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Old 12-11-2013, 02:13 AM
Parma Parma is offline
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Does Anyone Here Do Self Hypnosis?

If you do self hypnosis, how effective do you think it is?
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Old 17-11-2013, 05:10 PM
desert rat desert rat is offline
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I think it is like just about any thing else , it deponds on how much effort you put in to it . There a lot of different self hypnosis tapes /cds/dvds/mp3s out there, stop smoking , loose weight , make more money , astral projection , past lives , and more.
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Old 18-11-2013, 04:28 AM
adamm[] adamm[] is offline
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hypnosis is very effective. But all hypnosis is self hypnosis, you have to play along for it to work so to speak. You wont quit smoking if you just listen to a track and blandly go along with the tape.

You just think about wanting to smoke and then override that craving with a new image of you not wanting to smoke. You literally rewrite your mind not to crave a cigarette. Every sense you have can set off a though, for a smoker looking at a cigarette is a visual Q to bring up all the cravings for a cigarette, so you have to basically tell yourself not to crave it by blocking out the craving. You basically block out the emotions of wanting the cigarette and after time you wont crave them anymore.

IF you wanted to quit smoking you could simply look at a cigarette let it burn in front of you and think about something else.

I got so drunk after mixology class every time i even looked at hard liquor, i would almost feel sick because i was literally bringing up memories of alcohol poisoning to the point where my body was probably producing bile.
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Old 23-11-2013, 11:50 PM
MidnightCry MidnightCry is offline
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Originally Posted by Parma
If you do self hypnosis, how effective do you think it is?

Hi, I do self hypnosis and I personally enjoy it I'm not sure what kind of self hypnosis you might be referring to but when I do it, it's usually to relax myself and in that aspect, it's definitely effective as long as I can actually get myself to really focus.
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Old 01-01-2014, 03:42 PM
rodan rodan is offline
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The key to making self hypnosis effective, is to keep at it. It may take a minimum of 20 sessions before you start noticing any improvement.

I can tell you from personal experience, it works, however, if you don't stay at it, say, you do one session tonight, and, then skip several, then, do one or two, then skip, you probably won't see results. You have to commit yourself, say, set a goal of doing it everyday for 30 days. A session will probably last about 20 to 30 minutes each.

My problem, and I bet a lot of people who say it doesn't work, they just don't stick with it. Don't expect to go under in a few minutes, one time, and expect results. It doesn't work that way.

If you have problems doing it yourself, those self hypnosis mp3s do help. I've done it both ways. With and without mp3s.

What's even better, in my opinion, is if you have someone you can trust, to sit with you, and help guide you under. Problem with this it's hard to find someone who is as serious as you are, in doing this.
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Old 02-01-2014, 03:39 AM
desert rat desert rat is offline
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Taking this a slightly different direction . Some people are using audio programs like audacity to record there own message . Maby listen it while sleeping .
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Old 19-01-2014, 01:30 PM
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I've listened to a hypnosis app, every night before going to sleep, for the last six months. I have it on to playback 10 times through the night (can't do loop unfortunately). Trouble is, I fall asleep within a minute or two of the first run through, so I've never actually heard it all the way through.

Does it work? Absolutely! Has it worked for me? I'm not sure but I do believe I need to actively listen to it rather than fall asleep to it. I am an avid fan of hypnosis and believe that it can work miracles. However self hypnosis is great for relaxing but I'm not sure if it's not better left to a professional, ie a visit to a therapist rather than DIY, if specific results are required.

I know certain things can be done in one session with a professional, ie no smoking, which I kind of think is a miracle really. When someone had smoked for 30 yrs and stop completely after 1 session - amazing.
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Old 27-01-2014, 05:45 PM
rodan rodan is offline
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Try to find a friend or relative to help you. Teach them how the relaxation method. Once they know how to do it, he or she could perform it on you, just like a professional hypnotherapist.
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Old 02-02-2014, 01:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Parma
If you do self hypnosis, how effective do you think it is?

All hypnosis is self hypnosis.
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Old 19-02-2014, 10:15 PM
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I certainly use self-hypnosis a lot and it can help quite a bit, mainly visualisation methods.

While I agree that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis to some extent, I also believe that being hypnotised by someone else is more effective in some cases. I've even found this for myself, there is a few times I have seeked someone to hypnotise me even though I am a hypnotist myself, mainly because I find it works better that way.
The way I see it, even though you can clear your mind, enter a trance and bypass your own conscious mind, you cannot take yourself through certain processes that a hypnotist can take you through effectively. For instance, I find 'authoritative' suggestions work well with me rather than visualisation methods, especially after conscious disassociation, addressing the subconscious directly and separately. This does not work well for me through self-hypnosis, as explained below.

I cannot achieve the same authoritative style with conscious disassociation in self-hypnosis effectively, because as soon as I start trying to give myself those direct authoritative suggestions, my critical faculty jumps right back in and starts to pass judgement on them, and thus the suggestions won't take.

I can take myself through self-hypnosis using visualisation methods quite easily, but I just seem to respond better with an authoritative style hypnotic process.
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