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10-10-2019, 07:53 AM
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 455
HOW the BOOK 'The Universe' could have SAVED US$ 0.601 TRILLION of NASA.
Since its inception in 1958, the United States has spent $601.31 billion on NASA largely on moon missions. Half of the knowledge and information, (mostly speculated and wrong), gathered by NASA is already given in the book 'The Universe' ISBN 9788190950206 and the other half NASA is trying to find in future, is also given there.
NASA's missions are generally focused on finding the origins of life , matter, and universe and sending space crafts in space to make observation of physical and present conditions of target planet/ satellite.
When we are yet a baby, our Indian Moms show us the Moon and tell us that he is 'Chanda Mama' meaning the brother of mother earth. That implies - having a common source of origin. When we grow up we read geography called as' Bhugoal' meaning earth is round. The Milky-way Galaxy is called 'Akash Ganga' having a shape of potter's wheel. The Local Group of galaxies are called 'Shishumar Chakra' of porpoise shape, and the Universe is called as 'Brahmand' meaning Egg shaped. NASA has not been able to decide on the shape of the universe.
In Indian Cosmology the ages of the Earth/ Solar System, and universe is calculated to be 13.89 billion years and 155.4 trillion years respectively. Indian Cosmology reveals more than 50 features of the Universe that NASA do not provide. Indian Cosmology fills all the gaps in the Periodic Table of Elements that NASA fails to do. Supported with overwhelming Mathematical, Experimental, and Observational evidences 'The Universe' serves as a Light House to NASA.
And all of this has been done within US$ 1.1 million taking clue from Indian Scriptures in 22 years of time. It is better NASA follows this book, rectifies its errors and save time and money.
24-04-2020, 11:32 PM
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 712
I wish many things were run differently. The stars/universe are mankinds oldest study, but it's all thrown out because they need 'hard' evidence. Thousands of years of knowledge goes to waste. Essentially they started from scratch. But NASA wouldn't get any funding if it proved things on the basis of religious or spiritual beliefs, and most people would accuse them of doing nothing if this were so.
Careful, Icarus
08-07-2020, 11:47 AM
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 455
Originally Posted by Brucely
I wish many things were run differently. The stars/universe are mankinds oldest study, but it's all thrown out because they need 'hard' evidence. Thousands of years of knowledge goes to waste. Essentially they started from scratch. But NASA wouldn't get any funding if it proved things on the basis of religious or spiritual beliefs, and most people would accuse them of doing nothing if this were so.
You should not underrate Hindu religious and spiritual so called beliefs or myths without reading and understanding them. The age of the universe is mathematically calculated to be 155.4 trillion years in Indian Scriptures. NASA has mistaken 13.8 billion years, the age of the earth to be the age of the universe.
If NASA could calculate '(see my SF post CAN ANYONE CALCULATE WHEN DID the ACCELERATING EXPANSION of the UNIVERSE BEGIN ? link - http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/sh...d.php?t=124319
the beginning of Expansion, they would soon realize their errors. One error NASA has already admitted. There are over 32 Mathematical, Observational, and Experimental 'hard' Evidences of Indian Cosmology as compared to NASA's 0-4.
NASA's funding is a political issue that doesn't give credit to Indians. Without Modern Astronomy it is not possible to understand Indian Cosmology. While I know both, NASA's ignorance about the Indian Cosmology, has penalized them for $0.7 trillion
24-07-2020, 11:51 AM
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 455
Originally Posted by OPVerma
You should not underrate Hindu religious and spiritual so called beliefs or myths without reading and understanding them. The age of the universe is mathematically calculated to be 155.4 trillion years in Indian Scriptures. NASA has mistaken 13.8 billion years, the age of the earth to be the age of the universe....
There are over 50 Published features of the Universe unknown to NASA. That would take many years and several trillion Dollars for NASA to discover.
26-06-2021, 07:44 AM
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 455
Originally Posted by OPVerma
There are over 50 Published features of the Universe unknown to NASA. That would take many years and several trillion Dollars for NASA to discover.
After giving a second thought, I realized that the subject Book is based on the data and information provided by NASA as well as Indian Scriptures. So it is not correct to claim that the book could have saved all 7 trillion dollars. It is a combined work for the benefit of humanity and knowledge that could not be accounted separately.
SO the viewers of this post should read the Title as THE BOOK 'THE UNIVERSE' HELPS NASA to JUSTIFY its $0.65 TRILLION FUNDING.
27-06-2021, 10:27 AM
Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 2,067
Originally Posted by OPVerma
After giving a second thought, I realized that the subject Book is based on the data and information provided by NASA as well as Indian Scriptures. So it is not correct to claim that the book could have saved all 7 trillion dollars. It is a combined work for the benefit of humanity and knowledge that could not be accounted separately.
