I used to wonder why on earth we are given these exps.
Lol, then I just stopped.
Then, I wondered, And why do others not have them...
and then, I stopped.
At 8 yrs old I was placed into an altered state
one summer outside in the country .. I suddenly 'saw' .. ''It's all a dream,
nothing is real.''
I handled it pretty well...hahahahahlol.
Oh, this life! I laugh so much.
Many more exps later...each one I said to myself ..''I could just die right know - I've seen everything."
And then God would show me more a couple years later -suddenly, inexplicably. And then more...
Simple things: there is no matter..how He created everything slowing down His Light, Himself...then, more
about who HE is -His Divine Mind, His Sacred Heart...His unquenchable compassion, His ...I think I said enough for now...
how do you explain the Void? (And yet, I go on!)
Where there is nothing, utter nothingness...except for Pure Awareness.
Oh my - I am in awe of this Infinite Love and Brilliance that is this Being...ha, like a Star Trek depiction, I say that, also :)...
beyond anything...and yet, consisting of Pure Feelings.
I am in love with Him, in reverence of Him, and yet, ha, He is my best Friend and doting Father,
even at 2 am here.
Never stops.