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Old 31-08-2024, 11:48 AM
Goldcup7 Goldcup7 is offline
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Color The substance of perception

What is the substance of perception? Some may say the answer is Awareness or Consciousness, but Non Duality teaching tells us to look deeper to experience the understanding beyond the words.

Who knows, and what is the nature of knowing? The thinking, the feelings, the sensations, the perceptions, hearing, seeing, tasting and so on - we perceive it all in the same place, in the same field of Awareness. But what is the nature of this Awareness. That is the pointer to self-realisation. Not really one we can answer on a forum, but a pointer to look deep into where we are looking from.
It is what it is.
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Old 31-08-2024, 01:54 PM
OldChap OldChap is offline
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Originally Posted by Goldcup7
What is the substance of perception? Some may say the answer is Awareness or Consciousness, but Non Duality teaching tells us to look deeper to experience the understanding beyond the words.

Non-duality is nice, but so is duality.

Being a human is fascinating. To on purpose greatly limiting access to our own huge library of greater personal cosmic and Earthly knowledge, wisdom, and truths stored in each of the trillions of DNA in our own body in order to have an amazing human adventure of finding ourselves.

From love we came, and while pretending to be humans here it is through love that we return to the infinite multi-dimensional conglomerate whole that some call God.

We are all extensions of God having some fun here.
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Old 31-08-2024, 04:01 PM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
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Goldcup7 To m e the answer is BEING IS.

blessings michael.
https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.comMichael Kirkpatrick https://xxxxxbbb.blogspot.com
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Old 01-09-2024, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Goldcup7
What is the substance of perception?

While perceptions are best resources one can have (from its library of subconscious and intellect) while surfing this life , perceptions can still be deceiving . There is plethora of examples in internet on this deception from perception and there are books also on this.
So right balanced,nuanced ,real fact based perceptions can be great asset , prejudiced ,dogmatic , superstitious , egoistic, ignorant ,selfish perceptions can be great liability .
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Old 02-09-2024, 03:54 AM
Ewwerrin Ewwerrin is offline
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The funny thing about this question is that your perception creates substance, while your perception does not have nor does it need to have any substance whatsoever.

But lets call it substance anyway.

So what is the substance of perception?
Perhaps a better way to frame it is:
What consists of Perception?

First of all, it is vibration.
Your perception consists of your own habbitually practiced energetic thought patterns, which form the energy grid, which draws in that which is in likeness to it, for you to experience the synchronistic reality of it.

So you are creator of thought, creator of perception, and thus creater of reality.
You see what you believe. So you need to believe it first, before you can see it.
How does one believe something?

First, you need to understand what a believe is. A believe is nothing more than a thought that you keep thinking. It becomes a habbit. A habbit is an energetic thought pattern of which you are not aware. Once you become aware of the habbitually practiced energetic thought pattern (believe) it is no longer a habbit, but a choice.

So awareness is key.

How does one become aware of a believe? By feeling your emotions. They always perfectly reflect here and now the active believe you are having here and now about whatever subject it is you are being aware of.

Where does the emotion come from? Emotions are your own Relativity Indicator. It is your own guidance mechanism. When Source Consciousness knows something, and you focus in opposition to it, you feel the relativity between your perspective and Source Perspective as negative emotion. Because you are an inseperable extension of your own Source Consciousness. So when you align your perspective with Source Consciousness, your emotions will indicate that, with you feeling good feeling positive emotions.

So how do you create reality through your perception? With your freedom to focus upon whatever you want to focus upon. Causing you to vibrate in likeness to it.
You are able to place your awareness upon your own preference (thinking about preference) and thereby feel good, energy-motionally, e-motionally, and thus then you have created the energy grid that will fill in with the reality of your own preference.

You are a vibrational being who's capable of focusing themselves into any combination of vibrations and reflect back any experience imaginable.

You are Creator. And you are right now Creating every single aspect of your experience, to the minute detail.

As a believe is just a thought that you keep thinking. You can think "your preference", focus on your preference, place your awareness upon your own preference, and thus bring about the believe, that has no choice but to yield to you the reality of your own preference. Because that is where you have been focusing.

What you place your awareness upon, becomes more.

You gotta feel your emotions to know what you prefer as opposed to what you do not prefer. This makes it very obvious and easy to create the reality of your own preference, and thereby accomplishing your true will or purpose (Unconditional Joy).
As Source is always aware and focused upon your desires, you cannot ignore them without feeling negative emotion.

You don't create reality by trying to believe something or seeking evidence for a believe or waiting for a reality worth believing in... Or trying to use your physical body to change the reality with your hands... No... Simply... Knowing what a believe is. It is your perception and perspective. And it is vibrational and synchronistic. As are all things in existence.

So when you realise that a believe is just a thought that you keep thinking.... And you realise that your reality MUST conform to your believe, and not the other way around... Then the obvious thing to do, is to choose your own perception/believe (perception is the synchronistic result of a believe/energy grid). And thereby create your own reality.

From thoughts to things.

Is there a limit? No... It is all infinite and so are you. The more you enjoy it, the more you will continue to enjoy it. And the more of it will be available for you and all to enjoy. So you are also doing a service by being selfishly in alignment with your own True Will (Unconditional Joy). By simply being who you truely are. Which is in alignment with your True Purpose (Unconditional Joy).

As leading example, you become creator, not because it is special, but because it is normal and natural. Everyone is creator of their own reality, you just adhere to your own natural nature and freedom by allowing yourself to be aware of this fact and enjoy it as you are ment to, freely. And are unconditionally deserving of. And unconditionally supported and loved by Source.
So your example will not create followers, but leaders.

