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Old 02-06-2019, 11:45 PM
aimtobe aimtobe is offline
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Star Seed Questions

1) Do star seeds have past lives on Earth? I know they are sent here at this time for a mission to help the Earth race evolve, right? So, since they are a recent addition to Earth, are their past lives/memories only from other stars?

2) How do we know that star seeds are purposefully here on a mission? How do we know they aren't just curious about Earth life and want to experience it, incidentally raising its vibrations?

3) Are there star seeds here on Earth who may bring a lower vibration than Earth already has?

Last edited by aimtobe : 03-06-2019 at 12:05 AM. Reason: adding a question
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Old 03-06-2019, 12:49 AM
Rah nam Rah nam is online now
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I don't know if you really want to know the answer to your question, specially to the third one.
Do they have past lives? yes and no, most would have a few.

Even if they are here to observe, and there are many that are here for that reason, they mostly come from a fourth density planet, and with this vibrate on a higher level than the average, which would be what is needed.
To your third question, if we purely consider what is understood as Star seeds, this is generally those who are here to be of service to the planet, than as I have said before, they come from at least fourth density service to others, and are here to be of service to the planet.
This is all I will say to that.
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Old 03-06-2019, 06:14 AM
John32241 John32241 is offline
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1) I would say with 6 billion on the planet at this time some star seeds have had other lives on earth. We all have what I call our more extensive akashic memory. For the first timer here, that is what they would pull in from it, their past life.

2) Earth is the newest planet of free choice in our galaxy. My understanding is that 8 previous races have chosen evolution and some other number did not. Eternal souls like us do energy work for the creative sourse. It is a lot more than a mission. Those who are not like us watch and are curious.

3) I would say yes. My understanding is that there are indeed highly evolved dark workers from planets of free choice who chose self destruction on earth. They are here to disrupt our evolution. Just my opinion. I can not get any verification for my beliefs on this through good channeled sourses.

May I say that all eternal beings like us are from the creative sourse, which is love and benovalance. However when given free choice, some will go for that lower vibration. How that all unfolds in this greater and grander plan for this universe I do not know.

My web site: Telepathy Academy

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Old 06-11-2019, 06:17 PM
starseedtruth starseedtruth is offline
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I don't necessarily like labels as I believe all to be apart of the same collective however that being said I believe some labels may help adults and children better understand their place in the universe :).

Do you consider yourself a starseed?

Have you looked into the work of Dolores Cannon she has done extensive work on past lives. Her past life regression is called the Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique
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Old 20-07-2023, 08:31 PM
OldChap OldChap is offline
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Originally Posted by starseedtruth
I don't necessarily like labels as I believe all to be apart of the same collective however that being said I believe some labels may help adults and children better understand their place in the universe :).

Do you consider yourself a starseed?

Have you looked into the work of Dolores Cannon she has done extensive work on past lives. Her past life regression is called the Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique

Agree we are all a part of what some call God, Creative Source, Collective, etc.

(For brevity, will use the word God hereafter)

To better understand who we each are we need to understand what multi-dimensional quantum energies are.

God is that infinite meld of multi-dimensional quantum energies and much more.

Energies that are heavily biased in love, compassion, benevolence, and joy that flow in this universe and beyond.

Highly intelligent energies that could at will be anywhere or everywhere in multiplicities. Each of us and everything is one of those unlimited multiplicities.

Energies that are all intertwined, connected, and entangled. And so human concepts of hierarchy and superiority will not and can not exist.

This planet took a very long time to be meticulously refined to allow us to be here in the human form to have an amazing human adventure of finding ourselves.

There are parameters set in place for us to have the human adventure. A few of which are a self imposed Veil of Forgetfulness to temporarily not remember who or what we truly are, free will to freely choose, minimal divine intervention for fair free will, and a built in ego mind that some call the survival mind or the mind of lack to help us stay out of danger and keep us alive to have the adventure in this very small unfamiliar part of reality.

So basically we purposely went into a human form that is dumbed down in energy vibration and be “disconnected” from God, and then see if we could work our way to return to being connected with God.

Solving the puzzle of who or what we truly are will take many human lifetimes of learning and experiencing to gain the wisdom and benevolent maturity to choose to return to our true nature of love, compassion, benevolence, and joy that will return us to being in alliance, in unity, and in Oneness with God.

And when successful, we then could better do what we came here to do. And that is, to transform this young dark planet into a paradise of light. That means, we are all starseeds, and at the Soul level all of us are from elsewhere.

But being the stubborn humans we are most are comfortable dwelling under the influence of our ego, even when knowing that is not the best for us. Minimal divine intervention allows God to have a very very small percentage of humans with greater remembrance of who they truly are so they could remind others who we all are.