SO the viewers of this post should read the Title as THE BOOK 'THE UNIVERSE' HELPS NASA to JUSTIFY its $0.65 TRILLION FUNDING.
Does Indian Cosmology ever talk about the purpose of the universe. And who/what why created it?
Sharing perspective.
27-06-2021, 11:38 AM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Southwest, USA
Posts: 25,586
Originally Posted by Ewwerrin
Does Indian Cosmology ever talk about the purpose of the universe. And who/what why created it?
Meher Baba explained things pretty well! I'll send you a pm of what he said.
.*I'll text in Navy Blue when I'm speaking as a Mod. :)
Prepare yourself for the coming astral journey of death by daily riding in the balloon of God-perception.
Through delusion you are perceiving yourself as a bundle of flesh and bones, which at best is a nest of troubles.
Meditate unceasingly, that you may quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. ~Paramahansa's Guru's Guru.
30-06-2021, 08:57 AM
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 455
Originally Posted by Ewwerrin
Does Indian Cosmology ever talk about the purpose of the universe. And who/what why created it?
INDIAN COSMOLOGY begins, even before the beginning of creation some 10 raised to power 45 years ago, from the timeless zone where Time tends to zero and space is infinity. This place is the Spiritual World where SUPREME Lord PURUSHOTTAM thinks to create material world just for His Fun.
His thought called as MAYA or Thought Energy converts into 'Dark Energy'or PRADHAN, this dark energy converts into 'Dark Matter or 'PRAKRITI' and prakriti converts into SATTWA (Protons), RAJA (Electrons) TAMA(Neutrons)
At some point, the compressed time begins to unwind and a combination of space and time begins to take shape as this visible universe. Our material Universe floats in the Timeless Zone.
The purpose of creation of this universe is like playing a Video Game (called as LILA) for the God. Plant, human and animals are the Pawns of the game who are put in difficult or comfortable positions as per their Karma. We are expected to create good Karma and return to the Spiritual World and become immortal.
Those who waste their life in mundane activities their souls perish at the time of Annihilation of the Universe. And thus the God's video game becomes over and he retires for slumber.
Last edited by OPVerma : 30-06-2021 at 10:59 AM.
30-06-2021, 04:57 PM
Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 2,067
Originally Posted by OPVerma
INDIAN COSMOLOGY begins, even before the beginning of creation some 10 raised to power 45 years ago, from the timeless zone where Time tends to zero and space is infinity. This place is the Spiritual World where SUPREME Lord PURUSHOTTAM thinks to create material world just for His Fun.
His thought called as MAYA or Thought Energy converts into 'Dark Energy'or PRADHAN, this dark energy converts into 'Dark Matter or 'PRAKRITI' and prakriti converts into SATTWA (Protons), RAJA (Electrons) TAMA(Neutrons)
At some point, the compressed time begins to unwind and a combination of space and time begins to take shape as this visible universe. Our material Universe floats in the Timeless Zone.
The purpose of creation of this universe is like playing a Video Game (called as LILA) for the God. Plant, human and animals are the Pawns of the game who are put in difficult or comfortable positions as per their Karma. We are expected to create good Karma and return to the Spiritual World and become immortal.
Those who waste their life in mundane activities their souls perish at the time of Annihilation of the Universe. And thus the God's video game becomes over and he retires for slumber.
Thanks, very interesting. Many leading edge information is in line with what you say. Yet, the fun part... The joy part. The part where everything exists for the purpose of the joy and fun of it. How can that be, if so much of my life has been not so fun... ? And seemingly the lifes of so many others aswell.
Doesn't that mean that God has failed in a sense. Even tho the failures will perrish, one cannot denie that endless many of the failures, exists. And one would assume that it's existence will forever continue to exist evermore... In the never ending next cycle of greater and greater dreams.
But perhaps the fun part will become the failure of the next cycle, and then there is endless even better things than fun to be had in that next greater simulation. Yet it doesn't seem to be that way at all.
It seems that this duality of fun and not fun, good and bad. Exists throughout all the infinite simulations/dreams, and that it is the only thing that exists and everything is made out of. From the beginning of time till the end. Yet, if this entire universe, requires me to live one life, in order to co-create in the completion of it, then I can understand that my life of fun and not fun, is just one life, and the next life will be only fun, and more than fun, or less than the moreness of fun as only fun, and the balance in between. As a TOTALLY completely... DIFFERENT universe, of trillions of years. A completely new existence.
