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Old 20-03-2006, 10:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Cat IS THIS POSSIBLE?????cat purring?

The other night i went to bed, im not sleeping great so i was reading a book in bed, when all of a suddern i could hear a cat purring, i sat up and looked around the room and could still hear it, anyhow i must of fell asleep not long after, and forgotton about it, then last night, i went to bed again, was about 2 am, and i was reading again, when i became aware of the purring sound again, i got up and went into the hall, to listen more , but it seemed to be coming from my bedroom, my son was awake, so i asked him to come into my room to listen, he did and he also heard this, just out of curiosity??????????is it possible for animals to visit spiritualy?. As we do not have a cat.
much love and light.

Last edited by bodylisious32 : 20-03-2006 at 11:00 PM.
Old 21-03-2006, 08:18 AM
Posts: n/a
Yes, it is possible for animals to visit "spiritually" (probably in the etheric, which actually is a higher level of the physical plane).
My son had a dog called Tory, who used to enjoy the occasional visits with us. Eventually my son left for overseas, and a few weeks later the dog (who was in the care of friends) got sick and died. We knew, because Tory turned up in our garden, and said this was the most comfortable place for her to be, and that she would move on in a few weeks... which she eventually did. We didn't hear her bark or anything, but my late wife was clairvoyant and could see and talk to her.

Cheers -
Old 21-03-2006, 09:42 AM
jeremy67 jeremy67 is offline
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Hi there.

It is definitely possible that animals can visit from Spirit. We had a cat called Harvey who always used to sleep on the bed with us. Harvey died in February last year but very often if I go to bed early before my partner, I feel a light thud as Harvey jumps onto the bed, then I feel him walk up the bed and nestle down near my pillow. It's a lovely calming feeling

Love and Light

Old 21-03-2006, 06:27 PM
Posts: n/a
OMG, Jeremy, thats exactly what happened to me along side the purring, i felt like a light thud, and then couldfeel like a cat walking on the bed, aswell, { as you know when they stamp there feet up and down, { like that} i didnt want to say anythink about that part, { case you thort i was nuts lol.
thank you both for your coments,
much love and light ,
Old 22-03-2006, 03:22 AM
Posts: n/a
I believe that anything living comes from the same energy, so you could have a plant or tree visiting you somehow even. I've had no experience of things like that, but sometimes I feel a touch on my shoulder like a medium-sized bird perching on me, perhaps it's my guide. I've always been fascinated with eagles, hawks, falcons, etc, so maybe something of the sort, a female, a small one, is watching me just like your cat is purring and jumping on your bed. I (physically) have a dog named Lacy and she's very vocal and talkative and I swear sometimes she tries to answer like she knows what's going on in human speech. She was wrestling with my dad once and bit his arm too hard and he yelled, "Ow! Did you do that?" and she made this kind of "Rur-rruurr!" sound that sounded like "Uh-uh!" or "Not me!" I'm a very water-oriented person and sometimes in deeper and higher states of consciousness, it feels like water itself is flowing around me or "visiting" me.
Old 22-03-2006, 08:17 PM
Posts: n/a
Hi Nachmusik,
i used to have a cat called lacey many years ago, {sweet}....
You know my mum has a Yorkie dog, and its very yappy, you would swear it tries to talk human aswell, is all there in the head, knows exactly what means what ,lol, ....{h8s anyone saying taxi } because it knows then that we are going home lol, doesnt want us to leave lol.
much love and light.
Old 05-09-2006, 12:56 PM
Posts: n/a
My kitten who died at just a year old thuds in and out to say hello and lays on my feet.. I don't distburb him til he decides to get down. Dear old Haitch.
Old 30-10-2006, 03:18 AM
georgek georgek is offline
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Originally Posted by bodylisious32
The other night i went to bed, im not sleeping great so i was reading a book in bed, when all of a suddern i could hear a cat purring, i sat up and looked around the room and could still hear it,

If you look at one of my posts "Orb manifestation" in the reincarnation topic, you will notice that in one of the texts, there is mention about animal activity.

I noticed your post which in ways relates to my own experience some years ago.

The incidents started happening in 1980 when we had the house extended at the back.
This is the same area where most of the house spirit activity has taken place.

Whilst the building work was carried out, I decided to move to one of the front bedrooms as not to be disturbed by the builders who would normally arrive early.
On the first night, I kept being woken up by a cat walking on the bed. Ghosts don't frighten me, as I have got quite used to them, but they are a nuisance when you are trying to get to sleep.
So I moved back into my own bedroom and peace was restored. Well at least for ten years.
Then I thought about the incident and dared it to come back. (don't ask me why)

Well, a couple of hours later, I went to bed and all was forgotten. Then after a couple of more hours, I was woken by a kitten walking on my bed. Opening my eyes, I gazed into the darkness as I could feel the paws treading the bedclothes.

You could even feel the matress vibrate as it cleaned itself with it's hind paw.
At one stage it licked my face. (It feels like a velvet cloth on your skin)

It got to my head and I could hear very loud purring, varying in loudness as it examined my face. Jumping up, I turned on the light and all was silent. Then I remembered what I had said. I got back to bed and it would repeat itself over and over. It eventually weighed about the sixe of a medium sized cat.

Anyway, it's the age old scenario whereby I am sitting up in bed and this thing is doing 'cartwheels' as my bed had become it's new abode !
To cut a long story short (don't laugh) I had whacked it so hard that my arm was beginning to hurt.

For three days, I was unable to sleep. Even when I could get an hours sleep, it would walk into my dream and chew my face. I could be dreaming about palm trees on a beach and then I would see this cat walking towards me and I would think "uhhh....what's that doing here ?" and then reality would set in.
As I grew more tired, it started entering my solar plexus and possession began to occur. My eyes would roll and my jaw would be yanked back so hard that I ached for hours. You get the most horrible tingling sensation. At one point I thought I was going to die, so I made my peace with God just lied in bed. I didn't fight any more, as it threw up my arms and tossed me aside like a useless rag doll. I managed to get a little sleep, then it came at me again, formed into a ping pong ball and my cheeks started popping out, then rolled my eye balls like a magnet turning metal.

I remember going to a restaurant with this thing in my mouth, when suddenly it shot out of my mouth, landed on a table shaking it violently, half scaring a man to death.
Now I have some form of protection, and my sleep is blissful. Don't worry, I am sure yours is completely different.

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