Some call them light workers, starseeds, or spiritually advanced human messengers. They are not more special or superior than the others. All are equally important doing our own part to make the human adventure possible.

As they are more connected with God they won’t see themselves as better than others, having the understanding that we are all in Oneness. Hence they do what they do tirelessly with quiet passion out of love, compassion, benevolence, and joy.

What an amazing human adventure we bravely and passionately signed up for when in our true home on the other side of the Veil of Forgetfulness.
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Old 27-11-2019, 11:44 PM
StephenDuffy StephenDuffy is offline
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In my past life I was a prisoner kept in a glass cage. I didnt even realise the walls were there until they cracked revealling those who held me there not to be my protectors as I first assumed but my captors. I left the cage and died in attempt to cross over a river of lava. Some say my past life might have been pompei but I think it may be as old as when the temple mount in jerusalem was being formed from the molten rock at the core of the earth. It was definitely a time before religions.
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Old 05-03-2024, 08:40 AM
A Gray Vidar A Gray Vidar is offline
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Originally Posted by StephenDuffy
but I think it may be as old as when the temple mount in jerusalem was being formed from the molten rock at the core of the earth. It was definitely a time before religions.

funny i have memories of a star exsitance before the stars was sung in and the matter of the void was not created yet. but i still remember how god tore the heavens apart when he wanted a universe with consecence. it was the times before the fall of the lucifer and his morningstars and ancient gods.
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Old 29-11-2019, 12:50 PM
sea-dove sea-dove is offline
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Originally Posted by aimtobe
1) Do star seeds have past lives on Earth? I know they are sent here at this time for a mission to help the Earth race evolve, right? So, since they are a recent addition to Earth, are their past lives/memories only from other stars?

2) How do we know that star seeds are purposefully here on a mission? How do we know they aren't just curious about Earth life and want to experience it, incidentally raising its vibrations?

3) Are there star seeds here on Earth who may bring a lower vibration than Earth already has?

Many star seeds do have past lives on earth though not all do. The mission can involve having to come here many times.

Some can know they are here on a mission due to being able to connect to their soul and precisely know why they are here, other starseeds may not be on a mission but are due to curiosity

and yes. I have certainly met negative starseeds before who are here basically to just cause havoc. I had a very bad encounter with one of those back in the days of the Spiritweb website.

She purposely infested me with entity parasites which were from her original home planet and I had to seek out help to get all these things out of me. She did it on purpose and did it to many at that website. They ended up having to get together a small team of clairvoyant people to try to keep an eye on her and to help clear the people she was infesting with those things at the site. It was horrible and she was causing much suffering and was really enjoying what she was doing (after I was infested and others had to help me, I heard her bragging about how she brought her spider friends from her home world here to do this.. the entities she infested people with were spiders.. little spiders when she infected me but she sent giant robotic like spiders after a friend of mine trying to scare him).

We were trying to keep the whole thing quiet not to panic people but she infected with the entities from the other world quite a few other starseeds and not just me. So yes.. there are starseeds here who are on the dark side one could say.
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Old 22-06-2020, 01:57 AM
SpiritofZoe SpiritofZoe is offline
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Originally Posted by aimtobe
1) Do star seeds have past lives on Earth? I know they are sent here at this time for a mission to help the Earth race evolve, right? So, since they are a recent addition to Earth, are their past lives/memories only from other stars?

2) How do we know that star seeds are purposefully here on a mission? How do we know they aren't just curious about Earth life and want to experience it, incidentally raising its vibrations?

3) Are there star seeds here on Earth who may bring a lower vibration than Earth already has?

In my opinion and guesstimations (and research), I'd say: yes of course they have many past lives, more than average, they are old souls, and yes mostly on other planets with advance civilization. They will not be ready for the current assignment if they don't have all that, their own personal soul growth as well as knowing (and "remembering" in next life), and I mean Fully internally and spiritually KNOWING what a spiritually advanced civilization is like.
No, they cannot be here just out of curiosity and they cannot bring the vibration down. Those are not possible. Says Faith in God and JC. It would take a bit more esoteric study to see why that is, but basically God and the Good Guys n Gals planned for that, and it can't happen. When a Starseed regresses their influence is reduced a great deal, they only hurt themselves.
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Old 22-06-2020, 07:05 AM
hazada guess
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I had a soul reading a couple of years ago. Apparently I first came to this earth about 4500 years ago,then left to discover other worlds.I came back to this world for a purpose, I've now completed that purpose and am now just here for the ride but I know that I'll go out with a bang,lol.
Weather I'm a starseed or not,I don't know,but while I'm here,I'll appreciate all this world has to offer and have my say at the right time.
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