But that doesn't seem to be the case from my current point of view. As duality seems to be the highest truth. OR trinity, of positive/negative/balance in between. And the next universe can only be more of the same out of which it is all made. the duality of energy in motion of consciousness awareness and vibration and thought. positive/negative. relativity. dream/simulation.
So in a sense, it is all a duality, and the purpose is to have fun, but to achieve it, one must experience the lack of it. And even create the lack of it. Experience suffering. Cause without the absence of fun, there can be no presence of fun. And when there is something greater than fun, than fun will be the absence of that which again will be termed differently in words, but it will still be positive/negative. Like everything that exists, even all the way to non-awareness/awareness of the absolute eternal infinite god source existence.
And in a sense, then the purpose is to suffer and enjoy and suffer and enjoy and suffer and enjoy. And be in the balance in between. And not in the balance in between and in the balance in between and not in the balance in between. etc.
Because that is also how you describe the slumber. Where all dualities collapse and then arise to create new cycles of suffering and fun. Which will just be a different variation (of the infinite ever expanding many more) of the same one thing. positive/negative/balance. relativity. It's basically all meaningless and self contradictory, forever. There is an opposite to all of it, and so the dream/relativity/vibration/thought continues to fluctuate forever around a no-thing no meaning, creating endless illusions.
So why call it positive only? Fun only. And good only. And purposeful only. When that purpose requires negative or absence of purpose. In order to be realised. Woulden't the purpose than be suffering as much as joy and fun and enlightenment? Forever?
Sharing perspective.
01-07-2021, 11:09 AM
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 455
Originally Posted by Ewwerrin
Thanks, very interesting. Many leading edge information is in line with what you say. Yet, the fun part... The joy part. The part where everything exists for the purpose of the joy and fun of it. How can that be, if so much of my life has been not so fun... ? And seemingly the lifes of so many others aswell.
Doesn't that mean that God has failed in a sense. Even tho the failures will perrish, one cannot denie that endless many of the failures, exists. And one would assume that it's existence will forever continue to exist evermore... In the never ending next cycle of greater and greater dreams.
But perhaps the fun part will become the failure of the next cycle, and then there is endless even better things than fun to be had in that next greater simulation. Yet it doesn't seem to be that way at all.
It seems that this duality of fun and not fun, good and bad. Exists throughout all the infinite simulations/dreams, and that it is the only thing that exists and everything is made out of. From the beginning of time till the end. Yet, if this entire universe, requires me to live one life, in order to co-create in the completion of it, then I can understand that my life of fun and not fun, is just one life, and the next life will be only fun, and more than fun, or less than the moreness of fun as only fun, and the balance in between. As a TOTALLY completely... DIFFERENT universe, of trillions of years. A completely new existence.
But that doesn't seem to be the case from my current point of view. As duality seems to be the highest truth. OR trinity, of positive/negative/balance in between. And the next universe can only be more of the same out of which it is all made. the duality of energy in motion of consciousness awareness and vibration and thought. positive/negative. relativity. dream/simulation.
So in a sense, it is all a duality, and the purpose is to have fun, but to achieve it, one must experience the lack of it. And even create the lack of it. Experience suffering. Cause without the absence of fun, there can be no presence of fun. And when there is something greater than fun, than fun will be the absence of that which again will be termed differently in words, but it will still be positive/negative. Like everything that exists, even all the way to non-awareness/awareness of the absolute eternal infinite god source existence.
And in a sense, then the purpose is to suffer and enjoy and suffer and enjoy and suffer and enjoy. And be in the balance in between. And not in the balance in between and in the balance in between and not in the balance in between. etc.
Because that is also how you describe the slumber. Where all dualities collapse and then arise to create new cycles of suffering and fun. Which will just be a different variation (of the infinite ever expanding many more) of the same one thing. positive/negative/balance. relativity. It's basically all meaningless and self contradictory, forever. There is an opposite to all of it, and so the dream/relativity/vibration/thought continues to fluctuate forever around a no-thing no meaning, creating endless illusions.
So why call it positive only? Fun only. And good only. And purposeful only. When that purpose requires negative or absence of purpose. In order to be realised. Woulden't the purpose than be suffering as much as joy and fun and enlightenment? Forever?
It is not clear what you mean to say ? If you want to know why Supreme God creates for fun you must understand that there are different levels of Superintending Gods who work and are responsible for operation of Universes, Galaxies, Stars, and Solar Systems.
Our joy and sufferings are our own creation. If you adopt the spiritual path, Nature would take care for everything. Suffering is caused due to violation of Nature's Bio Laws.
WE are trying to open a Spiritual University www.puriuniversity.com . For knowing everything about God, Nature, and Soul, Universe etc. a 2 years Master's Degree course in 'Spiritual Science" would be available for study. Till then pl wait.
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