressure kept dipping to dangerously low levels.

But I did eventually get better.
Unfortunately that is when, after all the numerous X rays and scans they found not one, but two underlying lung diseases. A condition called CPFE.
I fully believe that it was COVID that caused my hospital admittance but by the time I was actually admitted the tests were showing negative. This was before we were all given the lateral flow tests to do at home.
So from the first lockdown in march 2020 nothing much has changed for me since then.
My health continues to decline . I cannot walk and breathe. And any small virus, even the common cold will put me in hospital if it goes on my chest.
I go out probably 6 times a year.
Half of this is to go for my COVID/ flu/ pneumonia jabs or other medical appointments, and the other is to go to my son's to see my grandchildren.
The biggest outing I have had in 3 years was to see Pink in concert earlier this year.

It nearly killed me, but I did it.
So yes, it's fair to say my life has changed in every single way possible since COVID.
I look out of the window and see the same people walking up and down the street just the
same as I always did and they just look the same. Going to work, walking their dogs , posting a letter, going to the hairdresser's.....
And I can now do nothing that I used to do 3 years ago.
( Sorry for going on !!!!!!....)
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Old 14-12-2023, 08:22 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is online now
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It is good to get things of your chest so go on.
I can go to my friends houses she is ok about that but for going to other peoples houses she wont go.

They told her because she has had it bad once if she gets it again it wont be as bad

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