Originally Posted by WantToBeHappy
The world is NOT my responsibility. I am a mere human being. But what I mean is it is ok if I don’t help anyone. But I just don’t want to be responsible for anything bad happening to anyone.
Sadly, the world is your responsibility. And luckily you are response able to your world. Simply imagine a light of blessings to all, well-being flowing to all, and goodness flowing to all. Howevery ou wanna imagine that, it is your imagination and way you wanna imagine it that is the best way for you. And as you think this, then you will find this happening more and evidence of it more. And you can simply enjoy that more.
How to take control of it, is not think about specific issues, but be more general in your attempt to control things. Don't be like "oh this went wrong." No be more general, "I want things in general to be well and good for all." And simply go with that.
Don't be hard on yourself if you make a mistake. Just recognize how it feels bad, negative emotion, so it helps you realise you care about something, and simply shift your thought on that. Imagine good beautiful bright strong healthy good feeling stable strong capable teeth for everyone. And enjoy that feeling. however much you want. Don't try to make it happen, just allow it to happen however it will happen. And simply enjoy focusing what you enjoy focusing and thinking about. And allow everyone to have their own manifestation and experience. And simply create your own reality experience. And choose a general goodness for yourself and others around you too if you wish.
And you are always at the center of existence, so it is allways all about you. And you may also choose to believe that something else is creating your reality, like source energy or god source consciousness. For this is always true, but that source is where you come from and you are an extension of it. So eventually, the things source cannot do for you, is choose which reality you want to experience. But at the same time, it will always choose for you what you want, even if you do not, and then you feel negative emotion, to let you know, you are choosing something different in that moment than what you truely want. Because source wont do that. So you can always feel your way to what you want, even if you forget it. You can always remember by feeling your emotion as you think about things. Or even let go of thought and open up to receiving the knowing of source that it always holds steadily for you. That feels like joy or fun or goodness or well-being, worthiness, knowing, freedom, etc.
If you feel plagued by negative thoughts, you can always meditate or go to sleep, to return back to source consciousness. And reset your reality creation so to speak. Start from neutral again. No need to manifest crazy experiences to return you to source, really, you're always with source and source is always with you, as all is one and one is all. You are free to navigate infinity however you wish and create your own reality however you want it to be.
So experiencing a reality where bad things happen is not a bad thing. It actually helps you know what you want and thus know who you truely are. From your source core of being. Which holds and bees and becomes the evermore expansion vibrationally of all that you want to be do or have, evermore here and now.
So everytime you feel something negative it means you got something good to feel about that. And you are ready for it, and to realise it aswell. Such as bad teeth, means you are ready for good teeth. And then simply enjoy the good teeth. For yourself or for others. Simple as that. However you want.
And you will always find new things to want, so enjoy the journey that never ends. Nothing is more real than the next thing and the next and the next. Evermore here and now.
So as you say you want to be happy, then think more about what it would be like and feel like if you were happy and you did feel good. Find moments in your life you remember where you did feel good. And simply keep moving forward towards your highest joy. Steadily consistently. And unconditionally, and without insistence. Follow the thread of the joy. And what feels good/better to you. Or whatever feels the best that you got the most acces to in that moment. Allow that more give that more of your attention and awareness and enjoyment of it. There's always more to want and enjoy and choose to believe and allow the experience of it to be yielded to you effortlessly and naturally and enjoyably.
Even if that means feeling nothing, it can be better than feeling bad. And from feeling nothing you can find time to contemplate what feeling good would be like. What kind of reality feels good. What is the next best thing and the next, and now and now? Keep looking forward.
Sure things happened in the past, but the past doesn't matter. Whatever you focus upon now is how you create your reality. So if the past feels good, you can focus on it. If it feels bad, you're just realising you want to think about something that does feel good / better. Or the best thing you got acces to. It will always be available to you. Regardless of the reality. Unconditionally. From the very unconditional Source of your being.
Also you've been creating your reality since you were born everytime you're awake. And it's no big deal, everyone does it, and many people also do it unconsciously and unintentionally. It's simply a nice thing that you can realise and know that you are creating your own reality. And so you can choose to create a reality you want to experience more and more. And enjoy more and more. It doesn't make you crazy just because you're one of the few who know that you are creating your own reality. Maybe crazy in a good way, different yes... Everyone is different anyway. Maybe you are very very very, different... Well, you get to decide how different you wanna be. You get to decide anything you wanna experience.
And even if you create a reality you don't like, it's not wrong. IT just helps you realise what you prefer so you can experience that more and enjoy that more.
And if you feel like you can only create bad things, then simply think about good things more, and believe in creating good things. And if you believe you do not create what you think, then simply stop caring about what you think, and enjoy life. There are endless ways. And experiences and perspectives to be had. We get to explore and choose all of it and experience any of it. There is no limit, no right or wrong way. Only infinite ways. If that is confusing, then simply believe that there is only one way. Get the jist of it? You got infinite freedom.
You can feel better about a negative thing, and see the positive in it. Or you can see the positive from the negative. And go towards that reality. Two different sides of the same coin. Give something a positive definition, you get a positive benefit out of it. if you don't care about feeling good, you can also choose neutrality. There is really no limit to what you can choose to experience. And again, nothing is more real than the next thing. So don't try to understand something. The truth is that all truths are true. And if you wanna know everything then simply be positive about everything. And you will enjoy it all more and expand your consciousness more of all of it, like pure positive source consciousness always does.
We humans are free to believe and experience negative realities and negative limitting and forgetful definitions and consciousness lessening definitions of reality. But that doesn't make it all bad, it just limits our understanding of it all, and causes us to experience it in a bad way, limitting way. And that's simply a choice we will always have. But you can always feel your emotions to let you know that you are choosing to focus in negative thoughts and ways, and creating negative experiences of infinite reality that is all good at the source and ment to be enjoyed. And to inspire one for all the infinite goodness that all is being and becoming evermore here and now. As all is well.
And every moment is fake compared to the next one. It is all always an illusion, even God Source awakens to more of ALL THAT EXISTS forever and infinitely. We are not to find the right thing or way. It is all perfect and ever expanding evermore. You always blast into the new here and now. Simply to enjoy the new here and now. So you cannot control the condition. You can only control your vibrational relationship to the SOURCE of all conditions. And you do that by being conscious of and caring about how you feel emotionally. Energy motionally. And at first you can learn how to not vibrate in bad feeling ways, let that go. And then you can learn that after you feel stable in neutrality. You can always choose to think in positive ways and focus in positive ways, and then you feel better, and your experience becomes more full and conscious and lucid and clear and free and joyful and fun and enjoyable. And then what? You wont accomplish anything, because you are an eternal being. You will always have more to enjoy again and again and again. And you will always be free to choose to enjoy any and all of it evermore fully. As Source does so. And you are eternally inseperable from Source. No matter how bad you feel, you cannot be disconnected from that, and you always feel bad because you cannot become seperated from that. And thus you never need to feel bad even for one single moment. And it is also not wrong if you do feel bad, because you can always allow yourself to feel better again and relax back into Source Consciousness. However you wanna do that or allow for the allowing of that. Really... Is to simply realise that all is always well. It's all good. Everything is always perfect. And you are good and perfect always aswell. And everyone is aswell.
Every pain is just a knocking on your door, "Hey, infinite Source well being here... Wanna play?" Every experience is really there to be enjoyed. And every suffering/pain will always be unnecessary. And can always be let go of. By simply no longer holding on to it and letting it go. And allowing the next best thing, eternally, as you always do.