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Old 04-10-2017, 12:54 PM
tealily tealily is offline
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Two Cards, One Sentence Game

Another easy tarot game - this time instead of just one card, it's two... meaning you have to link the cards together in a concise sentence :) This is a great game for anyone wanting to practice getting clearer messages from multiple cards. Don't overthink it; try to look for obvious reasons the two cards might be coming out as a combination if you're not getting an automatic intuitive message.

Feedback not required (but would probably be nice for the reader if you have time :) )

Q: Is it wise to upgrade all my crockery?

Death rev, 6 of Pent.
Don't be ridiculous - save your money!!!

Q: What do I like about my current house?
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Old 04-10-2017, 12:59 PM
angelic star angelic star is offline
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Hah I love this game already

Q: What do I like about my current house?

Seven of swords, Nine of swords

There feels to be some nervousness around being alone, or sleep, like you need to feel safe, and that you are protected from outside sources, sense of security comes in picture as a need right now.

Question, what does P want me to know ?
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Old 04-10-2017, 01:12 PM
tealily tealily is offline
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@angelic star - bang on! I want to be able to sleep soundly without being woken up by other people's noises in the house, and know that the entire environment here is very controlled.

I don't do 3rd party questions, so will leave your question for someone else :)
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Old 04-10-2017, 01:15 PM
angelic star angelic star is offline
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Originally Posted by tealily
@angelic star - bang on! I want to be able to sleep soundly without being woken up by other people's noises in the house, and know that the entire environment here is very controlled.

I don't do 3rd party questions, so will leave your question for someone else :)

It's okay, since you had asked about D and P, and your interactions at work, my question is just like that. It's not about 'feeling ' and 'thinking' cause it's not personal or love like for me with anyone in my life right now ^-^
But I guess I will withdraw my question, I don't have an interest or question to ask right now, thank you. If anyone wants to step instead and ask, they are welcome to.
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Old 04-10-2017, 01:29 PM
tealily tealily is offline
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Ah - I think I can see where the confusion may have happened. I can see you're upset and sorry that this wasn't clarified earlier.

This popped up a while back on SF; basically the divide is that some people (myself included) aren't comfortable asking questions with the specific intent of finding out what someone else is thinking/feeling etc (mind-reading, for want of a better term). It does involve semantics; and obviously there are technically ways to get around it (not to mention some of it leaks in when you're intuitively reading a 1st person question anyway), but below are some examples:

Individual questions
- Where is my relationship going with Y
- What am I meant to learn from my interactions with ______
- Will my project with E succeed?

3rd party questions:
- How does X feel about me
- Does T want to quit
- Will H move house soon

ie, "what does P want me to know" falls under the '3rd party question' category :) The question involves you, but would require tapping into him without his knowledge/permission to answer :)

A number of professional readers who don't do 3rd party readings usually follow similar guidelines, so this isn't an SF-specific thing that I've made up :)

Within this thread, I'm happy for people to ask 3rd party questions if they want - it's just as an individual reader, I'd prefer to not read on those questions :) (which is why I said I'd leave it for someone else)
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Old 04-10-2017, 02:17 PM
angelic star angelic star is offline
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Originally Posted by tealily
Ah - I think I can see where the confusion may have happened. I can see you're upset and sorry that this wasn't clarified earlier.

This popped up a while back on SF; basically the divide is that some people (myself included) aren't comfortable asking questions with the specific intent of finding out what someone else is thinking/feeling etc (mind-reading, for want of a better term). It does involve semantics; and obviously there are technically ways to get around it (not to mention some of it leaks in when you're intuitively reading a 1st person question anyway), but below are some examples:

Individual questions
- Where is my relationship going with Y
- What am I meant to learn from my interactions with ______
- Will my project with E succeed?

3rd party questions:
- How does X feel about me
- Does T want to quit
- Will H move house soon

ie, "what does P want me to know" falls under the '3rd party question' category :) The question involves you, but would require tapping into him without his knowledge/permission to answer :)

A number of professional readers who don't do 3rd party readings usually follow similar guidelines, so this isn't an SF-specific thing that I've made up :)

Within this thread, I'm happy for people to ask 3rd party questions if they want - it's just as an individual reader, I'd prefer to not read on those questions :) (which is why I said I'd leave it for someone else)

Yes you are right we need to rephrase the question rightly. I really think I need to ponder over the answers I already got to today, so I want to withdraw for now.
If someone else wants to step instead, they should ask the question. May this thread be alive !
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Old 04-10-2017, 03:56 PM
Pandora. Pandora. is offline
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Wow, this is a great idea, linking 2 cards. Just want I need to practise. Thanks tealily.

I'll kick off again then to keep it going.

What's my greatest fear at the moment?
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Old 04-10-2017, 04:39 PM
Realm Ki Realm Ki is offline
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Drew 7 cups and page of pentacles

You are afraid the news /possibility for new opportunities are only 'fantasy/imagines, too good to be true?

First attempt ever!
Love and Light - and Life!

And we turn our attention to the world, not away. We receive our learning from the songs it sings and the choir of One we're all in.

And while we walk gently, we generate love, healing, the most powerful energy of all, Life!

Soaking in life, we spread the light <3
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Old 04-10-2017, 04:54 PM
Pandora. Pandora. is offline
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Originally Posted by Mi Rakel
Drew 7 cups and page of pentacles

You are afraid the news /possibility for new opportunities are only 'fantasy/imagines, too good to be true?

First attempt ever!

Welcome Mi Rakel. Yes, that's a great answer, thanks! I'm very doubtful that anything positive will transpire, despite knowing that I should have the opportunity for a new start in the nearish future. I just expect something to go wrong.

Have you got a question you want to throw down?
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Old 04-10-2017, 06:13 PM
Realm Ki Realm Ki is offline
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What are the greatest obstacles ahead of me in the near future?
Love and Light - and Life!

And we turn our attention to the world, not away. We receive our learning from the songs it sings and the choir of One we're all in.

And while we walk gently, we generate love, healing, the most powerful energy of all, Life!

Soaking in life, we spread the light <3
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