Your welcome AncestralEchoes. I enjoyed your erudite explanation of those concepts.
I believe we are all born with psychic/spiritual abilities and connections latent within us.
It’s up to each and every one of us to reach that potential in our own way
by carving our own path through the tangle of information that’s out there,
but more especially by going within to find the answers.
I was totally repressed in 1992 when I had a “nervous breakdown”,
since then I seem to have gone through cycles of
a breakdown of repression.
I had cut myself off from my feelings as a child in order to cope with abuse.
This was what happened when the repression broke down.
It began with an episode of crying (and I mean gut-wrenching sobbing for hours).
I seemed to be purging myself.
What followed was a psychic release from some dark stuff that was locked inside me
(a 4th dimensional encasement around my body cracking and floating away)
and then I felt relieved and much lighter.
I felt more connected emotionally to my own feelings as well as those of others.
I remember as a child separating from my body during an episode of abuse,
which, for me was just a natural reaction to the violence being perpetrated upon me.
Psychiatrist’s and their ilk usually label this as “dissociation”. To do with the mind.
To me this just brushes the reality under the carpet. As a soul I removed myself from my body.
I am not my body. I possess a body in order to experience physicality.
Everything that I’ve experienced happens in layers.
You remove one layer and another emerges,
until? I guess it’s until you experience oneness.