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Old 17-08-2023, 01:30 PM
The Sea The Sea is offline
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The Supreme Adventure

The above is a book written if my memory serves in the 1800s, about spiritualism and mediumship, its worth reading if you can get hold of it.

The reason i mention it is because ive lost a thread that discussed spiritual death, some thought it could happen, others not. According to the above book spiritual death can occur, but it takes a lot, a lot of time and to be blunt, being bad.

Ive been fascinated by evil, and marvel at its cunningness and unbelievable ruthlessness, to think a person can turn that around, for me, is not possible.

It can only get worse. When it gets seriously bad, over spans of unimaginable time, the above book discusses spiritual death. It takes centuries of earth time to die, , the soul knows its happening and can see it coming, increasing suffering exponentially, there is no potential for escape.

The process of death is horrendous on the spirititual plane, and the torment and sense of horror is paramount and has the impact of a death is like a super nova on an astronomical level.

Why persons pursue evil is beyond me, and the bible says the wages of sin is death....there you are.

Its like evil people cant see further than the edge of their nose in all aspects, they are primitive, unrefined, an open gate to hell, that needs closing.

I wonder why the like made it to an eartly plane, is the earth that primitive?
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Old 17-08-2023, 05:52 PM
Miss Hepburn Miss Hepburn is offline
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Do you think Hitler's soul or spirit is dead, extinguished?
I think parts of the earth are that primitive, brutal, unconscious - like sociopathic.
Then, other parts or humans are saintly. What a mish-mosh of different soul levels all together! Like someone said, 'this psycho planet'.

Seems I rem that thread people were talking about spiritual or soul death was in Christianity.
Added: I searched for ''soul death'' in Christianity ...The talk was in the thread

"The Soul"

*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)

Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru

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Old 20-08-2023, 10:52 AM
The Sea The Sea is offline
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Its worth discussing discussing the salvation of evil people, indeed the crucifiction of jesus and the bible is just about that.

During the time of jesus, life was cheap, i read about a Roman senator who held a party and invited those that had disagreed with him, or rubbed him up the wrong way.

Children were in attendance. During the festivities the ways out were blocked, and he crucified all of them. There are countless similar accounts, and this is what God, the ultimate being is faced with.

How do you move a person on from that, especially when free will is involved, what it comes down too is persuasion, that there is a law that says that hurting your neighbour means you hurt yourself, but there is no understanding of that.

I dont know what the answer is, is it providing an instruction manual like the bible? and the ultimate sacrifice made by jesus, that there is more to existence than getting your way? and that ultimately it leads to your own death, physically and spiritually.

That there is more than this god forsaken blob? but its not demonstrable in a Hollywood way?

They say that if you take an eye for an eye, everyone will end up blind.

As a young man, i turned the other cheek, the older ive got i have had more and more trouble with this, that if you turn the other cheek it does diminish you as a person., your self esteem diminishes.

Now i give it back, in spades, isnt supposed to be the other way round? Is handing back evil evil in itself?

Or is it about growing up, that you are no longer a lamb walking among lions.

As for Hitler he is an infj, you dont get there by not being aware, but maybe in that life he got a bit confused, indeed, the infj rage can get that bad, even when its wrong.

Who knows where he is today. Like you say, maybe the earth is mixing up good with evil, with the goal of helping the evil.

The earth is, and always will be more dark than light, by a long way, and im sure i, and you, have a way to go in achieving something better, its not about them and us.

Maybe in a previous life that Roman senator was me, and that along with other things i feed the birds daily, im on track. Maybe we need a confession sub group. For all its faults catholicism is of worth.
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