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08-03-2024, 06:02 PM
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 7,273
Energies whizzing round?
I'm wondering if anyone else has been feeling so incredibly tired/sleepy the last 4-5 days?
I'm not sure what's going on, I cannot really find any big energetic upheaval at the mo. Later on in the month there will be the equinox, eclipse and whatnot, but not right now. Although I do think we're having massive solar flare activity but not certain.
I've been feeling tired for some 4-5 days now.
ANyone else experiencing the same?
25-03-2024, 05:36 AM
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Sydney
Posts: 207
Hi Fairy, I think it was solar flare activity. It was reported here (on mainstream media no less!) in Sydney a few weeks ago and i was a feeling a bit fatigued (although ive been sick for the last 2 weeks). I also heard it reported today on the radio in the car that there was geomagnetic activity/CME's. I've just googled and yes, there is indeed a "severe" geomagnetic storm hitting the planet today, so lots of CME activity.
Edit: Again, it seems is coupled with an eclipse!
25-03-2024, 12:35 PM
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 7,273
A few days ago we had massive solar flares and there's a possibility to see Northern lights as well.
Before the moon was full (which was this morning here, CET) I again felt tired, my body was tired and achy.
Celia Fenn spoke of the solar flares, combined with the buildup of the full moon and a partial lunar eclipse. And the energies of the spring equinox are also still strong.
So at the mo a lot is going on!
But at the time I posted I wasn't aware of anything. Thank you for clearing that up!
I guess I am sensitive to CME activity :/
25-03-2024, 11:57 PM
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Sydney
Posts: 207
I've been feeling quite good energy wise, surprisingly.
Yes apparently it was possible to see the Aurora Australis (Southern Lights) here but not visible from Sydney.
I have perused a few spiritual blogs and gauged climate and geomagnetic activity were the main predictions. I do feel the "up in the air" energy but meditation helps with that.
03-04-2024, 02:27 PM
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 7,273
Energies can be strong again as tomorrow we have the 4-4 portal and on 8-4 we'll have a Solar eclipse. Those energies are building up as well.
According to Diana Cooper things are going really fast concerning ascension, others say so as well, and I concur.
I think the sense that time is going by at the speed of Light is part of that too?
I can't believe how fast the days go, the weeks as well, and the months.
Seems like every day it's weekend again? Then the weekend goes by in a flash and before you know it it's Monday.
Diana Cooper tells that it's very important right now to prep for the activation of our crystalline bodies. She's already offered a webinar for that and there are a few more following over the coming months. (She usually does one webinar a month).
So exciting what she knows and offers us for only E13-E14!! (11 Pounds)
I also think the fact I recently discovered I have C-PTSD and am busy with working through that, incl. finding a professional for it, has to do with the acceleration and the crystalline body.
I cannot fully get my crystalline body if I body is still holding a lot of that shizzel.
That realisation came as I was wondering of late why it seems I'm going back instead of forward. Not by much, but still.
Now I understand it makes total sense. It's not going back really, it's just working through things that would otherwise hold me back from fully moving forward!
I do think the webinars will help to speed it up regardless.
In any case, I currently am quite tired.
Celia Fenn also spoke of the energies being very powerful.
How is everbody else doing at the mo?
04-04-2024, 09:24 AM
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 7,273
I know both Adrian Lee and recently also Nikoleta via Diana Cooper.
In this vid they briefly discuss the energies of this moment, what's going on, how it physically manifests etc.
09-04-2024, 12:32 AM
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Sydney
Posts: 207
Oh what a synchronicity.. I came across a short video of Diana Cooper's last night about water and upgrading our crystalline bodies and something about a meditation regarding Pluto energies I think on 15th April.
I feel the same about how fast the weeks go by.
09-04-2024, 09:45 AM
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 7,273
Originally Posted by SapphireBlue
Oh what a synchronicity.. I came across a short video of Diana Cooper's last night about water and upgrading our crystalline bodies and something about a meditation regarding Pluto energies I think on 15th April.
I feel the same about how fast the weeks go by.
Oh, how great to finally come across someone here who at least knows Diana Cooper, hihi!
I've been following her for at least 15 years.
There has been a workshop in March during which we entered the first healing chamber of Pluto.
Being able to go there has only recently become available to us. On the 15th we will enter the 2nd healing chamber.
Then in May she has a webinar on building your crystalline body, the beginning of that. I already paid and signed up for that one as well, hihi.
If you do the latest Monadic Merge meditation (free on YT) that Diana posted some 3 days ago you get a brief version of a visit to the 1st chamber of Pluto.
Tonight I'm doing another webinar by Alice Heath, a younger woman that I got to know via Diana Cooper. She's great, lovely energy.
Tonight's webinar will also be on the crystalline body and cleansing your body, how to cleanse each organ of emotions and so on.
I signed up for that as well!
All that work feels very needed and important to me. I'm ready for that!
10-04-2024, 01:04 AM
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Sydney
Posts: 207
Thank you Fairy, I was wondering where the meditation was.
I read about her long term predictions for the "golden age" years ago and they resonate, although not sure about becoming crystalline anymore. I don't think an expansion of consciousness necessarily means being able to become crystalline on our own. I tend to feel we would need ET help/technology with that. I keep an open mind though and she does seem to be a person of truth either way. I've used her online pick a cards in the past too.
I'd love to hear an update from the May webinar!
Are the Eclipse energies still affecting you? The Solar Eclipse not visible from Australia but felt a bit 'stirred up' yesterday.
10-04-2024, 09:23 AM
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 7,273
We don't need technology for that, thank goodness! All this AI stuff scares me to be honest.
All we have to do to become crystalline is to clean out the closet. Much of old pain, emotions and so on are stored in the body. That needs to be cleared, really cleared to a deep, cellular level.
That takes times, won't happen overnight, but can be done.
That is basically what it means to be crystalline: cleared from any old dense anything that's in the body so that all tissues and cells are healthy, relaxed, vibrant.
Then the Divine Light can freely flow through us.
As it is the Divine Light bumps into blockages as our bodies aren't cleared and free from old stuff.
We can and have to do that ourselves. Having it done for us with technology won't work. Think of the example of helping a butterfly out of its cocoon. If it doesn't do that itself it will never be able to properly fly either. So even though it might be somewhat hard for the butterfly to do, it has to do it itself, without any help whatsoever, in order to fly high and be healthy and strong.
We don't have to completely invent the wheel. We can do it with help, as long as we undergo the process ourselves. We have to generate it from within, like the caterpillar's body goes through turmoil in the cocoon to turn into a butterfly. A huge transformation!
The help we can accept is like Diana Cooper's work, Dr Joe Dispenza and so on.
Dr Joe helps people get there within a week! Thousands have already healed and cleared their bodies by changing their way of seeing things.
It's the biology of belief, as Bruce Lipton said.
We are all the technology that is required. Gregg Braden calls it "soft technology". The best there is, and it doesn't need any outer interference, certainly not by lesser evolved technology.
All it needs is a good & thorough spring cleaning!
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