NASA is spending a great of deal money on finding the possibility of extraterrestrial life without knowing about the soul and the formation of physical bodies.
Space is full of different forms of life. For this we have to understand the manufacturing process of the soul, that is the beginning of all visible forms of life.
The soul is manufactured in the cores of stars and galaxies. When the consciousness ( God's spark) is fused with proton it becomes an animated hydrogen that can form biologically active life forms. There are 36 biologically active isotopes of hydrogen and helium that occupy the vacant spaces of the Periodic Table and are responsible for formation of living physical bodies.
The structure of Life Nuclei or soul of human beings contain 2 protons, 2 neutrons, fused with consciousness, and bonded with Action, Intelligence, and Matter particles. Most probably the soul of a bacteria contains only one animated proton. Since the fusion of hydrogen and the production of soul takes place at a very high temperature -(100 million Kelvin) the soul can survive in the core of galaxies as well as in the interstellar space with 3 k temp. (For complete bio-nuclear reaction and flow sheet ref. Nature's Bio-Laws of Action)
Scientists have found live bacteria entering into the earth's atmosphere from outer space and a microbe, trapped in a volcanic rock coming to life after 250 million years. Depending upon the habitability and the structure of the soul different forms of life exist all over in the universe. The present human body can survive 0 - 50 Degree C hence evolved on the earth.
Vivasvan, and Chandrama live on sun and moon with their subjects respectively in a body form invisible to our eyes.
Presence of water is not the only indicator of life existence. NASA should understand all such subject matter before venturing a new life searching mission.