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Old 17-03-2024, 12:42 AM
astralsuzy astralsuzy is offline
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Ap experiences

Hi all, ap forum is a bit quiet at the moment. Have you got any experiences that you would like to share?
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Old 17-03-2024, 12:04 PM
Karma_Eleon Karma_Eleon is offline
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I have never really had the opportunity to have an AP experience.

However, a long time ago, I tried to practice a little, but I was living somewhere where I could not shut my cat out of the room I was in.

So I start following the guidelines of a book (that I seem to have lost between getting married, divorced, married again and moved twice in the meantime), and I think I have "liftoff".

But then, the cat, who had crawled under the covers with me, stretched and stung my side with one of its claws. I will never forget the sound I heard when I was pulled back into my body, a bit like a shwoooooosh-k, and it felt like an elastic that had been taut was released.

I didn't get super far, and do not remember anything else about it, may just have floated slightly above my body? Not sure! (wanna find that book again, I don't even remember if it was mine or just loaned to me, it is that long ago...)
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Old 17-03-2024, 08:18 PM
astralsuzy astralsuzy is offline
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It was good to read Karma that you had an experience even though it was short. You know you can ap and can do it again. It just takes practice. You can ap without the book. You just have to believe you can do it. Good luck.
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Old 17-03-2024, 08:47 PM
ThatMan ThatMan is offline
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Lately I had a really good time with AP, 5 APs in one night, one after another.

This is like the third time I stop in the middle of an out of body experience and I meditate but this time I did it again and again and it felt like I am in a place with wind. I felt my "body" was being hit by wind from all directions and I could hear the sound of the wind moving all around me.

In my first experience I AP from the body of my younger self, in the house I used to live almost a decade ago, crazy, right? When I realized this I went outside and moved around the house then entered the house and it looked incredibly real, I could see everything around in my room.

Then blackness, and this when I stopped and meditated but I knew that I have to have a certain pose and do a certain mudra, I took the lotus pose and with my hands I formed a mudra that looks like a triangle, formed by touching both thumbs and both index fingers. There's something more, I formed this "sign" at the base, at the root chakra, so my hands arms were down near my root chakra forming this strange sign.

It was not strange for I knew 100% what I was doing without having any idea, this type of meditation is called the "Eye Meditation", in the middle of the triangle formed by the hands an eye appeared, a smoky eye ( as if the eye was made by white smoke ) and this was the "eye of vision" that was meant to help me gain vision again, don't ask me how I knew this, I just knew it from nowhere. ( I can try make a draw for you guys ).

Then back to the body and once again outside, this is were I lost control of my thoughts and took over me for a moment, sexual thoughts ( in the past I created an entire city of naked girls, that's what happens when I lose control ).

Then back to the body and outside and so on, almost every time I got outside the body I meditated in that meditation pose the "Eye Meditation".

Now prior to this incredible explosion of experiences something happened, something hard, I fell asleep and I suddenly woke up in this blackness hearing my family screaming at me to wake up trying everything to wake me up, I was dying, I knew I was dying, I tried to fight it a bit but there was nothing to do, and I let go, and this may sound strange to you but this is what I said to me: I can't wait to see what comes next after death...; and then I instantly awoke and there was no family around, no one screaming, crying, no one. I remember seeing explosions of white light while I was feeling I was dying.

This left me with an incredible positive vibe, tons and tons of energy, I barely fell asleep in the morning and I had 5 AP.
The truth.
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Old 17-03-2024, 08:56 PM
Starman Starman is offline
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I feel like the labels which we put on things can interfere with how we experience those things. What is the difference between and out of body experience, a near death experience, and what we may call astral projection? In my opinion they all lead to experiences beyond this physical realm.

People can astral project just by doing concentration techniques, as focused sustained concentration can pierce the physical veil. But a near death experience involves an impact to the physical body which almost kills it, and a person leaves their body due to that impact.

Both of these are out of body experiences, but out of body experiences may also occur when a person is confronted with an abnormal emotional experience here on Earth, or it can occur in quiet meditation. I am of the opinion that what we call the “astral plane” is the closest non-physical plane to this earthly existence.

In my out of body experiences, which mostly occurred while deep in quiet meditation, I found there are many realms beyond this physical realm. On the astral plane life is just like it is here on earth; with people living similarly to the way which they live here on Earth.

