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Old 11-08-2024, 07:09 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Altair, I didn't know Spain were champions all that time !!!!
( But then again I've only been able to focus and follow events since 2020.
Before that it all went by the wayside with me for various reasons.

Oh but YES , the Olympics ....WOW.
It has been just amazing. From start to finish, just WOW.
I have enjoyed every single second .
I'm just watching the final event , the women's marathon.

And yes, your country has done brilliantly on the medal table .
France too have been impressive which is nice for the host nation.

The closing ceremony is meant to be a spectacle and is on from 8pm to 10.30 pm UK time .
I probably won't be able to stay up that long so might see if I can watch it in the morning on catch up TV.
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Old 11-08-2024, 08:35 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Ok.... So I DID hear them say on Tele that the women's marathon was the last event.
But apparently not !
All I can say is great !!!

Oh , and well done to Netherlands for another Gold in women's marathon ...
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Old 11-08-2024, 09:06 AM
Altair Altair is offline
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God I missed it because of breakfast, but that makes it the 15th gold medal. I read she's to have medals for three long distance tracks since 1952. I don't know what's going on.... but it's already the best Olympics yet. 7th place is absurd when so many other countries have bigger pool of athletes.
~ verus nullus, omnis licitus
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Old 11-08-2024, 10:45 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by Altair
God I missed it because of breakfast, but that makes it the 15th gold medal. I read she's to have medals for three long distance tracks since 1952. I don't know what's going on.... but it's already the best Olympics yet. 7th place is absurd when so many other countries have bigger pool of athletes.
What do you mean you missed it because of "breakfast"....
It was an event over 2 hours !!!!!!
What the heck do you have for breakfast ??????????????????

But yes, amazing, and a lot more medals to be had today yet ...
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Old 11-08-2024, 01:34 PM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Oh my GOD Altair....
You've gone 5th ....
You've gone above us LOL....

But well done.
Well deserved ....
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Old 11-08-2024, 01:36 PM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Meant 6th.
But it's still amazing...
And you've still gone about us !!! Hehe
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Old 12-08-2024, 11:25 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Yes.... An Amazing Olympics.
Compulsive viewing.
329 different events packed into 2 weeks , and let's not forget all the "heats " leading up to the medals if all of those events .
That is some achievement and takes a lot of organisation.

I have been mightily impressed with France, Netherlands and Australia in these games.

But the thing that I love the most is the fact that 91 different nations in the world entered these games. Some of them having only one Olympian to represent them , but guess what ?
Every single one of those nations came away with at least one medal...
I think that's fabulous.

Also, we got to "know" France/ Paris.
Some of the venues were in stunning settings , and the Ariel shots of the city were spectacular .

And you know, hats of to ALL the competitors for their achievements and a big "well done" to them all, because even the losers were massive winners.

Got to shout out to Snoop dog too who appeared in the crowd at lots of the games and events and featured in the closing ceremony .
You've got to love Snoop dog...
He's just too cool and retro, and blingy for words, but he's still got it LOL.

Of course we will be re-visiting France again for the Paralympics, but for now it's cheerio and a Great big THANK YOU FRANCE for hosting the most fantastic Olympic games.
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Old 31-08-2024, 07:58 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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So after the thrill of the Olympics in Paris recently, I am now engrossed in the Paris Paralympics.
It's brilliant and the medal table is looking Sooooooo good !
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Old 03-09-2024, 01:12 PM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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I swear these Paralympics are beyond amazing.
Such a treat for another two weeks of universal and diverse sport ...
Loving it....
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Old 05-09-2024, 04:42 PM
Found Goat Found Goat is offline
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I no longer watch or follow sports myself, but a relative of mine informed me about the recent Olympic games and, specifically, of a newly introduced competition.

Are you ready for this? Why, breakdancing, of all things.

Did I hear that correctly?

One thing I can hear rather distinctly as I ponder this are the strains of Vangelis's "Chariots Of Fire," as I picture nimble-footed stage entertainers showing off their funky moves, twirling on the seats of their pants like back-alley hipsters, and doin' their best moonwalk as if Michael Jackson were in the house.

The guy who related this bit of news to me confessed that he couldn't help but watch some of these breakdancers, adding how many of them were quite good. As I did not want to cause a needless dispute, I let his comments pass, all the while as I sat there thinking to myself what the ancient Greeks would think of this.

Yes, breakdancing, I suppose, requires physical stamina and a certain ability and, frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if some filmmaker were to come along and make a "Chariots Of Fire 2," all about the dreams and aspirations of freeform/freestyle dancers, preparing for the big event.

Instead of a movie about dignified marathon runners training for an upcoming endurance race, this sequel would have a bunch of homeboys dressed like MC Hammer misappropriating a gymnasium to the underscore of an all-Rap soundtrack. No doubt Plato, Socrates, and the Olympian gods would be the first ones in line at the box office, if only in spirit.

Can a breakdancer truly be called an athlete? What next, Olympic tap-dancing? Fred Astaire was most talented, to be sure, but do you think he considered himself an athlete?

Hey, how 'bout a time-out from track & field to watch some agile competitor perform the Charleston? Forget the triathlon, why not a jiving competition, or for that matter a contest to see who can twerk the greatest? Or for something really exciting, some circus aerialists!

Breakdancing belongs more on a TV talent show than in the Olympics, IMO. It's more showbiz than sport...and yet in keeping with the debasing/spoiling of so many things in today's postmodern society -- from public education, to art, etc.

Disc golf. Really??? A downright sacrilege, I say.

There is something to be said for tradition, for the keeping the level of play up to high historical standards, if not at least up to par -- as opposed to the wrongful tampering with, or watering down of, in this case, sport, in order to appeal to a younger and/or less mature crowd; this younger generation generally lowbrow and far less cultured compared to youths of centuries gone by.

Now, excuse me while I move to the kitchen floor to practice my windmill. Whee-e-e-e!
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