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02-08-2024, 11:20 AM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 2,048
Dear pixiedust,
Salutations of love, from the whispers of the ever-present light.
Right you may be, but Sparrow never left.
I have previously answered your question in regard to your dreams. As was relayed:
"You can only make manifest your highest dreams and hopes for yourself if you bring in the energy required to bring it into fruition, and release the energy necessary which only reinforces opposition to success."
Every dream each person has, is merely a state of mind. Focus not on the having and possessing part of the dream, but only on the state of mind which produces them. Everything you have thus far experienced in your life is a result of a state of mind. It is not because you did one thing or another. The act of doing one thing or another is simply a symptom of a specific state of mind.
When you wake up in the morning, and at times of the night, your state of mind is different to that of your active and distractive day. You allow conforming environmental conditions to dictate your state of being, instead of your natural core state of being creating conditions of your day.
The environmental conditions within peoples lives are clogs of energy, that function like a repetitive time loop, which exist to reinforce the specific state of mind which first created them. When you interact with these conditions, these routines and behaviours, these places and people, they align your own energy and state of mind to whom ever created them and their purpose. This has the effect of capturing human beings in specific states of mind and energy resonant states of dis-ease, which eventually cause stagnation, blockages and amnesia to broader aspects of their expansive spirit consciousness.
Ask yourself, each of you, what clogs are you caught within which are causing a repeat cycle of a captured state of mind and repetitive experience.
In regard to Sparrow and change. I have not so much changed as a being, as much as my focal state has occupied other frequencies and states through personal pursuits. I am also very fluid in what I define as my identity, which is what allows me such broad access to perspectives beyond that of a single form or filtered lens. My focal state primarily associates with environments and entities of a somewhat supernatural or other worldly nature, therefore these conditions and environments often cause disassociation from human consciousness and activity. However, being able to observe human life from perspectives of other states and of other species, has granted me considerable insight in contrast with being immersed in human state. Any change with me that has appeared, from an external point of view, will be a direct result of many different species of different origins, who add to the lens and voice through which I observe and speak through.
-O Sparrow
~~~ Spirit Guide Sparrow~~~
From the wisdom of my council to the wisdom of yours
☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆•°☆¸.•°*”˜� �”*°•.¸☆•°☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
03-08-2024, 03:50 PM
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 321
Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
Ask yourself, each of you, what clogs are you caught within which are causing a repeat cycle of a captured state of mind and repetitive experience.
From one perspective, I am a free, immortal, and sovereign spirit being of light and love who appears to be subject to a captured mind state and the repetitive experiences of a human incarnational cycle. I say "appears to be" because it is comparable to an hallucination, or dream. There is no such cycle in reality, we are not the person captured or free, this is all the stuff of which dreams are made.
Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
My focal state primarily associates with environments and entities of a somewhat supernatural or other worldly nature, therefore these conditions and environments often cause disassociation from human consciousness and activity.
I have been accused of the same thing, but really it is just multi-tasking.
Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
However, being able to observe human life from perspectives of other states and of other species, has granted me considerable insight in contrast with being immersed in human state.
Right, it all comes down to one's angle of vision, and seeing the forest through the trees. When we are in human state, and form a strong identification with being human, our true nature slips into the background, so to speak, while we go about our dreamy business of craving and aversion, grasping and avoiding, making judgments based on insufficient information, and generally confusing ourself with biases, partial truths, and social conditionings. However, once we return to our natural state, the human business is recognized as a kind of extended thought form which now seems rather quaint and naive, in the larger scheme.
Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
Any change with me that has appeared, from an external point of view, will be a direct result of many different species of different origins, who add to the lens and voice through which I observe and speak through.
Everything changes, and yet there is that which is changeless. Focusing on that, rather than what changes, furthers.
Thank you for your efforts, Dear Sparrow!
06-08-2024, 01:59 AM
Join Date: Jan 2021
Posts: 1,105
Your supernatural stuff sounds fun. Is it fun :)
Can you scan my body to see if it has disease? My body feels weird/weak/solid. I sound so juvenile don't I. Thank you for your response. I am very grateful - sincerely. Thank you for everything and you are simply awesomely cool. I'm thankful.
I am pixiedust
08-08-2024, 04:20 PM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 2,048
Originally Posted by pixiedust
Your supernatural stuff sounds fun. Is it fun :)
Dear pixiedust,
That would depend on your definition of fun. My proclivity for being an intrepid explorer of unfamiliar forms of life has facilitated opportunities with consciousness of extreme profound enlightenment, as well as thought forms of an extremely dark and terrifying nature. My particular competence as a being has always been to have the tenacity to find ways to connect with vast sways of different expressions of consciousness; to study them, identify their values and understand patterns of behaviour. Some would find what I do terrifying, and at other times, deeply fascinating and rather fun.
