Originally Posted by Michael K.
This reference point is the Divine ATOM which resides within your heart chakra
This Divine atom is our connection to the Source of all BEING the Absolute SELF. 99% of our full presentation package in invisible . We are presented within five layers of dimensional densities which ferry down the Spirit life principle from the higher bliss level dimension down to the most dense gross
dimension which is the physical body vehicle. We have a total of five levels of
bodies of expression , bliss body, which is the highest , wisdom body, mental
body, etheric and astral body.
That is our five bodied package we are all presented within. These five layers
can be seen by some sensitives of mediums which are reflected within our
AURAS. The AURA is an electromagnetic field of living intelligent light energy;
FOES is about realizing the journey that we move through to become human
beings here on planet Earth.
Blessings michael.
Always great to see posts about spirituality from a science perspective!
Agree that what we could perceive while in this 3d part of reality is very little compared to what is available in the vast grand whole multi-dimensional reality. All by our own design when we are not in the human form.
We certainly could perceive more the more connected or in tune we are with our Soul that is the energy bridge or energy transformer between what some call God, Creative Source, and many other names to mean the same that is at the highest vibration multi-dimensional quantum energy which is love and us purposely at a very low vibration 3d energy.
Multi-dimensional quantum energy is fascinating because it could "split" into unlimited multiplicities with all parts remaining energetically intertwined, connected, and entangled.
We each are one of those multiplicities. Parts of the human body are multi-dimensional quantum energy receivers and transmitters. We have never been alone here.
The heart, brain, and pineal form the triad or trinity needed for us to connect while pretending to be humans here. Heart to have love, brain to believe and carry out the instructions, and the pineal to do the transmitting and receiving. Numerologically, the number 3 has importance.
To be a bit more clear about dimensionality, there really is no separate 3d, 4d, 5d, etc that we could point to. We all are already immersed in the vast grand whole multi-dimensional reality, but how much of it we could perceive will depend on our state of awareness and consciousness.
An interesting aside, at our current state it is human nature to put everything in a list, classify them based on importance, rank them from high to low, or put them into very specific boxes. That don't happen on the other side because being all intertwined, connected, and entangled there is no separation, hierarchy, or linearity like what we have here.
Bottom line is it has always been about love which is one of the few things that crossed over from the other side.
Truly an amazing but extremely challenging human adventure of finding ourselves that we "jumped in line" for when not in the human form and in our true whole multi-dimensional home on the other side of the self-imposed Veil of Forgetfulness.
And as we begin to solve the puzzle of what we truly are, that is to uncover the God energy of love within which is heavily cloaked by our ego, we then will start to innately express that love to the world through compassionate action. Assisting with generating and infusing light to this spiritually dark young world.
To bring Heaven to Earth some will say. And that day is coming for humanity, but the foul smelling massive pile of harmful garbage that has been lying around for ages protected and untouched have to be cleaned up and dealt with first before moving forward to better times ahead.
Amazing times for humanity. Be very grateful to be alive now witnessing the pre-requisite stage of the monumental benevolent expansion of human consciousness. After thousands of years of dwelling in dark barbaric energies, humanity at large is finally evolving towards its highest consciousness ever with more caring, understanding, compassion, honesty, integrity, cooperation, and respect for life.
What an amazing adventure!!!