Being a leading example is being Joyful in life. Enjoying whatever you enjoy. Unconditionally. From within, so too from without.

Its really simple once you understand how it works. When you experience something you don't like, simply focus on the preferred reality, and it must come to pass. Reality has no choice but to support your believes. You and all are unconditionally supported to be, do or have anything you so desire.

Does this mean that reality has no substance? In a way you can say that, yes. But the whole reason for that is so that you can enjoy whatever you want, without being limitted to any reality/substance. So the substance is basically your freedom.

Your focus will always manifest through the path of least resistance. And the more you enjoy what you enjoy, the more you open that path of least resistance, widen it and expand your freedom.

It is like a baby slapping their own face and crying. Then realising that that hand is its own and the baby will learn to produce miracles with that hand. Same with you and reality. It may seem like it is out to get you, but one day you will learn that it is yours to create.

Don't be afraid of your thoughts. They are not like a gun that when you think it, it will instantly manifest. As a creator your eternal purpose is unconditional Joy. A joyful journey leads to a joyful destination. Because the Joy is in the Journey and the destination is yet another Journey. And such is your eternal Joy.

The only purpose of the physical extension is to enjoy your desires. Once you enjoy your desires, unconditionally, the reality will automatically become enjoyable aswell. Not because you make it be that way. But because this is vibrational Law. Reality cannot contradict you unless you contradict yourself. And if you do contradict yourself, the best way out of that is to Appreciate the fact that you are aware of that! You can feel it! And so how easy is it to realise your preference in the very moment that you are feeling negative emotion?! It is so obvious and easy!

Whenever you feel negative emotion, it just means you are ready to realise your desire regarding that subject. Which will yield Joy. And thus indicate that your reality will become enjoyable regarding that subject.

So celebrate every point of negative emotion. And focus on your preference regarding that subject, and thereby enjoy it and thereby yield the reality of your enjoyment.

As you keep doing this, life keeps becoming more and more enjoyable, and it keeps becoming more and more easy to create your own reality. Not boring easy, but easy in terms of how enjoyable it is.

You are not doing this alone. God is always helping.
So if you ever feel stuck, you might think "I have been giving this desire my attention for years upon years! And it never becomes a reality!"

This happens because people are not aware of their emotions. They think about something, and they think it is their desire, while they are not feeling good at all when focusing upon it!
You cannot denie your emotions. They are your guidance mechanism. You have to always be honest with your self. If you feel bad, you can be rest assured that you are not focused upon your own preference, regarding any subject whatsoever! Feeling bad means you are focused upon the complete opposite of your own preference.

And remember, that is not a bad thing!
Celebrate every negative emotion you feel, and you will reach Unconditional Joy that much more quickly. Remember, negative emotion means; you are in that moment most capable of realising your preference, regarding the subject of your awareness. And then it is done! Forever. It is so easy! So easy that there will come a point that you automatically begin realising your preference everytime you feel negative emotion. Like almost feeling like "oops, I realised my preference regarding this, and so the negative emotion is gone before I was even able to appreciate that my emotional guidance mechanism works as flawlessly as ever."

If ever you feel negative emotion, for whatever reason, it just means that your Greater Non-Physical God Source Consciousness of pure positive energy, of infinite intelligence, eternal wisdom and unconditional love, is having a different perspective. And you being an inseperable extension of your own Greater Non-Physical God Source Consciousness, means you always have access to that greater knowing and perspective.
Not only that, but you cannot even seperate your perspective from the Greater Knowing of your own God Source Consciousness. And so when you feel negative emotion, it is not because some random person above the clouds is arguing with you! It is YOU. And when you come into alignment with the greater part of YOU, then IT IS ALL YOU.

As all as one as one as all.
You can look at anything and say "You are me from a different point of view. I am you, from a different point of view."
And so you, as God, is coming to know itself from all the different points of view that it can come to know itself, evermore and more and more.

So God Source Consciousness is that which is aware of ALL POINTS OF VIEW AND ALL TRUTHS SIMULTANEOUSLY. And then there is that which is even more All Inclusive and even More All Inclusive and even More All Inclusive. Forever more and more. So there is no limitation.

And you don't need to know any of this stuff to enjoy life and be unconditionally loved and supported by all that is. As the very life force that is flowing through you, right now, is the energy which creates worlds.

All is well.
Sharing perspective.

Last edited by Ewwerrin : 02-09-2024 at 11:13 AM.
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Old Yesterday, 02:34 PM
DaneA DaneA is offline
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Perception seems to be a neurological process. We receive stimuli from whatever is out there and these processes translate into recognised objects and spaces which we then project outwards so that if necessary we can interact with them. No human can see what is actually out there though science has equipped us with means to reach some conclusions.
In the same way we can never know whether several perceivers will perceive precisely the same thing.
At least colloquially we claim that the totality of our perceptions and experience give us our (unique) realities.

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Old Yesterday, 03:13 PM
TrevorJ TrevorJ is offline
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Originally Posted by DaneA
Perception seems to be a neurological process. We receive stimuli from whatever is out there and these processes translate into recognised objects and spaces which we then project outwards so that if necessary we can interact with them. No human can see what is actually out there though science has equipped us with means to reach some conclusions.
In the same way we can never know whether several perceivers will perceive precisely the same thing.
At least colloquially we claim that the totality of our perceptions and experience give us our (unique) realities.

We perceive through our senses, I agree it is neurological up to this point. Then we hand it over to our conscious mind, then apply our past cognitive experiences.
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