Originally Posted by pixiedust
Can you scan my body to see if it has disease? My body feels weird/weak/solid. I sound so juvenile don't I. Thank you for your response. I am very grateful - sincerely. Thank you for everything and you are simply awesomely cool. I'm thankful.
Because the environments and behaviours that sustain current human consciousness are adverse to cellular longevity, every human body experiences dis-ease, in one form or another. Existing in a shared communal habitat, one which is detrimental to your health, is still going to influence your cellular state regardless of your efforts to live a healthy lifestyle. This is because your biological cells are receivers of information, and you constantly expose them to bad information, as well as interference in their capacity to communicate. This has to do with how societies and communities are built on principles of convenience and cost, and personal short-term gain, rather than long-term health and future prosperity of the race.
Each cell of your body is by nature a clog of cyclical reinforcement, a term I created to introduce you to a specific concept. This means, each cell of your body follows a cyclical behaviour that functions to reinforce the consciousness which created them. You can understand this principle by observing a chair. It was created by someone through a specific state of intention, using specific energy (materials), to fulfil a specific function – for you to sit on. That energy structure continues to exist, long after it was created, to continue to fulfil its function as a thought form made manifest from its creator.
Everything in your life, whether you observe it or you do not, holds a very specific state of intention, energy and function which holds a cyclical pattern of influence upon your own state of mind and wellbeing. You only have to enter a new room in a building and the energy will be different, for the reason I have explained. This principle does not only apply to physical objects, people and places, but also to thoughts, memories and beliefs.
You have been told all of your entire life what you are, and what you are not; what you can do, and what you cannot do; how to think and behave, and how not to. These adopted narratives resonate a very specific energy cycle of reinforcement, keeping your experiences within a time loop of repeating circumstances, like clogs of a clock.
The cells in your body adopt these patterns of reinforcement and follow a repeating cycle of events, which is why you experience aging, dis-ease, and death.
If you want to live longer, happier, and free of dis-ease, learn to identify within your daily routines the structures of energy you expose yourself to, which keep you experiencing the same states of negative or destructive reinforcement.
I understand it may be difficult to observe these concepts without my eyes, but with some focus and creative perception of your surroundings, it will come to you to prove beneficial.
~~~ Spirit Guide Sparrow~~~
From the wisdom of my council to the wisdom of yours
☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆•°☆¸.•°*”˜� �”*°•.¸☆•°☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
08-08-2024, 04:21 PM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 2,048
Dear AnotherBob,
Some insightful responses you do share for the community.
As you rightly observe, perspective is everything.
Perspective and perception follows the focal state. Physical is only matter, because it matters to you. Everything that matters to you, is a reflection of the focal state. People do not experience what is invisible to them, because it does not matter to them, and is beyond their focal state. When they eventually die their focal state eventually changes, and what matters more to them suddenly becomes a physical state.
~~~ Spirit Guide Sparrow~~~
From the wisdom of my council to the wisdom of yours
☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆•°☆¸.•°*”˜� �”*°•.¸☆•°☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
09-08-2024, 12:42 PM
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 321
Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
When they eventually die their focal state eventually changes, and what matters more to them suddenly becomes a physical state.
So Buddha was accurate in pointing out that life is "Dukkha", or dissatisfying, whether one is in physical state or not. Those in physical state suffer because they want things to be other than they are, while those in non-physical want to be in physical state due to the same dissatisfaction. We want what we don't have, rather than wanting what we already have. Whereas, by being happy with what we already have (whether it is physical or non), we can achieve a level of detachment from craving and live each day without regrets.
09-08-2024, 03:28 PM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 2,048
Dear AnotherBob,
A slight misinterpretation of my words has occurred here. This is to be expected, and allows opportunity for expanded dialogue on the subject.
Allow me to clarify.
Where said, "what matters more to them suddenly becomes a physical state", I am indicating that physical state, and physical matter in the universe, is actually an experience consciousness has when it becomes their focal state. Consciousness does not have a specific form, that is, until something becomes its focal state. This is how your universe was created.
The focal state of consciousness creates what you call physical matter, and the principle of gravity. This is why when your consciousness separates from your human body it is no longer bound to normal gravity, or any particular physical appearance. This is due to your focal state changing, and whatever becomes your focus thereafter, in whatever state or dimension, thus becomes very physical and real once again, as it did while you were in physical body. I have touched on this before in referencing consciousness acclimatizing to new environments.
