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Old 24-11-2020, 05:36 AM
Bubbles235 Bubbles235 is offline
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Thank you Anala this really speaks to me
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Old 25-11-2020, 12:42 AM
Anala Anala is offline
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Originally Posted by Bubbles235
Thank you Anala this really speaks to me

Do you have cards?
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Old 30-11-2020, 07:57 PM
Anala Anala is offline
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This week, still working out the pendulum...

1) Horse Spirit - Freedom is yours
2) Hummingbird Spirit - Be here now
3) Fox Spirit - Think on your feet

Hmm,... a lovely group of cards for the full moon!
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Old 01-02-2021, 01:05 PM
Anala Anala is offline
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Panther Spirit - You are braver than you think, be bold
Starfish Spirit - Open to the Infinite possibility
Cow Spirit - Miracles are endless

A lovely week ahead spread.
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Old 03-02-2021, 09:03 AM
8fold 8fold is offline
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Originally Posted by Anala
A lovely week ahead spread.

Fingers and toes crossed.: )
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Old 09-02-2021, 04:11 PM
Amethyst Amethyst is offline
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What I need to think about
King of coins: I am at the right path. I may asses my stability and abundance more this week as a reminder as well caring for beloved ones and others. Or how I can manifest. I don’t need to take more risks as I am full of vines overgrown on him. It asks me to expand my abundance that to manifest into the material world.

Another theory could be as he is a man but could be a man sitting on his thrown with castles in the background. Saying he is fully accomplished in the material world and abundant. That could be a man or a woman assisting me this week to further my abundance. As this person can be of major help to me to grow my gifts into the world that will help other’s. Which is true. I am seeing a coach.

I think it is the last one. Someone that can help me expand my horizon into a more suited path for my highest good and of that of others.

What I need to do
Temperance and the ace of cups.
I need to look at balancing my emotional wellbeing and by being more patient with myself and others. Combined with the Ace of cups it could tell me that a lot of emotions will be happening this week. Temperance asking me to balance and be patient as it would lead me to a rebirth with the bird symbolizing rising from the ashes and rebirth.

The high priestess
The last one is hard for me to guess but I feel that it has to do with listening to my intuition more.
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Old 28-04-2021, 12:47 AM
Anala Anala is offline
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Experimenting with the week ahead spread, I asked spirit to pick a card.

Spreading the cards in three rows, closing my eyes, seeing the row and the card spirit wished to pick.

This was the spread:

1) Hawk Spirit - Let Spirit Be Your Guide
2) Parrot Spirit - Watch Your Words
3) Canary Spirit - Sing Your Own Song

**so interesting the cards were all birds, I feel such a strong connection to all birds at the moment as they return to my world after escaping the harsh winter. thankful for spirit guidance
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Old 03-05-2021, 04:33 AM
Anala Anala is offline
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Having watched a couple of videos on the internet, I notice different ways to move and choose the cards. So, I tried something new.

1) Horse Spirit - Freedom is Yours

2) Chameleon Spirit - Act as If

2) Dragonfly Spirit - Truth Transcend Illusion
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Old 12-05-2021, 07:02 PM
Anala Anala is offline
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Being a bit time challenged, I pulled the week ahead spread this morning. It was truly a lovely pull, very encouraging, at least for me.

1) Brown Bear Spirit (upside down) Take time out.
2) Dolphin Spirit (Upside Down) This and that are true.
3) Rabbit Spirit - Now is a lucky time.

Having a new life situation change and much learning and growth, it is sometimes very easy to get in a rush or a panic. These cards remind me to take a beat, breathe. It warns me to not get into the trap of the “black and white” thinking. And then the last card is a lovely reminder that spirit has my back. Trusting Spirit and allowing intuition to flow without Judgement or prejudice. *nodding* Yep, Yep,... The cards nailed it.
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Old 17-05-2021, 04:33 AM
Anala Anala is offline
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The Spirit Animal Oracle

1) Turtle Spirit - slow and steady wins the race.

2) Wombat Spirit - Be at home

3) Peacock Spirit - Let it Shine!

This is exactly how the day felt. A beautiful reminder for the week ahead.
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