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Old 18-10-2017, 01:11 AM
Pandora. Pandora. is offline
Join Date: Jan 2015
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Originally Posted by Clover
^ He see's his Pediatrician tomorrow, hopefully we can hook him up with a nutritionist. Grandma and grandpa are stuffing this poor kid. Its upsetting but Ill leave the dirty laundry at home rofl...

Tea lily: Am I correct in thinking I'm not valued much at work by my colleagues -_- :

From the Legacy of the Divine Eight Swords & Page Cups; I think this draw is asking you to move forward and step out of confinement as it's counterproductive to your psyche. Page of cups ( strength as clarification), there is new opportunity moving forward, be guided by the light not by darkness.

Question for Clover:

Why has Al not responded/called me back ( family member).

5 of Cups + 10 of Cups.

Hmmm. Interesting. There could be something Al's finding difficult to face regarding a family situation at the moment, making him feel pretty down.

OH, I know. How will the upcoming holiday in January go with my brother and his girlfriend?
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