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Old 03-03-2024, 01:20 PM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Watching women's game at the Emirates stadium.
Arsenal / spurs.
Arsenal looking really good . Really really good capacity crowd. 0 - 0 at half time but good game.
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Old 03-03-2024, 04:12 PM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Arsenal ladies won 1 nil..

But just seeing Leverkusen winning 2 nil and are already several points ahead of Bayern at the top of the bundersliga league .

Got radio on and Man U got an early ( 8 min ) goal courtesy of Marcus Rashford . Almost half time and still I nil.
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Old 03-03-2024, 05:24 PM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Oh well, 3 - 1 to city with still a few mins to go . Foden scored twice and Haaland the third .
It will keep it soooooo tight at the top now .
Arsenal play tomorrow . They playing Sheffield who are bottom of table so on paper Arsenal should win.
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Old 04-03-2024, 08:42 AM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
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I see City beat Man U. Boo hoo.

Arsenal play tonight. Hopefully they will get a draw.

Still tight at the top. We have to win every game now if we wanna stay top of the league. With all the injuries it’s gonna be a BIG ask.

Leverkussen still at the top of the Bundesliga. I watched some highlights of their last game and thought they were just brilliant.

So which of the girl teams are doing the best AB?
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Old 04-03-2024, 09:57 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Well I've got to say the pool RED , if only cos our Gemma plays for them LOL...
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Old 04-03-2024, 04:48 PM
Joe Mc Joe Mc is offline
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What about the Ref's mistake in Forest Liverpool game just before the Liverpool goal ? And did anybody see Real Madrid vs Valencia where the Ref
blew up for full time and no one heard and Jude Bellingham scored but the Ref didn't back down from his decision, right decision I think. lol.

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Too much intellectual pride and not enough intellectual beauty

To Thine own Self be True

The Frost performs its secret ministry,Unhelped by any wind. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
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Old 04-03-2024, 05:10 PM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
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Yeah Joe I saw that mistake the ref made. NF were fuming but so what. We’ve had it done to us in the Tottenham game calling Diaz offside when he scored but he wasn’t.

All we got was apology but no points given back so NF have to accept the same thing…….an apology. End of story.

If that ref hadn’t made the mistake at Tottenham we would be five points ahead of City now instead of two. Big difference when all three teams are so close at the top of the league.
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Old 05-03-2024, 04:21 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by Joe Mc
What about the Ref's mistake in Forest Liverpool game just before the Liverpool goal ? And did anybody see Real Madrid vs Valencia where the Ref
blew up for full time and no one heard and Jude Bellingham scored but the Ref didn't back down from his decision, right decision I think. lol.

__________________________________________________ __________
Oh , no , I didn't see that !!!
I wish I could view more international games .
My husband tells me to watch the highlights of our games but I'm greedy , I want to see the whole game !!!!!
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Old 05-03-2024, 04:24 AM
AngelBlue AngelBlue is offline
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..And the goals keep going in.
6 nil to Arsenal against Sheffield , although probably to be expected given poor Sheffield are going down.
And STILL only 2 points between top 3.
However, and maybe more crucially , Arsenal have got the best goal difference by about 6 now over Liverpool and city the lowest of the 3.
Exciting stuff !
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Old 05-03-2024, 07:50 AM
Redchic12 Redchic12 is offline
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It’s funny you mentioning the goal difference of the top three because when I got up this morning I was thinking……I must see what the goal difference is and lo and behold you mention it here. So thanks for that.
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