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Old 08-08-2021, 09:53 AM
OPVerma OPVerma is offline
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 455

NASA WAS SET UP to find the origins of life, matter and universe. Even after spending $650 billion they were able to dig out only 3-10 discoveries.

I send them a proposal to share my over 80 discoveries with them among which many of them required their co-operation for experimental verification. As they have nothing much to do, they shifted their policy to a $28 billion ARTEMIS manned mission to moon.

Flag waving, presence of ice, sighting of Aliens on Moon embarrassed NASA in past. In order to avoid humiliation in future NASA's Chief Bill Nelson has clarified that the main objective of the mission is to send the FIRST WOMAN ASTRONAUT and not any scientific investigation. The US Media is criticizing and asking NASA to drop the project as it is not worthwhile.

The world has accepted my discoveries and has discarded some of the NASA's one silently. But NASA has refused to pursue knowledge for the benefit of mankind due to its vanity. NASA should be ready for Nature's Punishment.
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Old 19-09-2021, 01:28 PM
Traveler Traveler is offline
Join Date: May 2021
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The flag on the move isn't waving. The flag was modified to have two rods inserted in pockets on top and bottom to allow it to be displayed. In the process of loading the gear in the rocket the bottom rod got bent. So it looks like the flag is waving, which it isn't since there's no breeze on the moon.

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Old 24-09-2021, 08:22 AM
OPVerma OPVerma is offline
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 455
Originally Posted by Traveler
The flag on the move isn't waving. The flag was modified to have two rods inserted in pockets on top and bottom to allow it to be displayed. In the process of loading the gear in the rocket the bottom rod got bent. So it looks like the flag is waving, which it isn't since there's no breeze on the moon.


I have seen both the links. May be you are right that moon has no atmosphere.
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