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Old 01-09-2015, 01:44 AM
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born or made

is one born a witch or can anyone become one?
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Old 01-09-2015, 07:59 AM
norseman norseman is offline
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Both are possible. I was "in training" for almost 35 years without knowing.
Remembrance is a form of meeting.[Gibran]
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Old 02-09-2015, 05:06 AM
Jenny Crow Jenny Crow is offline
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Some say that to have true Witch blood you have to be able to trace your lineage back to Tubal Quayin (Tubal Cain) who was written about in Genesis (I think)

If you're born into a Hereditary Witch family then some say you have the Witch Blood.

I don't know if you're actually born a Witch but I do believe that you're born with a strong propensity for becoming a Witch and that propensity often shows itself early in life - even before your teen years.

If you're drawn to learning about and becoming a Witch then with study and practice you can become a Witch.
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Old 09-09-2015, 08:04 PM
Treehugger Treehugger is offline
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Originally Posted by Jenny Crow
I don't know if you're actually born a Witch but I do believe that you're born with a strong propensity for becoming a Witch and that propensity often shows itself early in life - even before your teen years.

When I was about nine or ten (the 1960s), I would always take the book "Witches, Witches, Witches" out from the school library. When I had to return it, I would wait a week and take it out again. I loved that book. Everything from the stories, the illustrations and even the cover. I'm sure it's been banned from school libraries a long time ago now! I Googled it and here it is:


I also had a great aunt who read Tarot Cards and used to go up in the hills when visiting my other aunt and would come back with berries and "weeds." I thought she was so interesting! She died when I was young so I never got to really know her. Was she a witch? I'll never know. I just know I was drawn to her.
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Old 10-09-2015, 04:37 AM
Jenny Crow Jenny Crow is offline
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I had not heard of this book before - it looks quite interesting!

There was an old garden shed at my friend's house and we used to play in it pretending we were witches who lived in the woods and we'd light candles. It always seemed like I'd done that sort of thing before, it was all so familiar to me even though I was only 10 years old at the time.
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Old 10-09-2015, 04:10 PM
Treehugger Treehugger is offline
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Are you still in touch with your girlhood friend, Jenny?
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Old 11-09-2015, 03:40 AM
Jenny Crow Jenny Crow is offline
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No, unfortunately, we came to live in Canada and I lost touch.
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Old 12-09-2015, 11:53 PM
miss_vanora miss_vanora is offline
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I believe both can happen. I also believe that one can be born with a propensity toward the Craft. When I was a kid (like 8-10) I would often ask my parents if I could print spells off the internet. I'm pretty sure they didn't think it would ever come to anything. Surprise!
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Old 19-09-2015, 03:49 AM
terranix terranix is offline
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I dont know if I was born or made... I have a feeling it's more self-made than born with how my family feels about spiritual matters :/
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Old 21-09-2015, 06:29 PM
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I believe one can have, as others have said, a propensity, toward learning the Craft or be born into a family that practices. In that scenario and in one where a person discovers the Craft on their own, they become a Witch.
As to "Witch Blood" there is no scientific evidence to support that a witch gene or witch blood exist any more than there is evidence to support a Christian or Muslim gene or protestant or Catholic blood. Being a Witch is a choice.
Over the course of decades the only folks I have seen claiming some sort of blood-link or genetic link were either selling something or grandstanding with no evidence to back up their claims.
Even if there were genetics or bloodlines it would not effect the Witch's prowess at performing magical workings nor would it effect their efficacy. Witchcraft is something one never stops learning and improving at. One cannot just say, "I have this blood, now I am magical" they would have to work at it like everyone else. That is why they refer to it as "practicing" the Craft.
Anyone can be a Witch, how effectively they do it is dependent upon what they put into it.
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