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Old 10-04-2024, 06:44 AM
Panorama361 Panorama361 is offline
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Can you protect yourself if someone is using a god/goddess to curse?

Hey all. I just had a little hypothetical question pop up in my head. So I (involuntarily) found myself thinking of a scenario in which someone who doesn't like a particular person, even if it's for very little or no reason, calls on a deity that they work with to curse them. Could the deity just proceed to curse the unsuspecting individual? Is there any way one could protect themselves from such a scenario? If I pray to God, could he help protect me from such a scenario? Or would I have to do the step-by-step curse reversal as part of the process
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Old 10-04-2024, 07:45 PM
Cribbage1952 Cribbage1952 is offline
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Originally Posted by Panorama361
Hey all. I just had a little hypothetical question pop up in my head. So I (involuntarily) found myself thinking of a scenario in which someone who doesn't like a particular person, even if it's for very little or no reason, calls on a deity that they work with to curse them. Could the deity just proceed to curse the unsuspecting individual? Is there any way one could protect themselves from such a scenario? If I pray to God, could he help protect me from such a scenario? Or would I have to do the step-by-step curse reversal as part of the process
To answer your question, there are multiple answers, because it depends on where you live. Because in the Western countries, the Catholics use Exorcists to expel malevolent spirits. Whereas in Asia, such as Japan and Cambodia, they use Shamans.
In the religion of Shintoism, though, there is friction between State Shinto and Shamanistic Shinto, because the State version considers themselves as the Official one, so they frown on Shamans who work on their own. Usually, those Shamans are those who reside in remote rural villages that are isolated away from the activities of the official State Shinto.
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Old 12-04-2024, 12:10 PM
Rah nam Rah nam is online now
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Just extend your energy and it will bounce off.
Hallelujah to all my brethren.
Rah nam
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Old 14-04-2024, 06:18 PM
Wandering_Star Wandering_Star is offline
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Well, for one, they wouldn't be calling upon a higher-dimensional being (what we'd call a god or goddess), because such beings wouldn't participate. To do so is literally beneath them.

What they would end up calling upon, whether they know it or not, is a being from the lower astral who is willing to lie and pretend they are a god/goddess in order to get a human's attention. What angels are to us, we are to them, and many of them love to latch on to humans. And that being might be willing to follow orders and go pester another person, if it means continuing to get human attention.

But a person summoning beings from the lower astral would have to be of a very low vibration themselves in order to attract that being and interact with it in the first place (and, let's face it, if you're trying to lay a curse on anybody, you are operating from a very low vibration).

But lower astral beings can't do much to harm higher-vibration humans, because of the wide disparity in frequency. So they may try to do harm, but at most it's going to result in a minor annoyance. Higher vibration people are safe from curses, because they don't fear them, don't take them seriously, and know they are safe. The people who can be successfully cursed are the ones who believe they can, because they live at a low enough vibration, with a disempowered enough worldview.

It's all about belief, and your own personal frequency.
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Old 02-05-2024, 09:32 PM
Sir Neil Sir Neil is offline
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Yes, the only person who has any power over your life is you. The only thing with any power is your own consciousness. A curse is only the power of suggestion in action; believe in it, and it could have an effect. But if you don’t then it’ll just bounce off you and nothing will happen.
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Old 05-05-2024, 09:50 PM
Cribbage1952 Cribbage1952 is offline
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If the spirit attack is too severe, then Exorcists or Shamans are called. They have the experience and know-how to expel the spirits. Sometimes the attacks can become so severe that they become infestations.
Also a differentiation has to be made between Elemental spirits which are Non-human and spirits who are humans who have expired and passed on to the Afterlife but for some emotional reason remain tied to the Earth plane.
An Exorcist can make contact in order to make that differentiation. In the case of Elementals, many of them feed on a specific emotion. There might be certain emotions such as envy or lust which has been allowed to fester within an individual, and that is the "hook" by which the elemental can grab onto, and then harass and even take up occupancy inside the victim. This is how an elemental can "latch" onto its victim.
This can be seen most strikingly in Road-Rage. Rage is beyond mere anger. Because with anger, some self-control is still possible. But when it comes to Rage, the emotion has escalated beyond one's control. This is because the anger has become so ingrained that the elemental has taken up occupancy within its victim. Worse than spirit-harassment where the spirit still remains outside even during the harassment. That's why there is the quotation "Anger is one letter short of danger."
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Old 12-05-2024, 06:17 PM
Cribbage1952 Cribbage1952 is offline
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Sometimes the emotion of Desperation can inadvertently let a harmful spirit into one's presence or even one's body. So Desperation can be intertwined with the idea of Manifesting.
In the annals of Exorcism, there was one case where a young daughter was being so traumatized by parental-abuse that at one point her desperation made her invite in a malevolent spirit. Much to the relief of the victim, the Exorcist had such expertise that he managed to pinpoint the origin of the spirit infestation.
Instead of confronting the spirit directly, what the Exorcist did instead was to get the girl to re-experience and confront the cause of the infestation, namely the parental-abuse. Release of that parent-to-child trauma made it much easier for the Exorcist to expel the spirit.
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Old 13-05-2024, 01:14 PM
Ewwerrin Ewwerrin is offline
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You can enjoy and thus create any reality you want.
Sharing perspective.
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Old 01-07-2024, 04:33 AM
dankipruto dankipruto is offline
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In African land where tradition is deep, a curse does happen when one does something bad. It's believed by all that when you are cursed it happens. Some curses happen immediately and example if one kills another human being but others may take nearly 5 decades.
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Old 05-10-2024, 08:29 AM
Cribbage1952 Cribbage1952 is offline
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It's not only elemental spirits but also human spirits that can be seen in a spiritual attack. In a so-called haunting or spiritual harassment in Cambodia, a lady called on a shaman for help. After interviewing the lady and spiritually probing the area, the shaman sensed the spirit of Jealousy. Not from the lady but from the malevolent spirit. As it turns out, the spirit was the departed spirit of her deceased husband. While the husband was alive, he found that his wife was fornicating, secretly having an affair with another man. Husband died soon after, but his resentment carried over into the spirit realm, the resentment which manifested in the malevolent spiritual attacks. The shaman told the lady to make sincere apologies to the spirit. Repeated apologies gradually managed to expel the husband's spirit.
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