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Go Back   Spiritual Forums > Religions & Faiths > Light Workers & Earth Angels > Channelled Messages for Light Workers

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Old 18-11-2010, 08:55 PM
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Channeling about Channelers

I am not channeling any Angel or Master-- I am just going with the flow and writing from my highest self I can possibly get to when I do question and answer like this. It is a bit like automatic writing, so I give full credence to the fact that this may all be based off of many things in my conscious and subconscious.


I am channeling to ask about channelers.

What about them?

Are any of them at all accurate? Are they at least right in the generalized fact that they all sense some kind of impending change for the better?

Yes and yes, though I doubt you believe my second answer. I don't know why, as you know it, yourself, and also are expecting change for the better. However, I see you waning more toward the "dark side," wanting some more dramatic things to happen, or expecting the worst. [I am about to write, but I am interrupted with:] You are not lost to it, my dear. Just climb right back out, as you always do, and try not to get back in, no matter how alluring.

How can I do that?

Smoke less pot, for one.

I guess so.

And... be nicer to yourself and [your boyfriend]. Listen to your essence. Listen to "the words between the words," like you keep telling yourself to do.
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Old 21-11-2010, 04:08 PM
John32241 John32241 is offline
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That seemed like really good advice.

Thanks for posting it.

My web site: Telepathy Academy

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Old 11-03-2011, 02:32 PM
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Originally Posted by John32241
That seemed like really good advice.

Thanks for posting it.


the site in your signature is incredible!thx
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Old 12-03-2011, 01:19 AM
John32241 John32241 is offline
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Originally Posted by Yachak
the site in your signature is incredible!thx

Thank you for your nice review!!
My web site: Telepathy Academy

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Old 23-11-2010, 01:11 PM
secnarf secnarf is offline
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o oh.....i was defineately meant to read this :)
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Old 24-11-2010, 05:21 AM
Spiritlite Spiritlite is offline
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I enjoyed reading your channeling.
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Old 21-01-2011, 09:44 PM
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Very nice. I must admit that I chuckled at the pot part
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Old 27-02-2011, 10:35 AM
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Quality Of Channeling Varies Considerably

Suzanne Ward on channeling:

“A great deal of untrue or misleading information, often fear-filled, is falsely attributed to light sources. Entities claiming to represent a group or civilization widely known to be of the light transmit untrue information to receivers who cannot discern that these sources are dark. Untrue information also is given to unsuspecting receivers by spokespersons for darkly-intentioned groups that present themselves as beings of light; and still other dark entities claim to be one or another well known, spiritually evolved soul, and they also pass on self-serving falsehoods. Some individuals on the planet disseminate their own writings or publicly “channel” their own ideas, and they attribute this information to respected light beings.

There are still other considerations. Telepathic communication has a filter inherent in the system itself. The energetic pulsing that is the source's “voice” connects with the most appropriate words in the receiver's vocabulary, and there can be enough of a gap so that the words “nudged out” may garble names and not fully accurately express the source’s meanings. Another filter is in the receiver, whose knowledge, beliefs or preconceived ideas can bleed into the transmission and distort the source’s information.”

“Because so many people rely on the Internet for information, it has become a prime misinformation outlet, including postings by individuals employed by dark minds to compose “channeled” messages and ascribe false and frightening information to sources well known as highly evolved souls.”

There are many excellent messages that offer valuable wayshower information & guidance. It is not difficult to tell the difference between those that do & the false & inept ones, but it is incumbent on us to use our source/god/prime creator-given discernment.
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