Synchronistic Eddies Localizing Field. SELF.
This thread entitled SELF is about some insights I have experienced with
synchronicities over the past fifty years, and the ideas that surfaced regarding
this phenomenon. There is a distinct parallel between Quantum Entanglement
and that of the phenomenon of synchronicities. This whole universe is one
infinite field of total and absolute connectivity between all universal energy and
all atoms and particles which means that this entire universe is just ONE
connecting field only, and everything in the field is 100% entangled within all.
Within our subconscious mind we raise ideas and deep seated wishes, here we
need to understand that in truth there is but ONE MIND, there is NO SUCH a
THING as my mind or your mind. So deep within us we have desire , unconsciously we brood on this desire , and lo and behold "out of the blue"
this hidden desire is surfaced into your present localized space in this time
tbc blessings michael,