As I also indicated, that which continues to remain invisible to you is as such because it "does not matter to you", and therefore has no matter or substance with which your focal state can interact. Everything in your human experience is within your focal state presently; everything which remains invisible or beyond you, is so because it is not substantially supported by your focal state. This principle can be applied to many aspects of your life, in regard to why something continues to occur, as well as why something never appears to happen.
The real reason your physical body begins to decay, is because it is no longer part of your focal state and begins to lose cohesion, yet continues to remain partially connected to your consciousness memory.
Do feel free to explore this understanding in other expanded areas of life or so-called afterlife.
~~~ Spirit Guide Sparrow~~~
From the wisdom of my council to the wisdom of yours
☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆•°☆¸.•°*”˜� �”*°•.¸☆•°☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
09-08-2024, 04:17 PM
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 321
Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
The focal state of consciousness creates what you call physical matter, and the principle of gravity. This is why when your consciousness separates from your human body it is no longer bound to normal gravity, or any particular physical appearance. This is due to your focal state changing, and whatever becomes your focus thereafter, in whatever state or dimension, thus becomes very physical and real once again, as it did while you were in physical body.
Dear Sparrow,
Thank you for the clarification. As I understand your comments, attention creates our focal state, and where attention is directed, so energy flows to fashion our experience. Consequently, we get reports such as those of Jurgen Ziewe, who has written extensively about his travels in the non-visible (to us) realms, and where, rather than disembodied consciousnesses, he actually encountered seemingly physical realms comparable to this one in their sense of solidity. Indeed, if one did not know it, there are realms that seem so much like Earth that one would not immediately realize they are in the Spirit or Afterlife world. Only by traversing into the higher frequencies was he able to encounter "heavenly" environments, such as what is often designated as "Summerland".
Enjoying the inquiry with you here, Thank you!
10-08-2024, 10:55 AM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 2,048
Dear AnotherBob,
A most pleasant and picturesque day to you.
I confirm what you say is so.
Originally Posted by AnotherBob
As I understand your comments, attention creates our focal state, and where attention is directed, so energy flows to fashion our experience.
I would highlight here that energy already flows and is everywhere, and within everything, because consciousness is literally everywhere at once. Movement is not what creates energy as some believe, as movement is simply a perceived interpretation of reality; energy occurs as a result of a focal state of consciousness. Your universe and its galaxies, and planets, were not created out of spontaneous movement. They were created by consciousness forming a focal state of an idea. That idea gathered the awareness of further consciousness, allowing its focal state to expand, which is what produced the so-called big bang theory. Energy itself is an illusion, as such a thing is ultimately infinite, everywhere and in everything; there is only a focal state of consciousness and awareness. The more focus there is, the more intention is made manifest, and you experience what you know as energy and movement.
An example of this is how a poltergeist is seen to move an apparent physical object, despite it not having a physical body. Its focal state is interpreted by you as energy and movement.
The human being does not experience everything and everywhere at once, because it is a conditioned thought form with a narrow focal state on being something and being somewhere.
Originally Posted by AnotherBob
...he actually encountered seemingly physical realms comparable to this one in their sense of solidity. Indeed, if one did not know it, there are realms that seem so much like Earth that one would not immediately realize they are in the Spirit or Afterlife world.
This is true. Those who have not had a so-called physical life, as you understand it, generally have no concept of an afterlife or spirit world, and these terms are never used here. Those coming from, what is interpreted as an incarnation cycle, are often met with disbelief and bewilderment by other beings, who do not understand why anyone would choose to exist in such a state.
You have recently suggested that beings in other realms may be dissatisfied with their existence and seek physical state. The reality is that many of such beings are already experiencing a form of physical state, it is just not physical to you as a human being. They do not always experience the concept of death where they are, and so many of them experience time and reality much differently. One could say, in a state of individual and collective bliss.
It is usually the adventurous pioneers who go to Earth, and invent all manner of creative justifications for doing so. Such justifications as the Earth being a school, having to pay some form of karmic debt, or to fulfil some privileged purpose or function.
~~~ Spirit Guide Sparrow~~~
From the wisdom of my council to the wisdom of yours
☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆•°☆¸.•°*”˜� �”*°•.¸☆•°☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
10-08-2024, 01:47 PM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Southwest, USA
Posts: 25,579
Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
... Energy itself is an illusion, as such a thing is ultimately infinite, everywhere and in everything;
there is only a focal state of consciousness and awareness.
The more focus there is, the more intention is made manifest, and you experience
what you know as energy and movement.
Didnt want this missed. :)
.*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)
Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru.
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