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Old 04-11-2023, 10:27 AM
LightAngel LightAngel is offline
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Originally Posted by AstralTraveller
The body is what pinpoints on the energy and narrow it down precisely (like a radio picking up on a specific station, knowing many other stations is happening all at once)

I can tell you this.

The first time I left my human body I was very young - I got very scared because I didn't understand what was happening.

There was a strange sound - just like you described - the sound like a radio picking up on a specific station.

I also saw a light and some of my "dead" ancestors. There was also something else, but I was too scared to investigate because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to go back into my body.

I remember the first time very clearly because it was a bit traumatic for me back then, but now I am happy about that experience.
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Old 04-11-2023, 03:28 PM
BadMedium BadMedium is offline
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Do you think we can time travel when we sleep? -> You can suffer an involuntary astral projection.

Some people believe that astral projection can send ou back in time or to the future.

Time doesn't really exist - it is just something we humans have invented because we have a need for order.

-> as the universe expanses, Spacetime is created, Albert Einstein dixit, therefore time exists.

Perhaps in the spiritual world, time doesn't exist. Who knows.
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Old 04-11-2023, 07:51 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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i like to think, the 'time' we experience is kind of another physical dimension, albeit it comes with many constraints. Still 3D comes with constraints too, one is always pulled downward for example in the part of 3D that most people are allowed to inhabit at this time.

as another physical dimension, you could 'walk around' in it the same way you do the other dimensions. It is more that people have become accustemed to the limitations that have been presented to them than anything. Even so we got around the 'pulled down' nature of 3D by making things like airplanes and helicoptors so we could do that with time as well. At least that is what I postulate.

Having said that, I never much liked having to involve millions of other people in my own affairs, so that I could have something like the technology that we make today so that we could do various things like flying in airplanes or traveling in time that we see as possibly entertaining. Personally, I much prefer a more holistical approach, where I just have 'abilities' to do such things (at least insofar as I personally am interested in doing such things) and I don't need technology and thus the support of millions of other people just to go some place I would rather just have been all along.

Again in my view the reason I don't have that, is because I keep asking other people to support me in being who I am. I won't just leave them to be whoever it is they are but I gotta have them supporting ME instead. And then I can't even be ME either because I'm relying on them to do that for me?

Which as it seems from looking at the news is a rather common problem....

but going back to the original subject, just because the 'time' we know is just more mechanics, that doesn't mean the concept of 'time' doesn't itself exist. And in fact the 'mechanical' time I've been talking about may be arranged in such a way as to teach various lessons about it.
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Old 05-11-2023, 02:25 AM
AstralTraveller AstralTraveller is offline
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@LightAngel very interesting, I would like to hear more about your AP experience. I am currently complying all the similarities from everyone I run into. What was it you worried about investigating. Don't let fear stop you from exploring. There are many "tests" or "defense mechanisms" over there to prevent the ones that are still living physically from learning more than what they were destined in this life too. I remember me very first AP, I just hit puberty... You can never forget the first, and the first is always the most real...

@BadMedium in my humble opinion, time doesn't exist at all, I'm quite confident, I just don't have the right words to express it. I believe if we don't let go of this time concept, humans will be stuck and stunt and not ascend and evolve higher spiritually.

@FallingLeaves There is only you, the rest of us is all NPCs in your story, or movie, or video game, or song. And there is only just me for my story...ect... It's time to act like the main character and take action, this maybe your ultimate lesson this lifetime. Serious too.
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
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Old 05-11-2023, 03:02 AM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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astral traveler, I guess you would know better than I would what I am doing, what I should be doing, and what my life's purpose is.

fair enough i guess I asked for it. that wasn't my intent... but...

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Old 05-11-2023, 03:37 AM
AstralTraveller AstralTraveller is offline
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@FallingLeaves I didn't mean for you to take this the wrong way. I am not saying I know better, I can read things wrong. What is your intent?
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
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Old 05-11-2023, 08:04 AM
LightAngel LightAngel is offline
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Originally Posted by BadMedium

-> as the universe expanses, Spacetime is created, Albert Einstein dixit, therefore time exists.

Perhaps in the spiritual world, time doesn't exist. Who knows.

Even Einstein questioned time.

He concluded that time is an illusion.

"The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." - Albert Einstein
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Old 05-11-2023, 08:17 AM
LightAngel LightAngel is offline
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Originally Posted by AstralTraveller
@LightAngel very interesting, I would like to hear more about your AP experience. I am currently complying all the similarities from everyone I run into. What was it you worried about investigating. Don't let fear stop you from exploring. There are many "tests" or "defense mechanisms" over there to prevent the ones that are still living physically from learning more than what they were destined in this life too. I remember me very first AP, I just hit puberty... You can never forget the first, and the first is always the most real...

True, you never forget the first time.

I was just too young and too scared to investigate.

I was so afraid that I wouldn't be able to go into my human body again if I investigated further - because I thought it would kill me in this life if I didn't enter my body at the right "time".

I felt God's energy was there with me showing me the hand of the universe (it is hard to explain this with human words).
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Old 05-11-2023, 02:00 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
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Originally Posted by AstralTraveller
@FallingLeaves I didn't mean for you to take this the wrong way. I am not saying I know better, I can read things wrong. What is your intent?

I'm at least trying to be a better person, and treat others better. But that doesn't always come out as well as I want it to... sorry...
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Old 05-11-2023, 10:32 PM
Wisteria Wisteria is offline
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Yes maybe that’s how we write books and movies the brain can serve as a simulation, I had my own experience of time travel, and ET but I decided not to bring it into reality, maybe it is just for us! Especially when it is out of this world, and so stories are written, but we have an open mind, where the consciousness is stored, and why! And the illusions we face when our vessel dies, we have to find balance, and a way to bring it into reality through art, rather than a belief.
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