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Old 23-04-2024, 07:21 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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True but I like the Green Mile

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Old 01-09-2024, 05:52 PM
Found Goat Found Goat is offline
Join Date: Mar 2019
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Movie recommendation: The Entity (1982)

There is a very dark side to spirituality as anyone who has studied the spirit world or dabbled in the occult knows. This is only to be expected, as it is understood the unseen realms to be similar to our own physical plane, inhabited by both saintly and sinister beings, and everything else in-between. If in our world there exists psychopaths who get off on raping attractive women, it would only make sense that similar creatures would be found among the otherworld as well, be it in disincarnate form or otherwise.

Enter The Entity, a truly chilling motion-picture, of which the closing printed narration to the movie informs is "a fictionalized account of a true incident." Yes, the film has been somewhat Hollywoodized for dramatical purposes, and yet at the core of the narrative lies a disturbing metaphysical truth.

Upon first being introduced to the character of Carla Moran (Barbara Hershey), we meet a woman going about life without a thought or care as to what lies beyond the mundane, what with our lovely heroine preoccupied being a single mom raising three kids, trying to make ends meet, all the while enrolled in secretarial school so as to advance her skills in the hopes of finding a better-paying job. Understandably, poltergeists are the farthest thing from the brunette's pretty little head.

Unfortunately for Carla, however, she is front and center in the mind of one particular 'noisy ghost,' who goes on to take a special interest in her...echoing the Fallen Ones mentioned of in scripture, of whom it is said in early human history gazed down upon the daughters of men and went about having their way with them.

You may wonder, as I do, just how it is a spirit entity possesses the anatomical equipment necessary in committing the evil act of sexually violating a ravishing beauty, especially when no materialization is involved, but there it is. More than just a poltergeist, what we have here is evidently an incubus -- certainly neither hypnagogic nor hypnopompic hallucination, nor even an Old Hag for that matter. Carla is repeatedly slapped, punched, thrown to the bed, and brutally assaulted. This bogeyman does more than just go bump in the night and is remarkably virile.

At first, Ms. Moran thinks she may be going insane, and seeks out the aid of a clinical psychiatrist, a doctor Sneiderman (Ron Silver), who assures her she's only hysterical, and who can only offer the tormented victim useless psychoanalysis and meaningless psychobabble, adamantly dismissive as he is of the supernatural and ever prone to suggesting fatuous explanations for her objectively-based attacks.

No longer able to cope with her ongoing harrowing experience, as a last recourse Carla agrees to an experiment conducted by two parapsychologists, in an attempt to lure, trap, and destroy her monstrous, foul-smelling harasser.

I simply don't know enough about the real-life woman of whom this movie is based on (a Doris Bither) to comment on whether this lady somehow invited this presence into her life through perhaps a Ouija board or some other form of spiritistic activity. One thing is for certain, and as anyone familiar with the details of Bither's case knows, said entity would go on following this woman from place to place, from residence to residence, regardless of where she moved to and how many times she relocated. (This is in keeping with what's been said of entities of this ilk in general, that once they enter a person's life, once they cross through the portal, they never leave.)

There are haunted houses and then there are haunted persons. According to Barry Taff, the paranormal researcher who investigated Bither's story, at one point close to 30 eyewitnesses who were at the Bither home during the investigation observed poltergeist activity for themselves. (What is known in scientific jargon as 'consensual validation'.) In the movie, electrical discharges are shown to occur, and Taff, in one interview, speaks of the entity appearing as a plasma-like blob, with plasma, he notes, being 'the fourth state of matter.'

Whatever the case, The Entity can be counted among spiritual movies, to be sure -- if by spiritual one is keen enough to acknowledge the existence of evil and evil spirits.
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