Beyond the astral plane we may exist as formless beings; it is my experience that whatever realm a soul, or consciousness, ascends to, they will consist of the substance, or vibration, which that realm has. Like here on earth our physical body is 2/3rds water just like the Earth.

If we go into a realm of light our covering, or body, will resemble that light, in a realm of air our body will be as air, in a realm where love is the material substance we also will be covered with the substance of love, and so forth. There are many realms and each realm has its own vibratory sensations, substance, looks different than other realms, and the communication with other beings is also different in different realms.

On the astral plane beings communicate with each other using their tongue, the spoken word, just like they do here on Earth, but in other realms communication may be intuitive between beings without any spoken words. The realm we ascend to depends on how much we have let go of the experiences in the past realm which we may have ascended from.

This is just my experience and I am not suggesting that this is the way it may be for everyone; each person knows the truth by finding and experiencing it for themselves.

Peace and Good Journey.
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Old 17-03-2024, 09:13 PM
astralsuzy astralsuzy is offline
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That was great to read Thatman. It would have been good having five ap experiences in one night. The only problem with that is you can forget some of the experience when you wake up. My favourite part is leaving the body and feeling the wind. It is usually cold as I am up high looking down on the city That may not be quite you but it is for me.

My experiences are like you Starman. It sounds great going into the realm of light. I must try that. It was good to read your experiences.
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Old 17-03-2024, 09:39 PM
Starman Starman is offline
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The trick is not to sever our silver spiritual umbilical cord unless we are ready to not return to our physical body. Just like we have a physical umbilical cord which feeds us in our mother’s womb, we also have a spiritual umbilical cord, which is severed at the time of physical death.

I have seen a lot of people die, as a U.S. Army combat medic in Vietnam during that war, after the military as an ambulance paramedic, also as a nurse, and a social worker working in a hospice. It was a privilege to be with people as they took their last breath; talk with them, etc. It contributed to my journey.

As I mentioned in another thread, I have seen people pronounced dead and then later wake up in the morgue talking about how they were floating above their body which was laying on a table in the morgue or they woke up in one of the refrigerated morgue drawers banging on the door. Many spoke of how they went into other realms and then returned to their body which was at the morgue. These people were profound teachers to me.

Lots of medical people who are around a dying person can feel that person’s soul, or consciousness, leave their body at the time of death. If a person is terminally ill, or in a coma, they may be motionless for weeks or months, but at the time of death there is a lot of energy around them and a lot of activity in their eyes, even if they are in a coma.

I equate this to a ground crew, call them angels, guides, or something else, that has come to help that person with the lift-off from their physical body. I think the spiritual umbilical cord is automatically cut when the body can no longer sustain life in it. Again, this is just my opinion.
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Old 18-03-2024, 05:16 AM
Starman Starman is offline
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Astralsuzy, we might enter the realm of light by doing third eye meditation, which is what Thatman may have been referring to. Our third eye or spiritual eye is located on our forehead between our eyebrows. Sometimes called “the brow chakra.”

Some people invasion a triangle, some put Tiger Balm on that spot to draw their attention to it, while others may press on that spot with their finger while meditating. But I have found not to have any expectations when attempting an out of body experience as expectations can hold us back from the experience.

It happens for me when I am least expecting it. The realm of light is incredible and in it our body is also made of light. We can also enter into a realm of light inside of our physical body, without leaving out body. I have experienced my consciousness slipping into my own deeper being, which at least for me was filled with golden light.

Although the realm of light is translucent white light. In both cases when you feel the light whether inside of ourselves or in a realm beyond our physical body, it feels like overwhelming, intoxicating, extremely sweet, and timeless, love. Many call it “bliss;” an experience of ecstasy for sure. This is right inside of us and also in realms beyond our physical being.

The thing about an out of body experience is that it does not translate well into the spoken word or thoughts we may have about it. Maybe because it is a purer experience, and a greater dimension, than what we experience in our physical being with words and thoughts. Another out of body experience which is not talked about much is cosmic consciousness, which occurs right here on Earth.

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Old 18-03-2024, 08:17 PM
astralsuzy astralsuzy is offline
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Thank you Starman, that was very interesting. I will try that sometime. At the moment my ap is on hold. When I get the issue fixed I will be able to have ap experiences and I will go on the ap forum a lot more.
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Old 18-03-2024, 09:23 PM
Native spirit Native spirit is offline
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To be honest I have never had to think about it,
I can do it at will.

The Spoken Word Always Comes Back As Whispers In
The Wind
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