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Old 29-06-2024, 10:28 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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Women & Dealing with Stress

Not sure where to post it, but in a way it's about healing after something occurred that upset you.
Especially concerning women.

Thing being that dealing with issues, or the aftermath of it, works different for us women than it does for men.
In essence it boils down to women needed to talk about it, vent about it so it leaves their system.
If a woman doesn't or cannot do that it gets stored in her prefrontal cortex and keeps hindering, like a festering wound.

This has to do with the stress hormone adrenaline.
If a woman talks about it, it doesn't go further than that, the adrenaline is dissolved or no longer produced. Problem sorted.

If a woman doesn't talk about it to deal with it, the adrenaline is converted into cortisol. That is a problem as where adrenaline is just short-lived, a short burst, cortisol is way more long term. It doesn't leave the bodily system so easily.

I guesstimate this is why women among each other at times can address drama and whinge & whine about things.
I think it's an innate thing we do to get things out of our system so we can move on in life without the side-effects / after-effects of something upsetting and stress.

But then how do you deal with it when alone? What if you don't really have much of a social circle?
Certainly with the vast number of singles these days it could be a problem.
After all you can also do this 'venting' with a man. Doesn't have to be a problem for the relationship either as long as you tell the guy he doesn't have to do anything with it and it isn't about him, but that it would just help you if he could listen for a moment.

But without a partner... then what do you do?

Stress that nestles in the body and affects the brain and thus how you think, act, how your bodily hormones work and so on, can create chronic ailments.

I myself currently don't have much of a social circle to vent, nor do I have a partner at the mo.
Then what?

Anyone else in this position? How do you deal with it?
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