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Old 11-02-2024, 04:17 PM
Sir Neil Sir Neil is offline
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Yes. Trying to manifest too many goals at once will just scatter your energies and make them ineffective. What I suggest is to rank your goals in order of importance, and then focus on the top 2 to start with. If they’re important, they will probably have quite wide-reaching effects in your life, so if you focus just on them, and manifest them, then they will probably help to bring the others into your reality later on. Only focus on 1 or 2 things at a time, and then you will be giving them far more focus and energy.
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Old 27-02-2024, 01:08 PM
Ewwerrin Ewwerrin is offline
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Originally Posted by CosmicWonder
Hii all,...
... CW
Take it easy, ur eternal.
One desire at a time is more than enough.
You will never reach the end.
You can enjoy desire after desire after desire.
The point is to simply pick one or three.
Focus on then.
Feel good as a result of it.
And enjoy the manifestations of it.
Oh and also enjoy the part of it where you say "Oh, this is even better than I could have ever imagined it to be."
Sharing perspective.
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Old 08-03-2024, 08:04 PM
Wandering_Star Wandering_Star is offline
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Originally Posted by CosmicWonder
Do you guys also have troubles keeping the amount of goals narrow? I feel I set too many goals that I try to manifest, so that it takes longer.
You're manifesting constantly, without even being aware of it. Everything that is in your experience is something you have manifested, most of it completely unconsciously, by default.

So there's no limit to how many conscious intentions you can set. You only need to set a given intention once. There's not only no need to keep going back, re-focusing on a given intention, and firming it up over and over and over again, but doing that will only hinder its ability to manifest because constantly revisiting it is confirmation that you don't have it. "Set it and forget it" is a common bit of LoA advice, for a good reason.

If you're hung up on certain "big" intentions, that you've launched and are having a hard time letting go of, I recommend taking some time every week—or even every day—to set even more conscious intentions. Set lots of them. Set so many intentions, it's easy for you to forget all about what you intended.

Write those intentions down in order to keep track of them, and maybe once every week or two skim back through and see which ones manifested, and in what form.

They can be for literally anything, but I recommend that most of them be for simple things you can feel good about that don't involve any longing or need for them to appear: cups of coffee; flowers; seeing a certain item while out and about; pleasant interactions with strangers; running into an old friend, etc. If you have a slightly bigger and more significant desire, intend it alongside a couple of insignificant ones that you can easily set and forget.

This goes against all the advice to just focus on a small number of important intentions, but in my experience, only allowing yourself to set a small number of intentions at any given time comes from a mindset of limitation. We're constantly being told by the people around us not to be "greedy," and not to ask for "too much," but working with the LoA is all about tapping into unlimited creative potential. So I advocate for launching intention after intention after intention, feeling good about them and just letting them fly.
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Old 11-03-2024, 08:22 AM
CosmicWonder CosmicWonder is online now
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Interesting Wandering Star... Thanks for this perspective.
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